Hey guys, so there's this guy named Mitch at school

Hey guys, so there's this guy named Mitch at school.

He's super religious, and also constantly banging on about how superior he is.

So anyway, we we signed him up to gay porn newsletters, and sending him death metal videos to his email.

No reaction at all, we started thinking we had the wrong email addresss.

Anyway, so he finally flipped out today (he was getting them all along) and it was pretty funny.

I wanna keep doing it , but I'm running out of ideas.

What shit can I send him?

(Gotta keep it legal cos he'll know it's me or my mates).

Brian has a fucken hole in his face

find some religious gay porn and edit his face on it


Furry porn.

How did I not think of this!???

Thanks user!

You are welcome.

Some articles about something like jesus not being real or whatever. Idk lol

send black metal not death metal

start with a video of a gorgoroth concert

>Anyway, so he finally flipped out today (he was getting them all along) and it was pretty funny.
Tell us a bit more about that

pig heads n crucifixions n shit

Maybe sign him up for newsletters for other religions, particularly ones he hates. Maybe specifically all the churches around his area. If youj can find ones that condemn his personal religion while boasting a out theirs?

Fuckin' hell, I was going to say something like this but with Islam.

Also call the local Mormons and tell them you're interested in converting and send them to his address.

yes tell us more

We used to send Planned Parenthood and "dealing with AIDS" style pamphlets to people's houses - most safe sex clinics will gladly send out information.

reminds me of this horrific atrocity

this comment best comment.

When I was a kid me and a friend would call local food places and order like 100-200 worth of food with a very slow convincing order then send it to random addresses. We once called a local exorcism business we found in the phone boom and sent it to our friends house for his little sister but unfortunately we found out the next week he had been out of the country try so they never got that gold.

yes tell us

Those dick suckin lips tho

High school has changed. When I went some stoner would have peed in his gym locker.

yes tell


Those were bitch times, people have funnier more aggressive pranks these days

Send him NAMBLA stuff.

It's not ok to bully OP, two wrongs don't make a right.

>yes, I'm going to be THAT GUY


No but 3 lefts will have you going the direction of the original right so....


>reddit spacing

>funnier more aggressive pranks these days
Yeah cuz sending emails of metal videos and gay magazine subscriptions is real hardcore.
>2 cool 4 me brah

>only operating in a two dimensional paradigm
Stay pleb heathen

Checked and no those are also pussy moves but pissing on a gym locker is just dumb

Paragraphs, punctuation, capital letters, lack of internet/text tard language = reddit spacing.

Someone please convince me that there isn't a mad race to get make Idiocracy actually come true.

I'm not the user that made the comment and I agree it's dumb, OP can think of something grand to get a laugh out of his target of he put his mind to it. With that being said, he doesn't have to be cruel in order to go big also.

>he doesnt know the difference between a sentence and a paragraph
Back to reddo

I have never been on reddit, you silly bitch.

>He doesn't know how to use capital letters, use an apostrophe, or end a sentence with punctuation.

>he goes to reddit
Hello reddo, on Sup Forums it is considered proper to not capitalize or punctuate original sentences in greentext unless it is a direct quote of the person you are replying to. Do us a favor and just pop the enter key off of your keyboard.

The power of inclusion, the more attention you give to something then the more famous and powerful it becomes, whether the attention is positive or negative has no affect. The power of attention is a wonderful thing, if you can grab people's attention, then it acts as a magnet attracting others to share in the hive mind, seeing as how no idealization in this modern day is original. If you can form a habit for people to follow, using a cue, process and reward, then you can make people addicted to what you have to offer, a false prophet so to speak. Apparently the iq of the human race increases 10 points for every 2 generations, with ease of access to internet and knowledge I can see how this is possible. The problem is that people become smarter yet irresponsible, smarter with a lack of wisdom and appreciation for it. One step at a time bro, instead of criticizing and hating, lead those that would follow you and teach them to become their own leaders. This is how you change the world, of course through teaching of offspring as well.

Nice bait faggot. It's clearly summer and theirs no school. And how do you have his email? I doubt he'd give it out to faggots.

That doesn't even sound believable faggot.

>Justifying laziness
C'mon man

Maybe year long school?

I never ever understood how and why being a jerk to others could be considered a worthy activity.
How about you do something productive with your life OP ?

That's not even a real thing user.


Make him watch some Christopher Hitchens debates

Good job with the enter key


Yeah, high school mentality always baffled me. I still see it in the construction company I currently work for, people that are quick to jump to conclusions and easy to upset and criticize. It's primitive to say the least

No, but here's your (you)

This is what you do.
Search up as many legitimate arguements, anecdotes, historical inaccuracies and articles about the folly of his faith.
Be sure they are not aggressive, religious people will ignore any fact tossed in their face if it is believed to be hate speech.
You send him the simple ones at first, gradually day by day you continue sending the even more compelling articles.
As his faith falters you start becoming slightly more and more kind to him in real life, encourage him to keep questioning his ideals until they completely disappear.
This should cause conflict between himself and his parents.
So you keep acting buddy buddy with him until the eventual day he gets kicked out of his house. You get bonus points if you can make him do some sort of heinous act against his religion before they kick him out.
So with nowhere left to turn he comes to you guys.
That's when you drop him like prison soap and never pick it up again.

Sent him this


Send him Jesus rule 34

To a normal fag like that its not gonna matter whether its death or black.

This is the best idea ever.

Send him Scientology and Flying Spaghetti Monster propaganda

You're an idealist rather than a realist user, I find that people of faith usually become more determined and stronger when facing opposition or questions of existentialism.

But I think the real question is, why does OP need to go out of his way to try and slander someone else? I'm thinking it is because of a shortcoming on his end, an innadiquite amount of attention in his life leaves him feeling jealous and angry at people actually getting attention. So who does he target? Well who better than a religious person to crucify?

I see you for who you really are OP, you should feel ashamed

stop lying

That may have been true back when there wasn't a thousand windows for you to look through to see the world for what it really is.

Also op targeted him because he's a pompous dick, life is too short to not fuck with dicks.

how to make a school shooter


trump porn

Buy a Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. Read it because it's a good read, and them leave it in his locker or backpack or some shit. Someplace hell find it