Terminator tscc

what does Sup Forums think about the sarah connor chronicles?

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boring just like everything after T2

Absolute load of shit that should be forgotten about.

It further turns a gritty pair of films into a teen-friendly, family show.

it was the best day of Sup Forums when it got cancelled

Absolute shit. Only waifu fags watched it.

I was one of them.

>10 years later
>robot waifus still haven't been invented yet

How come the terminator that sealed himself in he wall didn't age like big Arnold in the newest movie?

He was in power saver mode like when you turn off your phone and then turn it on two weeks later and the battery is at 97%

it's shit

but it's still better than T3, T:S and Genishit

Comfy show but the ease in which they started to knock off Terminators pissed me off. It got to a point where they literally just shooting them in the head.

This became canon retroactively, too

Christian Bale trashes a Terminator's fucking lights just by mag dumping an M4 into it and Khaleesi takes out an Arnold unit with one well placed rifle shot

this desu


user pls

S1 was great, s2 was very hit and miss with many episodes leaving you confused and with a bitter taste in your mouth. The cliff hanger at the end of s2 was interesting and had potential for the series to get back on track in s3, but alas that never happened.

Didn't they bring down Cromartie after shooting him for like 5 minutes constantly then high power snipered him in the head? Or shot gunned him in the head I can't quite remember.

I watched the entire thing.

It's mostly bad to terrible depending on episode. Overall: very bad.

There was a few moments that were good/dramatic and I thought TV's former and now forgotten queen did a good job, but overall really not worth watching.



In T1 the fucker just would not stop coming. Empty entire magazines into it. Blow him up in a car. Put a pipe bomb in his chest. It took an industrial press putting tons of pressure on its body to stop it. About the same for T2. Both movies showed soldiers in the future using plasma firing guns to stop them.

Then this shit show and following movies have people taking them out willy nilly like they're made of tinfoil. Ruined the entire unstoppable killing machine aspect.

Remember watching few episodes whenever it was new. Don't remember why I stopped watching or even what happened in those episodes.

Shark-jumping moment

They weren't fighting T101s in the show. I thought they were fighting T8s.

Either way, that scene where glau got a t8 on the ground and used a pipe to choke it... Then grab his chip out. Biggest load of shit ever. Plus the audience could see the pipe was rubber.

Imagine her doing that to your urethra though

What was this scene trying to convey?


>no one will ever trust you that much
>no one will ever love you that unconditionally

shit opinion go back up ass


>They weren't fighting T101s in the show. I thought they were fighting T8s.
T-888 (Triple 8's) is the chassis. 101 is the skin,

that was brutal

Three known Terminator 800 models
T1 T-800
T3 T-850
TSCC T-888

Model 101
>Arnold skin
Model 10x
>other skins

Interesting concept that took a while to get going, but then once it started getting good, it went off the rails pretty quickly. It got into a whole "Terminator of the Week" kind of thing, which just wasn't that interesting because 1) the Terminators had to be defeated regularly for the purposes of the story, which meant they were less scary/interesting, and 2) it just watered down the whole concept of Terminators.

I thought stuff like stopping the traffic control system that would become Skynet and finding out about the early days of military drones was interesting. There were some good episodes like the one with the chick with the big tits from The Walking Dead, but overall, the execution just didn't work.

Based Garret Dillahunt though.