Trump proposes to make the vote safer, by working with Russia to safeguard it. YFW

Trump proposes to make the vote safer, by working with Russia to safeguard it. YFW

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I literally don't know what is happening anymore.

Nothing he says means anything.

he pretty much just lies from one minute to the next. anyone who points it out is fake news.

It has meaning. It's just incredibly stupid and possibly evidence that he is interested in further collusion.

Why not? Do you even know how these deals work or are carried out?

It's not a case of 'here is our voting password mr putin' you dunce

A little context may be needed.

fuck me can't type

Jesus Christ you Americans can't be this stupid. It's impossible to be this stupid. Impossible. It has to be some kind of mass joke you're playing on the rest of the world.
Please tell me I'm dreaming.

It's literally giving them the backdoor. It's letting them know all the vulnerabilities. You dunce

The world super power teaming up with the number 2,Sounds good to me.

fuck he can't even type like a billionaire
just another kardashian tier trust fund baby

no, him saying something will or might happen means literally nothing. It doesn't mean he intends to do it.

No it is a case of what - sharing cyber technologies we use to war against each other? I can't think of any situation where the US and Russia "working together" on a joint election campaign is anything other than scary. Especially since Russia actively worked to disrupt our election. And in fact Putin isn't exactly the most honest world leader. I doubt their elections are particularly fair.

I mean, I'm sure both Putin and Trump and interested in ways to

1) manipulate the vote and
2) have people believe it is the real vote

teaming up to what... make sure their current dictator stays in power?

fuck you I have to live in this shitty timeline where apparently Trump won, and there are no Berenstein bears. I just wanna go home.

He just wanted some of the clinton money.

Hello Comrad. You're not even the second most powerful militarily. That would be china. Russia couldn't conquer Israel. It's actually sort of sad

Pretty much. It's like, all of the corruption, none of the talent.

>still pushing the russia is a hackerman narrative

[Citation needed]

These deals tend to be agreements to trade or disclose known or found vulnerabilities. If you think it's some sooper sekrit conspiracy then I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight

China has shit tier equipment,Poor supplies and even more horridly trained troops. They have numbers and and not even the means to outfit and feed them. Russia is #2 and The U.S. is the largest from military budget,population pool and equipment alone.

I'm slightly more disturbed that Tony the tiger has the wrong colored nose and that shazaam doesn't exist

"agreements to trade or disclose known or found vulnerabilities". Yeah, like they're going to tell us jack shit.


That's not how it works. The drama you and the other kids have at school is different than international politics.

They would feed us false Intel. They currently have a network of hackers trying to find vulnerabilities in our power grid and other systems including reactors. You think they're just going to tell us what they are currently working to exploit? Are you actually retarded?

And you don't believe that the US would verify anything?

They tell us about something, we tell them about something. That's how agreements work

The liberal tears will be delicious.
Not that it really means much of anything.

They'd have us chasing our own tail. It's been done before. They got us to believe that they had trained cats to spy on us so we tried to copy them... You can't train cats to do a lot. Result was a dead cat. Taxi ran it over. Another example would be the whole men who stare at goats fiasco. It all started with bad intelligence about Russian experiments.

Democrats are afraid of the investigation
got to hide the DEAD and ILLEGALS voting

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