How was your dad's funeral? Did you cry? Today was my dads funeral i refused to go because he was an asshole

How was your dad's funeral? Did you cry? Today was my dads funeral i refused to go because he was an asshole

I did not cri at my moms funeral
because she was an athiest and didn't bother to have one

am sorry for your dad
sorry he was an asshole
rip in peace dad

everybody dies.
everybody cries.
everybody lies.
I like pies.

we had a memorial (not funeral) for mom
she was ok
still is ok
(but dead)

cream pies :3

tell us more about your dad?

>who was he
>why was he
>wtf did he do
>wtf did he not bother to do

are you still here


Found out a year afterwards. My cunt mothet didn't bother telling until after my uncle had. Didn't hurt until later. Took awhile to sink in. Wish it had been her first.


Not sure of your situation, but you can bet there will be a few people that think you're an asshole too before you die. Were you empathetic?

OP is very empathetic to the thread he started.

i didn't go to mine either, but I regret it somewhat because I never had closure in the end.

I mean, wasn't that kind of you and your family that chose not to have one? I don't think she had much choice in the matter.

I went hoping I'd stop hating the dickhead after I had life support stopped on him.
Didn't help, still hate him, no closure and still angry at the cocksucker.

this. let's shine a light on this asshole

it takes too much energy to be mad at a dead guy. move on. also tell us something to keep your shit thread alive


There's no moving on. I hate him probably now more than I did when that prick was alive.
But don't worry, I got plenty of energy to hate a lot more still.

When I was told my mother died I just died inside. I didn't cry, I didn't get angry, I felt nothing. When my sisters and other relatives cried and balled I just sat there with a vacant expression. Even to this day I haven't cried over my mother and sometimes I get called a heartless monster by my sisters especially when I forget her death anniversary

Yeah, mine was a good guy though and I have young kids he'll never get to know.

I didn't cry when my grandma died, I didn't even go, she was a cunt so I get how you feel.

Also, you never really get closure with people, that's cliche movie bullshit. Just be glad he's dead and that you're well rid of him.

Btw, what'd he do to earn such a level of hate?

i didn't cry during, but I cried afterwards when I realized I would never see him again.

Well, my Mom's a sociopath and a delusional paranoid idiot.

I don't know my Father. The only stories I've heard of him was that he's an alcoholic that works as a pizza delivery driver somewhere in Texas.

My Grandfather is also an alcoholic racist asshole. He's the reason that most of our family has distanced themselves from us and why our family get togethers are so small and depressing.

So no, not a lot of tears will be shed during any of those people.

Mine wore grudges like a crown. Everything was his way or it was foolish. impossible for him to see any other point of view. he made a serious scowel face at me when he know no one else was looking (I call it poo poo face) Then a few minutes later he died. I'm at peace with it all but it does bug me a bit wondering what he was thinking. prob something I did when i was 5 that pissed him off that he was remembering.

He used to rough me up without reason, just if he had a bad day. had plenty of bruises and torn clothes and broken personal belongings. Then he'd be ok sometimes.

rip you hateful old cuss. for some reason i love you but you were a bastard and a half and i don't miss you very often. and I feel bad for saying that but it's how i feel.

Also I was able to move on very easily I didn't dwell on her death like everyone else and was able to function normally. Makes me wonder if some thing is wrong with me from time to time.

Dont know where I'll be when my dad dies but hopefully I'll be somewhere far away. He's selfish to the point of delusion and its honestly scary how insane some of the ideas he has are. He once took the batteries out of all the smoke alarms in our house so he could use them for his own stuff. One time I had a kidney stone and he was more concerned with what shirt I was wearing at the time than getting me to a hospital. Another time I was in the hospital for a spontaneous lung collapse, first day I get home he yells at me for not mowing the lawn. If nothing else he's always been a great example for me of what not to be.

sounds like a sociopath, those people are fucked up to deal with. personal experience.

Any stories?

I have a dysfunctional family too and the only thing you can do is what I did. Make real friends outside the family and consider them your new family. Believe me, I completely understand where you're coming from with a dysfunctional family full of assholes. It's also why so many people drink on holidays.

I don't know, I didn't speak to him for the last 9 years of his life and I didn't go to his funeral

No joking, that sounds like symptoms of Asperger syndrome.


guessing you meant bawled

Haha yeah

Kidney stone one was pretty recent

>3am start having minor stomach pain
>sleep for a couple hours, wake up when it gets worse
>throw up 2 or 3 times, i can hear my dad in his bedroom and i know hes awake and can hear me
>sleep maybe one more hour
>wake up in excruciating pain
>try to eat or drink anything but just keep throwing up until im dry heaving
>had a kidney stone in the past, i kmow where this shit is going
>no way im gonna be able to drive myself to a hospital in this state
>go to dads bedroom
>"got a kidney stone, need to go to hospital"
>"are you sure"
>"ive been throwing up for 6 hours straight"
>"well hang on"
>im literally curled up on the floor in fetal position with the worst pain in my life and i hear my dad calling the fucking physician trying to schedule a doctor appointment
>"okay okay just get some clothes on and we can go"
>im in an undershirt and pajama pants
>"dad i have clothes on lets go"
>"arent you going to put a shirt on"
>"i have a short on lets go"
>"just put a shirt on they wont let you in the hospital like that"
>"i have a button up shirt you can borrow"
>"okay okay put some shoes on"
>i shuffle theiugh the house and put sandals on because at this point fuck putting socks and shoes on
>"where are your shoes"
>dont even answer and crawl into the back seat of his car
>it takes him 5 minutes to get to the car
>"oh youre already here"
>my dad also has a habit of avoiding main roads at all costs for reasons unknown
>hopsital is only ~15 minute drive, takes him almost half an hour

I ended up spending 3 days in the hospital and needed a cystoscopy to get the stone out.

Pretty sure he has Tourettes or something because he also makes a lot of weird noises nonstop, like he cannot go more than 2 or 3 minutes without making some sort of noise

Fuck man that's rough. It sounds like he is in his own little world with little regard of the state of others. Has he always been like that or was there a point where he started acting like that?

Looking back now, I'm fairly sure my dad had Aspergers. And this happened ...

He's always been pretty bad with having a reasonable sense of reality. He had a way easier life than he realizes and yet he always complains and groans about every minor thing in his life. His father was a WWII vet who did so much for the community and local government he literally had a line out the door for his funeral. My dad never went to college and got hooked up with a stupid easy state job as a photographer, got his own private office, did pretty much whatever the fuck he wanted for 30+ years, then they moved him into a media center and he had coworkers and suddenly he decided it's time to retire because people are actually paying attention to what he does. Then he complins to me about not having a job after I finished my 4 year engineering degree and have sent 120+ applications out and getting only 4 interviews. He's the stereotypical grumpy old guy who doesnt realize its not the 50s anymore and no one hires you just because you showed up on time and said please and thank you

>born catholic
>raised catholic
>hate jesus
>forever athiest
>didn't want religious service
>wanted to be cremated and scattered into the ocean


her choice, user
not that I really disagreed with her.

>implying funerals are for the corpse

i cri'd at (non religious) memorial tho
if that makes any difference