I'm breaking up with my gf after knowing how ugly she is without makeup. Would you do the same user?

I'm breaking up with my gf after knowing how ugly she is without makeup. Would you do the same user?

She looks the same/fine lol

Is she?

pic not related?

Yep. If you don't even know how she looked like without makeup, your whole relationship was essentially built on lies. You can try to get over it, but really, it's like you didn't even know who the person you were dating is.

But then again, looks aren't everything. If you created an emotional bond, it would be foolish to not think things over logically. I take it this is a rash, impulsive decision?

You are retarded

Op confirmed as self centered fag. GG

Fuck her before you break up with her.

Post body


you can't do better, so you should stick with her. she's cute.

You think so?


She looks better without makeup

now nude

A lot of women look hideous without makeup, she's not one of them.

Don't do it. She's a good looking girl.

She looks cute without make up, stop being a faggot

if you're leaving her anyway, might as well share the goods

She ugly with makeup

It's just your realization, she's the same that she's always been.
>If she's not enough

She's a 2.5, maybe 3/10 at best w/out. Definitely leave this hamplanet before she shreds the prenup and milks you for your seed/salary for the rest of your days

>not liking curryniggers