Hi, my american friends! I'm writing now from Russia and i'm, unfortunately, russian.My salary for May was 7472 roubles...

Hi, my american friends! I'm writing now from Russia and i'm, unfortunately, russian.My salary for May was 7472 roubles. In dollars it was 152. For month!!! And for June it was 142$.

And how are you, sweeties?

show me your genitals





>152$ a month
>mfw I make that in a day
(my job is to drive Chicago subway)

Do you squat the rest of your day with your friends?

It's Russia

I'll squat you bro

Yeh but things are more expensive in the u.s , general living expense is cheaper in Russia.

i don't have a friends IRL.

Russia is cool welcome russian friend!

They need to pay you more =\

But you have communism so...

what can you do with that amount of money over there? like paying bills, buying stuff? is it enough for living and having some fun?

Yeah but you pay 3 year's rent per month too.

You end up making about the same. Numbers are different but same expenses.

You have a good job though so I guess you are above average.

Me on the left - last time i was in russia

In america I only make about that much per year. Its about as much as I can manage to find laying on the ground. Nobody gives me any money because I dont look like im homeless.

>general living expense is cheaper in Russia.

Yes and no. I was offered a job in Moscow and while doing research was shocked to find that while I would be making roughly 15% less money than in the US (Im in California) the housing prices in the non-rape-me areas of Moscow were the same or higher than I pay in the US. I dont understand how any Russian can actually afford to live in Moscow with the housing prices the way they are.

For example, my rent costs 70$. From entertainment there is one cinema in the city and one park. That's all.

OP. I make about $2500 monthly because i live in California. Rent is $1800, food i go around 350, insurance and bullshits go to 200. And I spend about $150 in necessities.and that is just without going out and have fun.

But i dont live in Miscow. I live in Siberia.

What do you work?
Why do you have an eighth withheld?

But you do not borrow money to survive

>I dont understand how any Russian can actually afford to live in Moscow with the housing prices the way they are.
they get paid by Trump for those secret votes.


Income tax 18%

Hy и нaхyя ты этo нaпиcaл? Бeлым людям пoхyй.

Чтoб Oбэмa знaл кaк poceюшкa вcтaeт cкaлeн. Hy eщe мнe жpaть нeхep.


Tpaхaть кoммyниcтичecкoгo нeгpa

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