I got blocked by a camwhore off mfc whom I gave $10000 (100000 tokens)

I got blocked by a camwhore off mfc whom I gave $10000 (100000 tokens)

So um I want to fucking die. Any reason not to?

Oh these are my fucking disgusting teeth btw

since youre rich, can i have some money?

where the fuck did you get 10000 dollars to spend on cam girls, let alone one cam girl?!?! jesus christ mate. i would suggest not spending money on cam whores, but i know how tough that can be. i try to limit myself to like 200 tokens a month bro... use websites like camgirlvideos and shit, buy the upstore acc. if you're that desperate to see some girl spread her asshole, most likely she's done it before and it's on there. if she hasn't she's a new model and will do it on the cheap cheap. which girl?

i've heard in southeast asia working girls have to make 200 dollars a night
if you give them 200 dollars, you expect to get their attention the rest of the night
instead they get to go home, they did their job for the night
you don't know what you were doing

he's not rich, they wouldn't block him until he didn't have any more $ to spend


Yeah, camwhore yourself for that since his excess funds changed hands to where he can't reach it anymore.

teeth look fine to me

t. britbong

For what
I got money from work. I have entirely disposable income because live at home and no debt anymore

I was paying for attention not for nudes
Wrong Satan. I still have money, I offered her 2700 tokens to unblock me

I've always wonder what kind of person would spend thousands of dollars on camgirls. Are you just incredibly rich or did you put you last dollar into her?

>For what

was probably gonna buy a steam game or save up for a surface laptop honestly

Not incredibly rich but I still have a few thousand in my bank account

I'm in my mid 20s and a kissless virgin so that's the type of person I am
No what do I get out of it I mean

You have a problem OP.
>been watching porn and camwhores for over a decade
>never spend a penny

when did you send her the money? and how did you get it on the account?

If sometime in past few months and paypal file a distribute and say something like you were paying for her to do a private night long show with you and she blocked you.

Paypal always sides with the buyer, i used to get items from ebay and shit and just say i never got them and refunded them, worked everytime.

But he won't ask the girl for what she needs the 2700 to unban him

what would you want? i do digital art and animate a bit, that's about all

You could have butted atleast 30 times with decent hookers, faggot.

Damn, if you have that much money go give them to her if you're into bigger girl, she is nice
profiles dot my free cams dot com slash Frisky Frenchy

(just remove space)

Fuck you

Yeah I do have tons of fucking problems

I feel like killing myself
Mfc itself, won't ever get a return
She didn't respond to that offer even, she's just fucking done with me
I want female attention

Do Nofap, fam. I know it sounds like a stupid fucking meme, but just try it. At the very least stop watching camwhores so you don't waste money.

I'll do whatever you want I just want college dept paid for.

>I want female attention
the most i could do is pay a friend on snapchat to send nudes with the money

you are a waste of space and oxygen but I believe that all human beings deserve to live, however shit the life they're living is

Don't kill yourself and try to stop masturbating, get better clothes (you probably wear creepy shit) and get a hair cut. Want female attention? Do something substantial with your life in order to get it, don't give money to even bigger pieces of shit than yourself.

As a cam girl I dont get why she would do that, I only block annoying dude who are trying to get freebie or to scam me, if you legit paid with tokens and all I dont know, maybe she is a cunt, sorry dude!

suicide is never the option

do something with your life so that after a while you'll be thinking how far you've come and how your lowest point was paying camwhores and posting on fucking Sup Forums

THIS..I cannot believe there are people that willingly pay to see naked women on the internet when they are literally all over the place for free. WTF.

prove it

From your replies in this thread I can see why she blocked you.

You sound like a fucking turd.

it's just retards, autists, neckbeards and dirty men from India and Brasil


Honeslty OP kill yourself please you fucking nasty neckbeard piece of shit no wonder women dont even want to acknowledge your fucking disgusting excuse of a person you probably still have cheeto stains on your beard from a week ago and cum stains on your shirt and pants. TAKE A LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR RETARD AND THINK: HMMM AM I EVEN WORTH FUCKING OR SHOULD I SPEND 10K ON SOME WHORE ACROSS THE WORLD.

Just do us all a favor and drink bleach.

Why don't you just use your money to get real life women to please you sexually...instead of paying strangers online to post videos of themselves while you silently masturbate ?

Wrong file

OP I would love it if you killed yourself plz

Damn this makes me think, can guys make money cam whoring?

>Calls himself rich
>Has a few thousand in his bank account

Nigga I have 90k in cash and I'm definitely nowhere even remotely close to rich.


but he's not a street dealer.

Yeah but it's quite hard.

His 10k wasn't in one month. She was making let's guess 2k per month in tokens. The camwhpre site takes 30% let's say out. (no idea it's probably worse) and then you have to claim it on your taxes. So there's another 30%. You're only taking home at best 1k. 55k salary you take home $3200 per month.

So is it really worth it?

I don't have any clue where you think I said I'm rich where I explicitly said I'm not rich

You're more retarded than me and that's saying something

I have never sold drugs faggot. I just make money working. Age 25 means I'm saving cash for buying a house if I decide to or whatnot.

Not hard.

Why do you feel compelled to give money to strangers?

>I gave $10k to a camwhore
>Any reason not to kill himself

Holy shit, no.

Fucking end yourself

If you want female attention get a fucking pro for that kind of money, OP. You can't be that ugly.

>Not incredibly rich but I still have a few thousand in my bank account

That says:
>I am rich
>I am rich but not incredibly rich

L2 English you fucking ass clown

Jesus Christ I just can't get over this.

English is your second language right?

You actually don't really think you did not claim you werent rich, right?

You said
>I am not incredibly rich
>Which implies you just said you are rich.

> I'm rich guys!


End yourself

What did you do to get blocked?

your teeth look normal faggot
get over yourself

Well im a closet slut/deviant so if I could get paid doing what I do normally and make people happy sounds like a win win, though with my day time job it would probably bump me up to a higher tax bracket and fuck me that way

It all depends on how much you get and where and what you claim..

You'll have to claim stuff that you sign up with your social and declare it as other income..

But if you can some cuck like OP to donate to you directly then it's easier to just pocket it.

OP got roasted too hard he abandoned thread. Hopefully he is becoming an hero.


my teeth are more disgusting than yours and I still get pussy fag

No im at work retard

If you think having a few gs in the bank makes you rich you need to grow up or kys bro, most anyone not living in poverty has a few thousand to their name

What did you do to get blocked?

>few thousand

how pathetic can you be...