Shota/cub thread

Shota/cub thread.
Let's keep it gay, y'all.

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that's me, the most sassy sleeper.


Thanks for translating, seriously.




No i just mean the words are disrespectful (if directed at someone older at least which was my interpretation but now realise that may be wrong)
Japanese is pretty weird like that.

I'm gonna take a quick nap.
Keep this thread alive and I'll dump more in about 30min.
Sorry but I'm about to fall over and die.
Withdrawals suck ass(and not in a good way).

Don't do drugs, kids.

i asked some other weeaboo for you, user

Kinda agree with them and not.

It's like,

Heyyy are you already going to sleep?

It's more like a pouty girlfriend talking lol
(As in mou is kinda pouty)"

sounds bad, get better user.




me sleeping sassily

boxer briefs are objectively better


>forgot image

Yeah that's a better way to put it.
"Sassy" was just a result of my limited vocabulary.

Nah, too loose. (Just like my ex gf)


do i look like a faggot to you?

You would while sucking my dick

is the sassy enough sleeping





i only have like 4 pics on phone, how sad.

Now back to cubs in undies

please don't, i want cute anime boys.


I do both








cute, if you're gonna cub post make it this please.




Holy shit, someone drawn a cute elephant! ?

A recent addition to my collection and it is super hot

Cute diaper



Gayest check.

I want tiny hands and mouth to start off my morning >.

Im glad we all got to share this moment






>Getting those 4!


highest I've seen in a shota thread i believe

What a time to be alive.

>Zero o'clock


I feel special now. Should last a half hour or so.


What rhymes with orange?


Gee Bill, how come your mum lets you have SIX digits?!



sporange, a very rare alternative form of sporangium (a botanical term for a part of a fern or similar plant).



Nigger, according to blacks everything rhymes with nigger.

Love playing video games like that

Ok, in all seriousness, does anyone have any advice on how to get energy? I'm crashing due to opiate withdrawal, and because I'm at work I really need some energy to getbshit done.

>shota posting at work
just crush like 10 5-hour energies for a full 50 hours of energy

I've already had one of those 7-hour "Redline" shots, but that did nothing.

A bump of coke does the trick

>>shota posting at work
>just crush like 10 5-hour energies for a full 50 hours of energy

Dude, I dump shots and furry at work on the regular, also during my hour long commute.

Can you get me some? I'm in fort Worth.


Moar butts like this

you sound like a fucking legend to me this discord loves this kind of stuff

Unfortunately by the time I get to you, you'd be probably be fine.



huh, never seen a coloured version before.

Why, because I pop all the pills I can get my hands on while working then dump fucked up porn at work and while driving home before I fuck my wife in puppyplay RP?

Seriously though, don't do drugs.


I fucking love this.

I'll still take it.
I've got Valium and Ativan to trade.

Drugs can be fun

Double-digit dubdubs.

If I was in Texas then I might. Don't want to drive through two states to get them though.