Going to kill myself later this week by hanging myself

Going to kill myself later this week by hanging myself.
Should I tell my best friend that I love her before going through this?
Should I not do this for whatever reason?
Should I even write a suicide note? Every bit of help is appreciated.

Just dont do it. Not worth it.

sure why not, maybe you can get a pity bj.
also do a flip

Periscope that shit nigga

Seems like you want a way out user.

Just dont do it then.

how about just don't hang yourself you fucking retard!

1) that's statistically stupid
2) you should have told her that shit long time ago. fuck being friends with her if that means you'll want her and suffer because of it. have some fucking courage and confront her
3) have some food and get a medical perspective on this

user, make it spectacular. For example, write her name in blood on your wall with a heart around it, leave the house forever, hire a hitman to chase you down and play high stakes hide-and-seek.

dont do it.

but if you are, stream it.

She is just a friend. My only friend infact.

3) Tell her, so You have one more reason to do it

then you should check your strategies for making friends, because thats not the type of friend you want.

Why not. I have no house and only 28 000€ on my bank account.

I think she would say not to do it because she wants to see me live my life or whatever. I have talked a bit about it with her.

Friday or Saturday which one would be better for the stream?

stop asking for reasons to kill yourself. either do some therapy and get your shit straight or just fuck off

Just do it twice fag

>being poor as a reason for suicide

I wish for more people thinking like that
also kys


Go to Thailand and fuck some ladyboys you worthless cunt


If you kill yourself she'll forget you in 6 months and you'll be proving her why staying just friends was the right choice. Not worth.

Is OP even still here?

Wah wah im going to kill myself

dont kill yourself. see a psychiatrist.
regardless, tell your best friend that you love her.
for whatever reason..? well tbh no reason is good enough (im depressed as f as well, more than once complementing suicide), but if you die, then i'll be sad.
suicide note...i guess..

p/s if nobody wants to be your friend, i'll be your friend user.

Don't kill yourself, even if life's a giant bitch to you. It's not worth taking your life. Get some help.

OP, you suicidal fuck, show yourself 'n kill yourself


28k€ ?! That's more than me. Enjoy it.
Don't die (stupid, you just stop experiencing) and by all means tell her. Why the fuck not?

Do it fucking now you dipshit. Livestream your suicide for us you fucking crybaby douchebag

Lol just ask her out you loser. Maybe taht can save you

let us watch you kill yourself you loser

If you do, make it a game. hire a hitman on yourself and blow the rest of your money trying to escape. You'll die, but it will be fun. Or you could buy a revolver and play Russian roulette, while streaming it of course.

Would you be so kind as to kill yourself and let us watch? kthnx

do it fgt

Do it faggot

op you should kill yourself, i think

seriously though don't there has to be something you like that makes live worth living. I find living fucking hard too but shit i enjoy like comics and games help.

Do it on Friday, and remember to periscope.
In the note include her as a main reason for suicide, write a fucking poem about being looser and your secret love and let us see your work posted all around the social media.
you will also rise the beta-awarness

Bloop blop bleep bloop

fuck friday, op you should kill yourself now, don't listen to this faggot. THOUGH you should stream it for us. but do it now. kill yourself faggot.

1) Idgaf about your life and your death, do whatever you want
2) But tell her, confess love. But go for "I love you" not "I love you and im going to kill myself". Second one is even more retarded that actual suicide. Her answer will be good reason to kill or not kill yourself. Have Fun

dude, dont.

better to sell everything and go backpacking for a while.

leave this place.

just do whatever you wanna do.
if you wanna die, die.

kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself

Just kill yourself. Right now. Do it.

Don't reply to the post. Don't wait to hear peoples replies. Go and kill yourself.

No note. No faggot lamentations about a life wasted. Go into the kitchen, grab the biggest knife you can find, go into the tub, and jam the knife horizontally into the side of your neck and keep stabbing/cutting until you lose consciousness and then die.

Don't come on here tomorrow or later and go 'I'M REALLY REALLY GOING TO DO IT".

Go and kill yourself. Nobody loves you. It doesn't get better. Your life isn't worth living. Just go die. If you post another single thing, you are a faggot who's looking for attention and validation and worth even less than you are right now. Don't leave a note. Don't call anyone. Don't livestream it. Just kill yourself. Everyone loves a surprise, but I'm guessing in your case it would surprise nobody.

Just fucking do it you goddamned feelfag pussy. Go kill yourself. Don't search for attention. For once in your useless fucking life, do something good. Save everyone from having to deal with you. Go Stab yourself in the neck with a knife in the tub so you don't make a mess and die.

If you say ANYTHING more you are a faker and a faggot and just want attention. You're an emotional vampire that sucks the life out of everyone for your own ego. Just fucking die.

28k€ isn't huge but it's still a lot, go spend it all on crazy thing, jump from an airplane, hooker, maybe some soft drugs, travel... You are going to die anyway, enjoy your last moments and go out with a blast.
Figuratively by skydiving without a chute, or litteraly in a shithole full of isis fuckers. Make it worthwhile

And stream it!

I would suggest not killing yourself. But, if you must, leave a note to help with closure. Also, I'm positive more people care about you than you realize right now.

Some of you actually make valid points.


OP, it is better to be dead than to be a fucking husk for the rest of your pathetic live
so kys


are you sure you don't want to witness the next 5 years? I mean, it's gonna be hilarious regardless as long as you have access to some food, a roof and internet.

The fact that you made this thread is you saying that you do not want to do this. Even if you don't realize it.

Hang in there. People care about you. You do matter.

Livestream or gtfo you stupid fucking faggot. She obviously doesn't care if you like her or not because you're in the friendzone dumb nigger.

>Should I tell my best friend that I love her before going through this?
If in a love way, don't tell. If just friends say something like "you're my best friend, comrade"

Write and sign it. (and print this thread if you can)

t. cop

>hang in there, kek

>hang in there
more like hang up there


checked. Also no you don't matter. Not at all. The universe is completely and utterly indifferent to your existence. The vast majority of people alive will never even come close to encountering you.

That should depress you. A lot. And then it should liberate you to just do whatever the fuck with the amount of years you get to be conscious on this trash heap. Even if getting out of bed feels like a monumental task and you feel like you're all alone, you definitely aren't.

The law of large numbers dictates that there are many people in the same situation at any given moment. Just do drugs, fuck sluts, get drunk, listen to good music, eat nice food, see places and learn shit every day.

Life isn't worth living unless you give it subjective meaning by your actions and your choices.

found the goth 16 year old

Shut the fuck up. Let him die you fucking pedestrian cunt. If he kills himself we don't have to deal with him. One less 17 year old summerfag that posts this same fucking thread over and over every time they start crying like a bitch over a goddamned hallmark commercial.

You're a fucking monster for helping inflict this useless cocksucker on everyone. You should also kill yourself, you vile piece of shit. You and your empathyfag ilk are the reason we have a neverending shitshow of whining on here. Why are you here? Were abortions illegal where you were born?

Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem, you massive jazz handed faggot. Most people are unhappy in life. Only faggots puss out. Think I like working 7 days a week at some shitty factory? Quit being a bitch, and do something with your life. Join the military. Best 8 years of my life. Gives you a new perspective on things. Faggot.

Do that shit

The guy I knew an hero'd by car exhaust. He wrote the suicide note on his jeans (most likely while in the car). they had to read his suicide note covered in piss and shit. so uh don't do that.

Check em

Are you stupid? Why would you kill yourself? Are you going to be a coward and cut the life half way? Or are you going be a man who endures it all and deserves death? Don't do it OP,there are many more experiences to be had,I know you feel like there aren't or you can't get to them,but those experiences will come for you surely! And also tell the girl you love her. Don't tell her if you want to die without even trying. I had alot of suicidal thoughts in my life but I endured and kept going, don't listen to these fags who say kys. They are not aware that they are pushing a real living human to death.

Also my fav movie quote of all time:
"How do you want to die? On your legs,or on your ass?"

>Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem
But the problem is live itself

>man who deserves death
100% this. Death is earned, you fucking pussy.

As in, $31,938.20 USD?
I have like $20 in my bank account.

Do something to not think about life user. There must be something you could do that keep you occupied. Trust me, if you got a good hobby you enjoy, life won't even cross the mind.

>no house
>has €28,000
>only pretending to be retarded

Yeah, people who are in constant pain are pussies for checking out.

And don't just think about him. Not only will he be in pain for his 14 year old cringe problems. He's putting everyone around him in pain for having to deal with him. He's like the annoying asshole in south park who keeps saying "i'm gonna do it! i'm gonna quit twitter" and calls people late into the night, continuing to try to drag them in.

but he doesn't want the suicide. he wants people to feel bad for him. they want people like you and the other retards to validate him and tell him it's going to be okay. He's aggressive and manipulative and a fucking parasite. And he's going to be like this his entire life, and he's going to take advantage of the good nature of others, causing emotional distress and often other hardships in filling the void in his life that he refuses to accept actual help with.

He's a vile, evil fuck, and he deserves to die.

I'm super confused right now about all this. I have no idea what to do

I have an idea. Kill yourself.

But there's nothing. Just hopeless darkness and suicidal thoughts. Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me. I quit to stop wasting oxygen.

You're only looking at the short term. So many things change over time and you're going to miss out on so much life and hurt all the people around you. Please don't do it. Find some help.

"It's okay that you like to fuck niggers in your spare time, I still love you"

He wouldn't have enough money to eat if I bought a house you mongoloid

How much you makin at the factory?
Might be worth working 7d a week.

Ignore the sadistic normies trying to make you suffer even more. Just go for it. let yourself go.


Is renting not a thing in the UK?? OP please off yourself we don't need overreacting cowards like you

I was in your shoes once. Actually a bunch of times. But I've been long over it. Everyone is a slave to something. Make yourself a slave to others. Do good things for others. Volunteer for a soup kitchen or an animal shelter. You'll soon start to see that there are others out there that have it worse then you. You will also start to see how truly good people can be. You'll get addicted to it because you will love seeing the hope and happiness you are capable of bringing to other's lives. And that emptiness you are feeling is emptiness that you have without God in your life. The only thing large enough to fill that hole in your life for good is God. Try reading the bible when you feel really hopeless. And try to reach out and pray to God. Just talk to Him. He knows everything about you anyways. Just let Him know what you feel. If you are willing to read the bible start here:
www biblegateway com/passage/?search=John+1&version=NIV

>And that emptiness you are feeling is emptiness that you have without God in your life. The only thing large enough to fill that hole in your life for good is God. Try reading the bible when you feel really hopeless. And try to reach out and pray to God. Just talk to Him. He knows everything about you anyways. Just let Him know what you feel. If you are willing to read the bible start here:
>www biblegateway com/passage/?search=John+1&version=NIV

stopped reading right there


OP is retarded


Thread is dead, see you at Friday

Lying pussy.

Thread may be dead, but you won't be. Because you're a pussy who just wants attention.

I hope we don't see

Should I tell her via SMS or face to face? She lives quiet far away from me...

Oh just kill yourself faggot.

Op get treatment for depression. Medicine helps, cognitive behavioural therapy helps, just talking to a therapist once every few months helps. Life long sufferer here, relief is possible.
Be bold with the lady you love. Women like bold men and they want to be led. Whatever you do don't kill yourself, and don't make some kind of romantic acceptance by her a condition for you living. If she is your real friend how dare you consider killing yourself?
How awful would that be for her. One good friend is more than some people get in a lifetime. Seek treatment, starting with your doctor or any doctor. Admit you are suicidal and DON'T downplay how bad it is. You might be involuntarily committed for treatment but that sounds like what you really need right now. I care about you because I have suffered in similar fashion. Take the steps to relieve your suffering. Depression is a disease, treatment helps. It might not be a cure but since treatment I suffer much less than I did before. Choose LIFE. I'm pulling for you!



You're not even certain yourself.
Tell her and then see where your life goes

I actually want to believe you... And most things you have said make a lot of sense...

It's like gears in my head are turning bit by bit towards the right direction...

Try and have a face to face conversation with her. If your days are numbered, at least try and spend time with her while you're still here. Shoot her an sms beforehand though, just tell her you really need to come over and talk to her about something. Depression fucking sucks, I've been there, but treatment works. Think of it like this, you're probably at the lowest point of your life right now. Literally everything else you experience in your life after this will be better. I know you must feel isolated and little to no happiness but it honestly does get better. Don't use a permanent 'solution' to try and fix a temporary problem.