Sit down son let me give you lesson.. None of you mellinials know what youre getting yourselfs into faggots.. Bring it!

Sit down son let me give you lesson.. None of you mellinials know what youre getting yourselfs into faggots.. Bring it!

Miss the guy who did 911? No thanks

What do you have to offer? You're in the same place as the rest of us.

Death to the zionists if you ask me

Pleb who thinks he has unique and esoteric perspective

IMO we are seeing the back side of America's history, a fallen empire much like Rome.

Rather than focusing on what's good for society,
instead a very selfish hedonism has taken over.
Even into politics.
For example, people who say "I hate Hillary, that's why I voted for that loser Trump."

Well, who the fuck says you have to like your president? The world isn't about what you like and don't like.

LBJ wasn't likeable, Nixon wasn't likeable, Ford wasn't likeable.
But they were all competent presidents, especially compared to the present one.

We see the same signs in social media -
everything is about the promotion of the individual
and what they can extract from society,
rather than what they can give back.

America's richness has finally spoiled it's citizens to the point of failure,
just like the rich kid who fucks away his dad's money.

Think how nice the world would be if we over there and jailed/killed off all the zionists and redistributed their wealth

His trips are esoteric

Many millenials are old enough to have voted for Bush during his reelecetion. Or... do you not know how old millenials are?

What year did your mom spit you from her twat?


Dude the limit is like 95 try again

Reason enough to change the minimum age for voting

I'm 31, millenials are as old as 36, and I was 17 my senior year of higschool, which was 2003-2004.

>implying your opinion on his statement has any weight and changes anything at all.

>the limit is 95
>1995 is not in 2000's

millennials are those who came of age around the millennium, not those who were born then.

miss this guy more

Me too. He did a very good job stealing from the millennials on behalf of the baby boomers.

The more I learn about Obamacare,
the more I like it.

I had to buy it this year when I converted from being an employee
to being a self-employed contractor trying to build a business.

The guaranteed coverages, the elimination of pre-existing condition restrictions are all great ideas.
And since it was the Republican plan (look it up - Romneycare), it strengthens rather than weakens
the existing insurance companies by guaranteeing them customers.

I didn't like being forced to buy it, but it makes sense -
because those people who don't buy it are going to
cost the rest of us money when they get hurt/sick and then declare bankruptcy rather than pay.

Plus, the discounts to health care based on income means that I can afford health care while I build up my business.

IMO, most of the Obamacare hate in the populace was from ignorant people
who thought it was "free stuff for black people",
which is why there was so much confusion a couple of months ago
between Obamacare vs ACA.
It was the same, but Fox News viewers didn't understand.


Quit being a faggot you overweight balding mid life crisis fuck. My first president of my lifetime got his dick sucked from a fat bitch. My earliest memories are 3 years old watching beavis and butt head, first fap was at 7 to the bitch from that titanic scene. From Cartmans anal probe, never missed a episode of South Park. I still have my Austin 3:16 shirt from wwf attitude era, I'm on Sup Forums at 4 am to fap. Quit being a sweaty fat fuck who only can slay fat mama June looking red head bitches with bacne that wear too much black.

And how did he do 9/11?

This guy gets it
Cause it s a party in the USA!

hes a reptilian and with his psychic powers he created an illusion to make it look like an airplane going gainst the towers and than with mind tricks and maybe cia bombs he amde the towers fall down and explode

duh its obvious

Well... Of course you could say that... Or you could say.. He was a simpleton forced into office by his parents...

You could say he has reptile powers.. Or

The truth is... He let the planes fly into the buildings... And then claimed we had a terrist attack..

You sure about that? I thought I was a part of Gen x
Until I looked up the definition of a mellinial

Funny you should bring that up,
>2008-2012 elections
>You didn't take our claims of fraud and underhandedness in 2000-2008 seriously, so calling foul with anything involving these elections should be instantly dismissed!

And what were your claims in 2000-2008? No, seriously, I'm asking. All I ever heard was:
>They stole the election!
>[No elaboration]

So by The Left's own logic, shouldn't anything about Russian tampering and cheating with the polls be instantly dismissed now?

And will you be trying that approach again the next time a Dem wins the White House?

it's so depressing to actually miss dubya. didn't think there could possibly be a bigger idiot in office. i was wrong.

didn't think a president could possibly appoint an attorney general more evil than john ashcroft. then trump appoints sessions.

kill me now

But the sex right? Anyone else remember Fucking your wife in Oklahoma city then sneaking and crawling your way to her sisters bed... Just to cum all over those magnificent double ds in her sleep... God I should have raped her

Seriously.. Sonya.. I'll never tell Robin how I Fucking, couldn't hold back because of your tits.. . I know your pregnant now.. And we will just pretend that you were raped by a random Mexican... So that takes care of that...

Sonya.. I mean Sonja, you shouldn't have been teasing me with that tight as pussy as your sister sucked me off..

You erred just asking for my 9 and half circumference to Fuck you til you bleed.. God you and your sister both had the pussies I couldn't resist.. Forgive me

Funny you should bring that up,
>2008-2012 elections
>You didn't take our claims of fraud and underhandedness in 2000-2008 seriously, so calling foul with anything involving these elections should be instantly dismissed!

And what were your claims in 2000-2008? No, seriously, I'm asking. All I ever heard was:
>They stole the election!
>[No elaboration]

So by The Left's own logic, shouldn't anything about Russian tampering and cheating with the polls be instantly dismissed now?

And will you be trying that approach again the next time a Dem wins the White House?

No.. This is me venting... I fucked the shit out of ex wife .. And her sisters virginity... God.. Double sisters virginity.
... I never realized that I did that

$5.9 million and $3.5 million is chump change in Washington politics. The truth is that both men think that it's genuinely a bad idea.

That's not Bill Clinton

Unrewind homo.. Get out of the 90a

And now both sisters. My ex wife has a daughter that is 15... Her sister has my other daughter.. She's 4... Do I feel bad? Maybe in a way...

Do I feel pride that.. That's the other sisters that pinned me down and fucked the wholly fucking hell out of me just because I have huge dick ml

>implying retards don't use random buzzwords in political arguments

>And what were your claims in 2000-2008? No, seriously, I'm asking.

No one is going to answer this, are they?

how are millenials as old as 36 when people that age were born in the 80's?

Wouldn't millennials only be people born after the year 2000?

Really think it sucks how bad the media and celebrities were toward Bush during his years, I think it was a major contributor to people looking down on America having their anti-American and Anti bush sentiment broadcasted every where all the time.

Itr's chump change in Washington, when it comes to the federal budget and federal spending.

But in one's back pocket? That's genuine personal wealth. Even $100K in your personal acct is real money.

Sure, take $3.5M, and not feel any obligation to help that "donor?" Right........

You must have a tRump sign in your front yard, and all the door to door sales people wanna meet you, cause obviously you'll buy anything

I once sucked off a turkey