Captain Marvel

>Captain Marvel

Why wouldn't this be choice #1?

mommy boobies milky



She's never had a boyfriend throughout the whole time she's been in Hollywood, what's going on?

mommy's snappy

she's into boys


>that manjaw

it runs in the family

Big Jaw or Big Forehead. That's a hard decision

Because Hollywood is full of superficial people only concerned with whatever gets them the most press. They use relationships as a way to get more exposure. She might actually be a rarity who is looking for more than that. That or shes a dyke and she wont come out because she doesn't want to be typecast.

Antje x Jessica film when?


She was the worst part of the martian so thank god she's not. She doesn't have the presence to pull off a commanding role. Also she's an ugly ginger with a man chin.


Like Alicia Vikander being cast as Lara Croft, it's obvious that Brie Larson was cast as Carol simply because she just won an Oscar and is thus "hot".

had MCU op written a story with Jessica Chastain in it?

Emily Blunt would be a better choice

>Emily Blunt - strict teacher that knows your tragic home situation and frequently asks you stay after school if you fall behind

There is only one correct answer.

Chastain is tood old now.

FUN FACT: She was going to be the main villain of Iron Man 3.

Probably more that she can actually act. She'll be the main focus of the movie. The camera will be on her at all times. She can't just be the plucky sidekick or comedy relief who's chops don't really matter.

She has to carry the whole thing.

Is Chastain the hottest and most talented actress working? Jesus fuck.


current supergirl would have been better


oh, hey

I made that webm


I assume Gwenyth Paltrow refused to work with someone more attractive than her

jesus MCU christ

JC over BDH any day of the week


I want BDH demoted from auntie status
she's a random teacher at best


what if jc went on a bdh diet?


MCU op here

should I remove BDH from the auntie-tier?


No thanks while i do like THICC girls id still take Jessica

wtf no, she's literally auntie incarnate

Oscars are literally meme awards now. They have absolutely no meaning. Flavor of the month.

There's some terrible taste in this thread

preview of next MCU story btw

Antje has a few pages dedicated to her


>MCU op here
do you live on Sup Forums?

it's my favourite site

I work as a lifeguard


That would be a big mistake

Plus nobody would listen and post her anyway

Pretty obvious he's a NEET.

>Why wouldn't this be choice #1?
Marvel wants Carol Danvers to be a butch dyke with no breasts or feminine features, user. Chastain is far too attractive and would trigger their fans.

More like Jessica Chestain lmao

This hurts to look at. I remember in middle school and high school when Marvel wasn't cucked to shit. I stopped reading Marvel when Fear Itself started and maybe that was a good thing.

nigga dont lie i invented the mcu


I'd go to her cannes if you know what I mean

you merely inspired me

I made an empire out of it


Oscars became worthless when they awarded Shakespear In Love instead of Saving Private Ryan.
>inb4 underage in this thread have never seen either.

>having seen movies from the late 90s is now a point of pride

>cum for me
What did she mean by this?

You're fucking retarded if you think the Oscars was ever worth anything. Citizen Kane didn't fucking win best picture.

is she part of the MCU?
what's her story?

I love Amy

>nig haircut
>thick labia

nah senpai

I wonder how Amy's husband feels.

Head monster that lives under your bed.

literally a man. bravo liberals

should've been katheryn winnick from vikings

instead we got the frumpiest 20 something year old that's ever lived

>Citizen Kane
>worth anything

shit movie

Le thinly veiled mommy thread.


Satan Agrees

user that some nasty ass opinions i hate you so much but the trip game ridiculous

>you will never have a qt THICKfu make you delicious meals when you come home, conservatively raise your wonderful children, and lovingly look into your eyes and lay there while you two make love in the missionary position
kill me

>wanting to fuck a thicctress missionary
>not superior doggy where you can see that delicious body shape

fucking f*ggot

where can i read these mommy auntie fanfics

what was she asked

>not alternating between the two

Wew lad

Why couldn't she be Motoko Kusanagi?

if you were inside her you wouldn't be able to pull out until you came your body wouldn't allow it no matter how hard you try, it's something that lays dormant in your body and wakes up when you are inside a fertile woman like that.

what are you gay bisexual gay? haha WEW that one you f*CKINg cock sucker dick breath

>gay dude used to banging guys from behind


>they don't want to do this from behind

1992 Kristen Swanson would have been a perfect Captain Marvel

because shazam is a dude



Katheryn Winnick was my #1 pick.
Although I don't know if she could carry a movie on her own.

literally perfect


Weak ass desu, BDH has that beat over her.

>wants no breasts
>casts pic related

Why is she wearing a towel in the shower

>not casting lagertha

>Chastain is tood old now.

Chastain is exactly the right age to be playing a US military colonel. Hollywood really has to get past this idea that women curdle like an open bottle of milk at 30.

what ever happened to her? i feel like i havent seen her in years


Batman V Superman?


Someone please post the full comic. I've been looking for it for a month.

Zack Snyder ruined her career.