What does Sup Forums think about The Grey ?

What does Sup Forums think about The Grey ?

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Existential allegory


It demonises wolves and makes them out to be some sort of monster. They would only attack a human if injured or extremely desperate for food

great argument against nihilism in this scene

diaz tries to go all "none of this matters" and wants to just give up and look at the mountain and act all peaceful and detached. then in the final moments when he hears the wolves come he realizes that all the nice pretty scenery and the serene environment isn't going to save him from the wolves ripping him apart and eating him alive

edgy naturalist hippie faggots literally btfo

>or extremely desperate for food
Which they were

they picked off the humans for sport, and they would not toy with people like that. stop trying to defend it

one of my favorite movies of the 21st century thus far

the script could've easily been campy and cheesy with less talented actors and editing but it was perfect


Once more into the fray,
Into the last good fight I'll ever know,
Live and die on this day,
Live and die on this day

Great pleb filter.

The humans landed near their territory
They're not doing it for sport they're trying to defend their den.

It's really not demonizing wolves, anyone should be able to pick up on the fact that the movie is about more then just "oh fuck wolves are gonna eat us"

I don't think you know what nihilism means.

fuck off you spaz quit taking everything literally, the wolves are a metaphor ffs

>they picked off the humans for sport,
Fucking humans were zoning in on their de. Guess where they end up at the end?

it promotes hostility towards a relatively peaceful animal. shouldnt be demonised like that

Nobody even fucking remembers this movie anyway.

More like The Gay

it was way better than I expected
thoroughly enjoyed, would recommend anyone watch it

also the post-credits scene was completely unnecessary

nobody came away from this movie thinking "yeah fuck wolves lets go kill em"

You're worried about nothing, this isn't the same shit as Jaws

>tfw skipped out on college one day to see it in cinema

Damn good choice. One of the few films to ever bring me close to tears

Way better than The Revenant.

The scene with the guy dying on the airplane is breath taking. You can practically see his soul exit his body.

t. wolf

>This film was denounced by endangered-species protection organizations for its portrayal of wolves as a perpetual threat to humans. It was felt that the film reinforces the ancient cultural notion that humans should follow a kill-or-be-killed policy whenever encountering wolves.

fucking kek tbhfam

Not the other guy but I don't think you know what edgy means either

the wolves don't matter, they could be replaced with fucking walruses and it would still be the same movie.

If he killed the leader, would he survive?

it would be extremely painful

one of those movies that makes me want to move to alaska

how did you do that

You're a big guy



such a boring fucking movie

came in expecting some bullshit cash grab
came out pleasantly surprised

This. So much this.
The Revenant had little of value besides style over substance cinematography and Tom Hardy stealing the show. Ultimately it had nothing to say, while The Grey just gut punches you at a fundamental level. The fact that it was ignored while Leo simply reacting to the cold and bad food was lauded just shows you how out of touch and irrelevant the Oscars and similar award ceremonies are.

wolf detected

>while Leo simply reacting to the cold and bad food

Is it true that Liam's wife died few days before they started shoting for the movie ? and this is the reason why his acting was the best here ?
you know it sounds true, your real wife dead and you play with those emotions the role of a husband who cant forget his dead wife in the movie

What do the wolves symbolize ?

Pretty great flick. Fantastic script and score, and Neeson's performance, elevated what could have been pseudo-philosophical bollocks into something special.
I'm biased as fuck, though. Blog post-
Rarely watch films with my dad (don't really see eye to eye), but we happened to catch this together. He was a typical Irish prick to us growing up, particularly me because I was a lad, thanks in part to a nasty drinking habit he inherited from his dad. Who in turn, was a properly abusive cunt.
Anyway, my mum had just survived cancer, which put me and his disagreements in perspective, and we'd buried the hatchet. I'd just had a shitty break up, and we happened to be watching TV together.
Didn't said anything during that scene with the poem, but both of us were frozen for the rest of the film. Still one of the few films we'd both say is brilliant.


A movie that women wont understand


suffering and death


God I fucking hate furfags.

what is this ?

the cgi wolf ruined the immersion


Pretty good, except the single serving airline booze bottles haven't been glass in 25+ years.


Solid movie. Sup Forums overrates it though.

I haven't seen it for a while, but are you sure those bottles are from the plane and not from someones baggage?

Everything in Alaska is 25 years old.