Bought some dolls

>bought some dolls
>got bored
>made a comic
>here it is

Other urls found in this thread:







>bonus image 1






















>mfw all the work I put in to this shit and not one post of interest

I care... I just want to read it! :)

fuck dis shit nigga i'm out

Noooooo I want to know what happens

Lulz, I haven't actually finished it yet but I'll post it again one day when I have

Yes plz gtfo

It's pretty impressive OP, you are talented.
Please continue, definitely wanna see where it's going.


I'm actually way less disgusted than i thought i be.
I'm impressed at your work OP


Perhaps the best thread in some time op. I commend your endeavour.

OP, you paid probably thousands of dollars for a trap sex doll. You are actually gay. Not even joking. You are literally gay.

Don't be ridiculous. I bought the dolls with vaginas. The penis I modeled out of clay, then I made a silicone mold of it, after that I made copies in resin and finally it was painted to match the skin color of the doll.

What do you take me for, some kind of homo?

at this point yes faggot


It's modeled after my own dick

If seeing your own dick on a girl is gay then hopefully one day you'll get to be gay

what the fuck

your a fucking faggot

She's a qt 3.14 right?

Come on man you aren't giving this guy enough credit. That's as fucking creative as it is weird as hell. Like i don't get off on traps but i have to acknowlede his creativity. I cant do any of the shit he did to make his weird ass comic a reality.

I want to see Svetlana's vagoo with Molly's dick in it


I can appreciate the artistic value, but...
I guess it's not for me.

vids here of the same model doll

