G/fur bread

g/fur bread










Don't you just hate it when this happens?

good evening.
you say good evening after 6 pm right?














Why does nobody talk during EU hours?
It's really boring.


Can we got some chubby butts or some bears please? Bonus points for bear butts.








Sup fags.





begin gay and life's starting to get better.

I should read my own post before I submit it

Post some dragons in this thread.

Heh, I was wondering what you where trying to say there. Any particular reason as to why your life is bettering (if you don't mind me asking)?

Sorry I do not have any.


Finished my first day at my new job. And I might be able finally live alone.

And I might be able TO* finally live alone.

not a good day for typing it seems


Not quite what I was expecting, but do you have any chubby dragon ass?

Congrats, it is a great thing to make your own money. What kinda job is it?

Repairs and service in a small local tech shop.
Lots of old people but its fun and makes me feel useful.


Cool, I used to work in a local computer repair store. I loved it even tough the pay wasn't that great.
Heck to be quite honest, I believe having fun in what you do is pretty much equally as important.



The pay is going to be well enough to get by and still have disposable income for things.

But I'm really happy to have found something I actually like doing.

If the pay is fine and you like doing it than you are pretty much set I believe.

Yup, that's why I'm unusually happy today


Well, do your best and keep enjoying it! Would be a shame to throw it away.

Anyhow, my friend just arrived and is waiting for me. Have a good day/night everyone.



cya, have fun!


i wish more of these had belly bulges indicating how large the dick was ;_:

Moar gifs/webms?


Can we get some hot bara in here?


most bara pic I found on my phone




why is bear butt so hot

Yeah ruin this thread with this fat bullshit. Nice.

you'd rather fuck women.

its the cute little tails.

bear butt

thx love this



bud that cocks still at bare minimum 8 inches and thick as a can. dicks are not usually that size. this cock is much more reasonable.

I want floral print undies like this


more bare assholes, please?

damn theyre really cute







why do you wish to fuck ass


idk I was never one for contributing much conversation to these threads, even when I lived in the states.
I come here to fap, that's pretty much it. you?





because butt sex is best sex!
also, who could resist a butt like that?