So now it has been confirmed that Donald Jr, Jared Kushner...

So now it has been confirmed that Donald Jr, Jared Kushner, and a few others from Team Trump did in fact have a Russian prosecutor who is directly tied to the Kremlin visit them at Trump Tower during June of 2016 right in the heat of the election.

Alas, the smoking gun has been discovered thus proving collusion with the Russian government to rig the election in Trump's favor.

Why aren't conservatives outraged by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

You sound about as retarded as the Sup Forumstards saying "Podesta looked at children, therefore satanic pedo-orgy"

Is anyone actually surprised? We know for a fact that Russia meddled in the election at this point and conservatives literally either don't give a fuck that it happened or are literal retards who don't believe the hard evidence given

So what? The United States has been rigging foreign elections and literally deposing governments for decades. Enjoy your own medicine, faggots.


Ok, so they meet with a Russian lawyer. Can you elaborate a little more and provide evidence that they met and conducted illegal activities. Just being with people doesn't indicate corruption. You need to actually prove that something illegal happened, instead of just assuming the worst because some people meet in a room.

Impeachment preceding should be beginning soon.

Said every lefty ever for the past five months. Keep dreaming, cuck.

Donald Trump has demonstrated, in his first four months, that he is unfit for the presidency.

>He improperly attempted to interfere with an FBI criminal investigation
>He requested that Comey "back off" of the Flynn investigation
>He fired Comey after he said no to backing off
>His presidential campaign colluded with a foreign government
>He leaked classified secrets to officials from a foreign enemey government
>He plagiarized speech from 'legally blonde'

A complete and total failure. Anyone who looks at this and thinks otherwise is a moron. The Russians even bragged that they could use Flynn to influence Trump.

They don't have a case because there's no substantial evidence.

Free spirited dreamer meets tree-huggin hippie here.

Fully devoted to the revolution.


Being unfit isn't grounds for impeachment. I wish it was, but it's not.

And posts a CNN link.

You realize individuals who work at CNN was caught on tape admitting that their coverage of Trump/Russia was a ratings grab and most of what they ran wasn't sourced properly.

>project veritas

oh that video that was debunked just hours after it's release?


What i want to know is how the Soviets got half the voters to stay home. No problem for me, I adjusted my tinfoil hat to block the mind-control rays, and I managed to make it to my polling place and vote. Damn commie conspiracy.

Fuck off Ivan

Enjoy your stay in the third world, John.

How can u get russian goverment in USA, if we in Russia have anti-russian goverment? I tell not about propaganda, I tell about true state of affairs.

Do you believe in something called due process?

Robert Muller hasn't finished his investigation. Until he is done, any claims that a person can make are purely speculation. Why can't you childish lefties just fucking wait until the investigating is over to lose your shit. You look like children.

How does it feel knowing that your daddy is going to be impeach?

Trump is as real as superman.

I am your toenails.

Wasn't debunked.
Individual was identified.
Reporters were fired as a result.
Pretty sure that means something substantial was going in.

Repeat after me: "President Mike Pence."
I swear, these impeachmentfags are so fucking clueless, I don't even.

Listen up, Lib-shit.

Your bourgeoise democracy is a farce and it's only factions of capitalists playing their legal games. Trump or Clinton doesn't matter. Whom is paying them doesn't matter. Private corporations, foreign nations, they're all taking it because that's whom they serve.

You imperialists medled with the elections in capitalist russia, you put in the clique that Putin was a pupil of. Communists had won elections after elections and you couldn't have it that the souvereign people of russia wouldn't sell out their land to Pizza hut and the real disgusting big player scum. But you forced it down their throat and they ate up.
Not it's your time to take it. And you better take it like the bitches you always were. All your capitalist nations under the imperialist influence sphere are all standing in line sucking each other off. And i tell you to suck it, bitch.

Conservatives are only concerned when niggers actually vote, then they consider that illegal. This goddamned cocksucker needs to be in Gitmo NOW!!

It's literally nothing. There was no collusion.

How did they "meddle"?

Nice spin there faggot, but the 3 reporters were fired for something entirely different which had nothing to do with the veritas videos. They were fired before the videos were released. Try to keep up.

guldural margs works in mysterious ways :DDD

Won't happen until Muller finishes his investigation and finds evidence of collusion in order to influence the election.

Seriously, you fuckers scream "impeach" so much, the word has lost all meaning.

>Says an increasingly nervous Cuck for the hundredth time.

>There are no conservatives in the Republican Party.

Look at the ratings.
See how badly CNN has fucked itself.

These troll threads wouldn't happen if you stopped replying to them

Spoiler alert, he's not gonna find anything.

they have all been totally debunked and confirmed by forensic video experts to have had their audio tracks altered and overdubbed after the fact.

nothing to see there, just trumpettes getting boners for more fake bullshit.

More likely Paul Ryan. Queer shocker will probably go down too.

That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Those videos are legit.

>implying both sides don't eat three square meals of pure fake bullshit every day
Protip: don't pick sides. It makes you seem less retarded and emotionally dependent on being correct.

Keep dreaming, there is nothing there.

You really believe that? Even if he doesn't find collusion, I'd bet my house he finds a mountain of other illegal shit.

He hired experts in money laundering, tax evasion, corporate fraud, and mob prosecution.

It's going to take a long time, but some really bad shit is going to come out.


We'll see. Watergate took 18 months. The investigation that led to Clinton's impeachment began in regards to a land deal from the 70's.

You really think they won't find stuff on a rich NY real estate developer? You must have no idea how that industry works. _

No he won't. The worst will be illegal payments Flynn got.

Trump isn't even under investigation.

Watergate was a really scandal. This is just silly conspiracy theory. President Trump isn't even directly under investigation. Mueller is investigating Russian hacking, people have manifested to as some direct attack on the president.

>Trump isn't even under investigation

Delusional much? What the fuck do you think that the special investigator is looking into?

that's funny, republicans were saying the same exact thing about watergate at the time.

yeah political fraternizing and elections always go together negatively

He's investigating Russian having of the dnc servers. Delusional lefites are the ones who try and make this ridiculous connection with Trump.

An actual crime had occurred. Nobody even the 4 intelligence agencies say there was any kind of commission l collusion.

Yep. Conservatards are going to be in for a helluva surprise.

If you're tired of these threads, then don't reply to them and they will go away.

I'm going to wait and see what happens with this. Seems to me that EVERY claim the left has made so far has been debunked so . .

only it shouldn't be. there is so much evidence which keeps coming to light on almost a daily basis, that it should not surprise anyone at all.

>visit them at Trump Tower during June of 2016

That's it, arrest them all, Donald Trump's son allegedly met with a Russian lawyer.

Doubtful. Sad that the lefts only strategy is to hope Mueller saves them.

Reminds me of that time the Dems thought they were going to bring down bush with "fitzmass".

There is literally zero evidence of any collusion.

Where there is smoke, there is fire.

This place is turning into neo gaf

before the election you were laughing at trump when he said the election could be rigged. remember that?? huh? remember? yeah shut up and sit down. you liberals are a laughing stock now.....

>there is so much evidence which keeps coming to light on almost a daily basis

Why isn't Trump in jail if there's been new evidence released every 171 days? Surely after 171 evidence dumps they could prosecute.

>you were laughing at trump when he said the election could be rigged

That's actually not true. Find a different platitude.

But there is no smoke. Meeting with a lawyer isn't smoke.

It's always funny when you ask this, these idiots never can mention what these mountains of evidence are. Or they mention stories like this as "proof".

>trump has no connections with russian
>okay he has a few but it's nothing I swear

you retards are desperate

Actually it's more like it doesn't matter if conservatives give a fuck, because Russia is a superpower that has already denied and there's about fuckall you can do about it.

Fucking off by one


>you retards are desperate

We're not the ones publishing the same article for 8 months

This. Western media insists the US is the worlds sole superpower so obviously that must be the case.

nice photoshop

Kushner said he hadn't met with any russians. Now we know that he did. So Kushner lied.

Still, not as if it matters, noone cares about this story any more



CNN isn't the government, just an entertainment show posing as news in the same way as FOX does. Even if the CNN is making shit up for ratings then it still does not mean that there are no ongoing investigations into Trump.

Fortunately people don't have the attention span to follow a news story unless it's BREAKING NEWS or SENSATIONALIST CLICKBAIT so people are slowly just getting bored of the story, hence nothing will come of it until the investigations find that the Trump team is innocent or that the russians are good enough at wiping the trails.

Either case, before the libtards start witht heir circle jerkin again, Trump would not have been personally notified of any russian collusion cos the guy is too unreliable to be given sensitive data. Plausible Deniability is a perfectly valid option when the puppet you are putting into place is dumb as shit.

republican electioneering. it works.

Дa, Ивaн. Tы пpaв.


They used t be funnier, but I fear people are getting too jaded.

Trump could release pictures of him assfucking Ivanka on her fifth birthday and I doubt people would even be able to find enough energy to scream fake news anymore.

The fatigue has set in.

Can't the republicans hurry up with their Tax Cuts for their Donors in return for Gutting Medicare for the Poor plan so we can move onto Invade Another Country for the Presidential Ratings step of the plan.

The suspense is killing me. Iran or North Korea. Whichever will it be.

Let's find out after the summer in an all new season of

Trump does the Whitehouse
Coming to a cable news channel near you.

>implying we aren't
what country do (You) hail from?

How much do you get paid for this, Shareblue? You can literally google those article names and see them come up as the first result.

Is typing a whole sentence too much work for how much you get paid?

Remember to sage, friends.


lol yeah okay, everyone knows google is controlled by conservatives.

Got a mouse in your pocket, comrade?

>yeah there was a russian persecutor in trump tower in the election following this we can conclude that magics happened that manipulated the us election
just accept that the reason she failed was her own idiocy

yes we as in me and my fellow countrymen. give me a good reason to hop in a fighter jet and tear your house apart

>the reason she failed was her own idiocy

If she won't admit it, why would these people bumping this thread?

Remember to add an image and sage.

>mike pence definitely lied about the validity of the whitehouse disclosure forms
>people were definitely told to lie about those meetings
>administration seems awfully friendly to the russians for no clear gain for the US
Smoke. Fake news. Coincidence.

Hello Shills, Welcome to Sup Forums.

You have no power here, This is not Reddit. This is a Stupid Shill.
You think Linking to CNN is gonna convince Anyone?

Shill saying Project V is "Debunked" Lawl.
No, They wont go away when they are PAID to post here. Its good to post against the Disinformation. The more we Reply, the WEAKER they become.

US may not be the only power but if you take the US out of consideration it's like 5 countries tied for second

>people actually use this logic to disregard any argument from the opposition
I fucking hate 2017. Death of intellect.

"THE RUSSIANS" is starting to be the new "THE JEWS"

>assuming nationality based on lack of knee jerk arrogance
>thinks he can fly
>is adorably autistic
I'm American. Just not a massive self important douchebag like yourself.

Lol and then Pence will take the conn. No worries there either, cuckeroo.

you sound liek a retard. our president is being targeted by a media which hunt and after he destroys the press he will uncuck america

this is going to be the greatest 8 years in American histroy

back to funnyjunk kid

oh so you're just a benedict arnold? can't say that surprises me. don't you have a riot to attend?

>welcome to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

It's been a long slow death, but we're finally here.

He's right. You'll never out post the paid Russian pro-Trump shit posters. You only do it occasionally for KEKs. They're getting paid to do it all day every day!

True autist - I would have been more surprised if the Trump side didn't have 1 meeting with a single Russia. Only true retards think that Hacking 50,000 voting machines with 100's of different OS's is possible.

It would be due diligence on Mueller's part. Trump isn't guaranteed due process from the 5th amendment in an impeachment proceeding.

Agreed, and Pence would probably go down in history as one of the greatest presidents in recent times.
Win for us no matter the outcome.

if Trump released those pictures I think people would sit up and take notice

after they finish fapping to them of course

>nobody is making that claim exactly
>this is one of many meetings between the Trump Team and Russia that was not disclosed.. disclosures that Mike Pence signed off on as true
So either they're corrupt or they just aren't doing their duty to maintain US security?

I'm tired of these fucking pussy ass liberals who can't deal with things that don't go their way. If these idiots are what will constitute the majority of the working class population in the future, we're truly fucked.

Trump's a man, something you liberal cucks wouldn't understand.