Alright, so I found nudes from this girl I know...

Alright, so I found nudes from this girl I know. How can I blackmail her into trading sexual favors without fucking up with her and the law?


are you that desperate and/or
naive op?

How much of a creepy beta are you?

No, not really. It's just I know she's a slut and sends nudes to a lot of guys. I'm just curious as if I can get more wins and potentially have a cum dumpster. Not that many decent looking girls willing to be cum dumpsters in my area.

You sound like a total virgin.

Post them here we can help

Ok than its the naive part, do you really think you can get a slut into fucking with you over some nudes that she is throwing around like candy? And why doesn't she just fuck with you without the wanna be black mailing?

I hope she turn you in for blackmail and possession of CP. Kill yourself you beta faggot.

I'd like an answer first, then I'll post all I have once I get home. Looks like this is fucked up even by Sup Forums standards.

Because OP is very likely ugly and gross.

virign beta shithead

No, it's just really dumb and it's more funny to hear about faggots like you having their lives ruined.

kys you said she's a slut but it doesn't seem that she want to have sex with you, guess it's because you're a creep

its cringy and somewhat sad, I would say totaly up to Sup Forums standarts.

Tits or get the fuck out

She's over 20, we did video chat but I stopped once I learned she had a bf. I'm recently single so I figured might as well fuck her for lying about being single

She's a slut but you can't hook up with her on your own? Pathetic

just give up you're creepy af

dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? why is the fact that she had a bf a deal breaker for you while black mailing her into sex is ok?

I'm a fucking degenerate

Easy. Blackmail her = Illegal
Illegal Blackmail = Jail time
Jail time = Getting your ass fucked daily
Any questions?

buy a sex doll, it's easier

You can really tell OP has never been in control before so he doesn't know what to do

you are a fucking retard thats what you are.

not really, always wanted to do it but am too much of a pussy, lurking with interest and few nudes I can blackmail with

That's what I thought, however, she has a bf and besides the fact she has no job, she can't afford having those pics exposed since she will be kicked out the bfs house. But as you can see I lack experience doing this kind of shit.

Everything would have to be implied, you cant just out right state things or demand anything. Let her say everything and make assumptions.

Yeah, thinking of doing it in person so it's a lot easier not to fuck up.

I would just post any and all content on Sup Forums so the autists posting here can make an intelligent decision on the best way to proceed.


Step one: Make an innocent connection like sending her a message or bumping into her at her favourite carpet store or swerve into her with a car or the supermarket or something

Step Two: Make small talk. Really small talk. Make jokes about ants, jockeys and trump's hands. Pretend the jokes are really fucking funny. Just pretend with me. Fucking pretend alright. Then suggest to meet up for a date or if she isn't into that then maybe suggest going to see a band or a play or the fucking movies. No, don't go to the movies, the film might be ace and you will need to be able to talk to her at the location. If she is not feeling it say thats cool and suckerpunch her before dragging her into your van.

Step Three: No matter how the scenario went down, you should hopefully now have a chance for a little bit of one on one. Explain to her with diagrams that if she doesn't suck your dick you will send her nudes to everyone she knows. When she laughs at you try not to betray any emotion. Do not let her break you.

Step Four: When you inevitably break, do so with grace

Step five: Cry uncontrollably. Tell her everything. About the plan, the pictures, about Sup Forums, about the time your uncle made you feel like a man, tell him about the time your pet dies, your loves, your fears, the time your uncle made you feel like a girl. Made you the girl. Tell her about your failures and the never ending need for attention you have had on you, yet your fear of emotionmal commitment.

Step six: Travel the world together, get married, have a few kids, die alone in a freak stroke and choke accident aged 46

Step seven: ?

Step eight: Profit!

Oh please film the entire thing, I wanna see you going full spaghetti in front of her

Sup Forums has personally helped me score wins and rare pepes. So I really appreciate having some kind if insight from these autists.

Nigger if he could do all that he would just fuck her in the first place

Well OP got BTFO fast, gg

You're clearly a future Supreme Gentleman.

No, you're a fucking loser.

fine you come up with an easier plan then if you can

OP literally kys fam

If you have to blackmail for sex OP she'll probably just kick your ass before you can do shit

lul not only a massive virgin but a filthyfrank kid

It cannot and will not end well. Women have incredible power and leeway when it comes to things like this. This isn't some red pill bullshit, it's the truth.

If you are employed at the same job:

You will be fired, instantly and without remorse. She will receive the undivided support and compassion of at least 100 percent of the females at the job and HR will be with her 100 percent. She could probably sue you and win in civil court for smearing her good name at the job thus costing her promotions and you will end up having to pay legal damages for tens of thousands.

If you go to the same school:

You will be expelled, instantly and without remorse. She will receive the vocal support of the entire administration and student groups. She will receive counseling and compassion. You will be blackballed from any and all professional organizations. She may be able to pursue civil charges along the lines of severe emotional distress leading to her failing classes. This court case will end up costing you tens of thousands.

If she is underage:

You will be convicted of possession of child pornography. It doesn't even matter if YOU are underage as well. You will go to jail for a felony and your life will be permanently ruined.

If she has any sort of family or a large friend network:

Since she is probably pretty and popular and you are a disgusting basement dweller who would even consider blackmailing a girl for sex you will be at a severe disadvantage in terms of alpha behavior and a strong social network. Her brothers/cousins/ friends on a sports team could smash your cars windows, slash it's tires and set it on fire. They could beat you into a pulp and when you go to the police the girl can just tell them you have naker pictures of her and raped her. The men will get a slap on the wrist, you will have to eat only liquid foods for the rest of your life AND probably end up getting punished in both criminal and civil court.

no, you're just a beta virgin

We don't work in the same place. I make a good living and she's unemployed
She's older and was not underage at the time of the pics.
She's not popular, at least not in that way. Just living off a guy who she calls bf.
I just got curious and before doing any big planning decided to get different points of views.

virgin detected.

also what country are you in?
