Ha ha!

Ha ha!

I bet that feels amazing

Indeed it would. Especially since Yoshis can canonically stretch their anus really big (those giant eggs in New Island), so this wouldn't hurt at all.


That's a girl Yoshi though.


Don't ruin my thread with your meme. Please delete your post.

Hey man! Can't we just get a log?

you think your logs are better than mine?

Only if you remove Andy from the thread.

Yes, they are.

dubs logged throat clogged

We'll see about that esse
how do you like them log apples

I regret linking this thread in your cancerous meme thread.

ass to mouth
logs aimed south
open your crack
fill me up Jack

alright alright sheesh no more of andy's logs in your thread

one little thing though, can you just admit Andy's sopping log is sexy?

No that log looks gross and unappealing.

THIS is what a sexy log looks like.


The Log of Shit of Andy Sixx is not like any other log of shit you may find at your local bathroom. Tis truly the works of a god in his own right.

The Andy Sixx is native to North America but has been reported to migrate on the occasion of the annual Vans Warped Tour. His reproduction rate is remarkably high considering how many girls want to give him a vasectomy with their tongues.

What you don’t know right now is that Andy Sixx is the hottest, sexiest, gothiciest, hardcoreiest, deathcoreiest metal singer in the world and common sexual congress and foreplay would simply not do the job in trying to pleasure someone so divine, so perfect… so… holy, like his ass. Sure one could suck on his fucking dick and drink all of his sperms but it would never come close to showing your love and affection for him.

It starts with getting your foot in the door, which will not be easy. First you need to buy tickets for a Black Veil Brides concert and you must go to the actual concert hall, sneak past security and make your way to Andy’s dressing room. Much competition awaits you from other little BVB fangirls who want Andy’s Warm Log of Shit slidding down their fucking throats so badly. Some of them have killed others to make their chances of being where they are in the heat of the moment even possible, so do not take your presence or your life for granted.


open wide

hey has anybody seen andy?


>be me
>longboarding from my dorm to grab a slice in the caf' before bio lab
>overhear some Chads talking shit in the quad
>Chad 1: "Dude those Andy Sixx log threads are so lame bro"
>Chad 2: "I know bro, those fags need to stop taking up space that could be used for sick cock rate, trap, and pics u shouldn't share threads"
>Tell myself to just keep walking it's not worth it
>Chad 1: "We should hit the Lib', also known as the stacks, and sage some log posts"
>Chad 2: "haha fuck yea bro, that'll show those loosers. Everyone knows sage completely downvotes the fuck out of those lame posts bro!"
>maximum restraint.png
>Chad 1: "Dude, I bed that Andy guy doesn't even make good logs"
>That's it, I'm fucking steaming
>loading lograge.exe
>"Hey shitheads"
>Both Chads turn my way looking surprised
>"Logless shills aren't welcome on the quad"
>Swing my longboard at Chad 1, shattering his jaw
>bloody mess perk enabled
>huge crowd is gathering around us. Don't care
>Hit Chad 2 in the chest, hear his collarbone snap
>He falls down
>Undo my pants and squat over his face
>"Here, kid, have a log"
>my anus meets his lips and I fill his throat with my logs
>Everyone starts to cheer
>Lifted up and paraded through campus
>The Dean pays Andy Beirsack to come to campus and serve his logs in the Caf'
Best day ever

Where do bad logs go when they die?

kys immediately



I'll start this off without any turds
I got so soggy I pushed 'till I farted
I love my logs better than you
I know they're long so where should I poo?
The finest log that I've ever shat
Was when I learned to wipe with my hand
I love my logs better than you
I know they're long so where should I poo?
