Waifuism/Waifu Worship thread

Waifuism/Waifu Worship thread
>Superior Black Sperm Edition

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>Keep ERP and RP in>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:




>waifu thread


How come whenever I threaten to shove my foot up a dudes ass or kick him in the nuts people call me gay?
Stop complaining and contribute or fuck off

>Tezuka Rin claimed

Any user got some music?

Killer Queen by Queen


Alucard claimed

What are you into?

Top tier husbandos right here
Anything goes user, surprise me

Try reviving this shit so more people join in

Just join the discord and get banned by Edgedeath

did you join for the music?

I get the feeling this is autosage uwu


I know, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen him.

Just commit suicide. Or pull your head out of your ass and face that tomoko is mediocre at MOST


Doraf a cute

I'm not here to impress you with my waifu, I'm here to post images of her, talk about her, and express MY love for her.

Everything you say or think about her is irrelevant.


Is it a discount Dracula if he's better?

He gets so triggered if you say anything about his fetish or that girls should be submissive.

How are you?

I dont think im in the discord, pass?
Nope, just here to talk shit and show you my waifu
But music is also good
Keep the music coming fellas
Currently in this one, moving after it finishes
Unless is good shit

I just outright insulted him and his afluenza. Easy ban.

I don't have it.

Sure, I've got more than enough music to share.
Don't you have anything to share in return, though? I'm curious to know what you listen to.

External communication kills threads.

A bit of an odd ending. Is it the beginning of a new track?

We don't like people who post scat bruh. And you never talk about her anyway. All you do is complain about the threads or insult other claimers.
Fuck off, you got scared of a discord without any rules so you left. Fucking pussy

She's a pretty very incredibly cute

Pretty good actually. Just killing time playing 100% OJ

Threads should have died a long time ago.

This is probably coming from that shit tier JoJo claimer. Fuck off you homofag heretic.


>mfw this faggot

It is Dracula backwards in fact.
This music quite amuses me, give me some more.


How long ago, and why?

How's this?

Oh look it's the fag that can't even kill himself through alcohol poisoning
>inb4 why not fish poisoning
Kill yourself


U wot m8?
I would reply with an insult but whoever you're talking about was not me
Do you got the name of the user tho? My name is Pablo Parker on discord
Usually hear this
To sleep i put this page because the sounds loops perfectly and helps me sleep
You got any sleep yesterday bro?
Yandere waifu?
Is the show any good?
Its pretty hard to die of alcohol poisoning in just a few days tho, you normally pass out before getting to drink that much
This is pretty good tbh


You can just say "Yes, it's illegal to kill squirrels" just as easily get one

That sounds rather nice. Do you play any other games?

...I never noticed that, quite curious.

Hello Kumiko

>th-this m-must b-be c-coming f-from th-that j-j-jojo g-guy b-but h-he m-made a g-g-good p-point a-a-about h-how I-I o-only c-c-complain a-a-about th-the th-thread a-and i-insult p-people b-but I'll c-control th-the d-damage b-by c-calling h-him a f-f-f-faggot and h-heretic
BTFO'd much?

Nice claim

Gotta live on for one more glorious day :sunglasses:
>doesn't even want to die of alcohol poisoning with me
Fuck off

thank you

Yes, very.


Yes, and yes.
Probably as soon as people botted OPs and forced threads after they died before image caps.

That's boring.

You're not welcome

Called it. Radiohead fucking sucks and you're an underaged faggot who should actually kill himself.

I like artists that do almost every single instrument in the music they make. And very chill music is always very delightful. I mostly prefer reggae but keep on posting.

never yandere! ew!


>changing the subject
This is some top tier damage control
>pic related is you rn


I should sleep.

Yes it is, the album has that sort of seamless feeling between every track. Even tho every track is quite different.
I like that. Can you show me something else from them?

Damage control? I'm just insulting you cause all you do is talk shit to me. Are you so out of insults you have to meme your way out of an argument?

Go back to /r9k/ or /s4s/ so you can cry to your hugbox of faggot traps and cock sucking femboys.

Yeah, I passed out while having conversation with someone.

How are you?

"Your Waifu is a submissive whore, she wouldn't even bother trying to cuck you because you're so pathetic, and no woman would even dominance you nonetheless be a submissive to you."

Hello, Ryouko, I believe?


Top tier husbando
Can you give a resume on it?
Have to say it doesn't lok like it man
Why going so hard in tomoko?, She is already awkward man
Hey lulu
How many hours?

That would easily work.

uh hello, hi rem

good choice

>Have to say it doesn't lok like it man
she's not yandere, tho, she's yangire

What is your waifu's name?

Lo-fi hip hop is great, and Fauux makes some amazing art. I'm a big fan of his website.

I don't really listen to reggae that often.
Do you have any recommendations, artists or albums worth listening to?

So far I've only listened to her first album, but I should definitely listen to the others.
Here's my favourite: youtube.com/watch?v=DyP4nVAA8gE

How are you today?

No. You are literally controlling the damage. I said all you do is complain about threads and insult anons and you tried to change the subject to who I was. Then you changed it to Radiohead because I posted a meme of it. I don't even like Radiohead, just posted a meme.
Instead of focusing on how I called you out for not talking about your waifu or expressing your love for her and you pissed your pants and changed the subject multiple times.
Get assblasted, Australopithecus.


Doesn't mean he can't try
Hell, even I could've done it if it wasn't for those meddling doctors

It's incredibly fun and unfun at the same time because it's almost all RNG
I play a bunch of other games too, mostly mobas

>doesn't want to die of alcohol poisoning with me
I didn't say that

Shit. Still sick. Sleep now.
The high school band doesn't want to suck anymore, so they try to get better and reach the national competition. Also slice of life happens.


Too little, it's quite unhealthy

Might even cause him to break down

Hi, whoever you are

Nice trap.

So basically a gacha game but worse

He'll just ban you and cry. Like always. He's a fucking cry baby faggot.

>so BTFO'd he uses shitty insults
Next you're gonna pull the ole "@XXXXXXXXX(You)" meme
Sounds like someone has a buttache from getting b&

Not much, here is a song I like though

It's been a while since we last tried tho

Esdeath can't even ban anybody tho


i'm ryouko


I got banned from the waifu server after a short exchange of words. Someone banned me.


How's it going

Ah, Yangire is a little bit better, you could always help surpass that i guess
Rin Tezuka from VN Katawa Shoujo
Yeah, me too, i also look a bit into Angus work, and tried to contact Fauux by gmail to no avail
At least your insults are somewhat with a bit of tought, ill give you that
Then take his advice and do it with him faggot
But there are better ways of dying than by alcohol, like, doing a flip
Might watch it, got any good drama on it?
Yeah bro, it is, you got me on steam, if you need to talk with someone late at night
Hello who dis

Nice work reviving this thread fellas

The mod role is a meme. Either flan or Lily b& you because those are the only mods.

I must have been insulting their pet or something.

Lonely, I wish my husband would kiss me
Hi Rin, do anything cool today?

Not bad.

Angus' website is equally amazing, especially the newer pages he's added in recent times.
What did you try to contact Fauux for?

Different user here
He used the same shit on me. When he's lost he acts like a wounded dog backed into a corner. No point in trying to have rational arguments

yandere girls are no fun to me, i like killers who kill for fun and not love.

He won't? You should find a better one then

The whole game is a meme, but a cute and funny one

Because you're always off somewhere sucking the rest of the squad

Don't worry I will
>better ways of dying than by alcohol, like, doing a flip
But alcohol will give us the motivation to do a double corkscrew

>I have 2 fans that want my undivided attention

Feels good man.

Goodnight I think.

I bet if I say something about his Dommy mommy, he'll threaten to dox me

The hesitance in the text put me off a bit. How are you?

A who what now?

Tired and sore, yourself?

I usually have people, but I don't mind having more to talk with

If you want a meme game, just play '06

this thread had so much potential

>2 fans
>doing this much of mental gymnastics
I give you a gold star for trying

I'm sorry for putting you off. I'm fine. How is you?

Implying any waifu threads have potential

I added that to my playlist, really good.

Fuck off, no it fucking did not.

Just a group of retarded autists talking about their anime girlfriend.

As soon as people started getting off topic and blog posting it became a homo hookup ERP fagboy thread that had nothing to do with the original topic.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


Finally posting your shit waifu? Have a (You) now that you've grown a pair.

>falling back on the "they just want my attention, that's why they insult me" meme
Nah. Just tired of seeing you shit up the thread with the constant complaining and insulting others for unwarranted reasons(not Edgedeath but people who actually post here).