Frasier will die in your lifetime

>Frasier will die in your lifetime

How does it to feel to know that he now really doesn't know what to do with scrambled eggs or tossed salads?

i look forward to it 2bh senpaitachi

there will be a period of a few weeks after he dies where people pretend to like that terrible show, then him and his shitty by the numbers sitcom will be forever forgotten

it's a miracle he lived this long user

enjoy it while it lasts


>post pic of chinese cartoons
>talk shit on cheers and frasier
shouldn't you be in school?

what body shape do you call that?
what hairstyle is this?

I love Cheers and Frasier, but Kelsey the person is a jerk.

Not him fraiser and cheers are not only oldfag tier but pure faggot tier

Why would I watch tv let alone old tv. Also I'm out of college so fuck you

i would call the body style a fit60 and his hairstyle the messaround

He is naturally built like a tank strong af
Barrel chest

>Frasier will die in your lifetime
not if i kill myself now

We are great apes you know

It's called "The Undertaker" style

>what body shape do you call that?
the hemingway
>what hairstyle is this?
late peckinpah

the cuck
the cook

>No salad and scrambled eggs ALL. OVER. his face

>I'm out of college
Majoring in shitty opinions?

Double major in fucking your mom in her pussy and ass




It's those German genetics.

I'll be sad the best version of Beast died.

>mfw I have the same first name

Can anyone explain why Frasier is the longest running show in history?
Never heard anyone ever about it
not known for anything in particular
If it was on my screen it was background noise
was the whole frasier show just a money laundering scheme?

Why? Because he's conservative?