Comfy Thread. Take a break from the cancer

Comfy Thread. Take a break from the cancer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dumping my stash in the meantime.

Should call my parents again. Noted.








Thats it so far. Need more help an user out.








Wtf is comfy about that?


I like mushroom art. Like forests of mushrooms.
It's a shame there's not much out there

Who's work is this?

why do i love this stuff so much?

used to trip shrooms and then go fly around in


Maybe the simplicity of this complex arrangement of feelings that all conclude warmth and momentary happiness in this art style.


Good shit.


Well put.





Thx user. By the way all these gifs are possiible to have as a desktop through a program called wallpaper engine. It's like 3 Euros and has tons of this and cringy anime weaboo shit.


Looks like Horizon Zero Dawn Artwork

My job never told me what time to start, called me to say they aren't interested in me as I missed my first day...

But I never knew when to come in

Can I stay here guys

Also a painting of mine

It's raining out of my window... :D also hot coffee in my hands, the perfect combo

I was going to make my own thread but this one fits the bill:
Anyone else up early for work?


Stay for a while and let the bullshit pass by.

It's nice to know even through an anime board that some people aren't cunts

me user, it sucks to work. I miss the old times when I used to do nothing

We are cunts. But many just embrace it to act like a real person and interact on a real level with other anons even when that means to act like a cunt to one another. At least we have pretty pictures.

You dodged something there user. You wouldn't want to work at a place that is too retarted to notify you about your first day of work. They did you a favor to fuck up asap instead after a few months.

Fuck me too.
I moved back in with my parents recently to help take care of my mom.. I kind of want to quit my job and take a small vacation while I find another one but I don't feel like dealing with the stress of being unemployed
I miss all nighters. I don't even play videogames anymore because all the people I play with are up in the middle of the night

hes clearly fukking a pineapple there






Thats a nice pic.


blues and oranges

green blue and...what? What's that third one, purple?



blue is cold
green is calming
purple is a drink

honestly im high as fuck listening to some lo-fi hip hop tunes and just fucking mesmerised by these pics

interesting, is it comfy because we're used to seeing it? Some pictures we never saw have some instant effect.


was thinking about skies, sun in coming up so I guess that's what reminded me. In Florida sometimes the sky is purple/red, like I'm sure it is in other places. There's no mountains or hills so the sky seems wide open, kind of like certain parts of Texas.

Is that Schindler?


What mesmerizes you

thats what visual art tried to do
C, G, jung said that there are some ancient archetypes engraved in our brain. fundamentals that freud tried to tie down to sexuality alone. fascinating theories

albert camus

Close enough. Chill of you user for not telling me to kys because of my ignorance.


Whats the name of that theory?


Where did you get that pic of me?

death is a certain, life is not

Nothing can be known to be certain until it happens. Even this statement is included. But thats not certain either.

thanks. takes me back to the 80's that should have been.

>3 am. tired can't sleep. stare at the Nagel on the wall. glitchmob playing.
>4 am. Home. Resonance. fuck it. put it on look.
>5 am. Monday morning is here. I need to sleep, before the sun comes up or I'll want to kill myself.

look up C . G. Jung Archetypes. his body of work spaned way past his life. there is a Jung society that to this day meets every year and prolongs his and their thoughts. i only got the german original text but i bet there is a good translation

I can speak german give me a link.

How does this gif make you bros feel?

you are right . certainty is an extreme. and total extremes only exist to not overload the brain with data

Thx user

dude, there are so many english books / sites about this. you don't need to use some original german text. jungian psychology is/was a giant deal.

sad. reminds me of moving to a big city and having no idea what to do or where to go. everything was different new exciting but also scary.

True. Or maybe not. Maybe no one knows.

I used to watch people in the windows as I'd walk around. I didn't really have friends, no where to go. no job. and there was one place, one hill where I could see the traffic all filtering around the city. everyone going home. to places I didn't have. i didn't realize I suffered from depression my entire life. I just remember feeling so hopeful and also so incredibly scared and alone at the same time.

Cause you're a hipster.

Means that fuck up I was so embarassed about only matters to me.

das rote buch

This is a nice pic.

no problem. it can be boring reading, but Joseph Campbell is another one who talks a lot about myth. He was consulted for star wars (original one) which is kind of cool.

his lectures are booooring as shit, so are his books. though. I used to keep trying to read his stuff, and would just fail time and again.





sorry guess Im not really posting comfy

comfy time


thank you for comfy thread

Going to bed with thunderstroms, super comfy sleep incoming

can anyone recommend me a feels kinda movie. seeing these rainy photos of the city and the gifs of people looking out the window make me wana see some feels/somber/rainy shit.

oh comfu-san

this is strangely calming to me