ITT we talk about crimes we've gotten away with

>ITT we talk about crimes we've gotten away with.

In high school i smoked marijuana a few times. Sometimes at 3 in the morning I go through reds

Im so badass i break the law many times a day by smoking a joint.

I was getting a ride to school one day with my friends and the guy driving hit a car in the parking lot then just drove away

i pirated music on the internet

Way to kill the thread with your petty bullshit that everyone does.

What about felonies. You guys ever do those and what were they

I hit a guy in the street. I think he was walking or something, but I wasn't paying attention. When I realized what had happened I was gone. He was in the news next day. To this day, nobody knows I killed him.

Sold magic mushrooms
Planted ground beef/cheese/tuna under a guys house because he abused one of my good friends while they were dating
Convinced a liquor store clerk that I was an under cover cop

smashed a window in to get into a under construction house and then hot boxed a closet with friends

>inb4 'ripped matress tag'
>inb4 'stole ketchup packets'
>inb4 'speeding in the middle of fucking nowhere where no risk was involved'
>inb4 'went on 18+ site, not 18'

I've probably trespassed more than once as a paper carrier, not that that means much.

A decent amount of arson, with two incidents involving people getting injured.

Ah... the fire cleanses my soul!

Beat the shit out of homeless junkies on 2 occasions with a friend. Literally beat the shit out of them within an inch of their lives. We also pooped and peed on them.

Did you get an erection when they got injured?

One time a girl I know from school bought 7g of weed from me, which she lost in class. Later on her teacher found it, and she thought it was a good idea to ask if she could have it back with the excuse that it was for a friend. Obviously she got her ass suspended for a few days, she mentioned my name to her parents but when police got involved they decided to leave me out of it.

Murdered 120 ppl

It's just one of those days, when you don't want to wake up. Everything is fucked. Everybody sucks.

You don't really know Why, but you want to justify, ripping someone's head off. No human contact. And if you interact, your life is on contract.

Your best bet is to stay away mother fucker.


pretended to get murdered 120 times, was hard to come up with disguises towards the end.


I think you better quit, let shit slip. Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip

It's just one of those days. Feelin like a freight train. First one to complain leaves with the bloodstain

Damn right I'm a maniac. You better watch your back, because I'm fucking up your program

i like trains, andy dufresne, rain in spain

And then your stuck up. You just lucked up. Next in line to get fucked up.


Drug deals
Driving unlicensed
Marijuana cultivation

I think you better quit talking that shit punk. So come and get it

I feel like shit. My suggestion is to keep your distance because right now I'm dangerous. We've all felt like shit and been treated like shit. All those motherfuckers -- they want to step up.

>Planted ground beef/cheese/tuna? What do you mean?

I hope you know I pack a chainsaw. I'll skin your ass raw. And if my day keeps going this way I just might...


Give me something to break. Just give me something to break?



I think you better quit talking that shit punk.

So come and get it.

I peed on a wall, once.

>doing drugs
Probably other stupid weak shit too not worth bringing up. Contributing to thread though after Limp Pepe posting

I just heard Fred durst voice in my head

You're welcome

was it
>touch the balls
