Can i transport less than 0,5 grams of hash on a train? Can a dog smell it? pic unrelated

Can i transport less than 0,5 grams of hash on a train? Can a dog smell it? pic unrelated


A train can transport multiple tones.
So you can.

And dogs can smell it

bump with random

I train dogs and I can say yes it can 100%
But the question is, how will it react

yes but you need to ram it up your bunghole

That's not a lot of hash so only a very small dog would be able to smell it. Most of the time they use the big dogs so you should be fine.

i want to wrap it in paper and put it between my bowls end dick. Will they smell?

1/2 gram? really? just smoke it before getting in the train

Just put it in your cornhole.


and if between my asscheaks? or in the mouth?

straight in your asshole, and then tighten it the fuck up, you need to press your cheecks together, the harder the better, so no smell can leave

are you serious or retard? i wont put it in my ass

i m not sure if there will be a dog, but fuck i m afraid if it will

I am serious and you are retarded, it is the only way

That's not what your dad said!

so how people transport drugs and fucking killograms of hash?

Dog will smell it regardless of where you keep it. Just have a fucking beer you puss. Get a habbit that isn't for 16 year olds

now I get it! you are one of those special kids!

those assholes get themselfes some lowlifes and they have to swallow some bags full of cocaine.
They often die.

fuck! i hate those fucking dogs. Wish they were not alive. Thanks for responds b

if there weren't any dogs, they would have used bears or lions.

dogs are higher on the 'valuble life forms' list than stoners user.

bullshit, they are stupid slaves. they obey and get trained better just because they are filthy and don t have self-respect


sorry do you mean dogs or stoners there?

go fight in animal abuse thread, such animal lovers you know are really worthless. They are not loved among people so they love animal slaves

Hey user

dogs will only smell it if the are said to search for it (sorry for bad english, german over here)

make sure some foreigner is walking in front of you - a "muslim looking" guy (I´m not racist, but the police is.) - they will seach him instead of you.

i carry over 300 grams of weed every month by train

in my backpack, i forgot to tell.

Nice argument. Well put. Dogs serve more value to society than stoners still.

I like your old spaghetti

value? why do i have to be valued among people? Your arguments sounds as if you are a communist. Thats my life and i don't have a duty for someone. I don't think anybody besides retard will tell a rich man about his value among others, even if he sell drugs


God, I love living in a country where carrying small amounts of weed on public transport isn't a criminal offense

>USA #1!

I didn't say valued amongst people, i said value to society. I like society. It's pretty good.
plus if what you just said is true why did you just feel the need to justify yourself and call me a communist?

Listen up, bitch
transporting mushrooms and weed is easy through train and airplanes because it's not metallic so with some precaution you can get it through scanners as well
put the weed in a druggie bag and then put that bag in a bigger one filled with gound coffee. It will mask the smell from dogs.

or shove it up your ass. Call your local gay guy and ask for some advice

you retard society=people
value to soc=value to people. You are comletely fucked up. Your stupidity correlates with your doggo love very nice. kys.

>you don't like weed - you're completley fucked up
Again, a well put concise argument friend. good job

if its only that much shove it in your ass

get a car dumbass rent one

lol your troll or complete dumb. I didn't say that greentext

i own a car, but actually the route i would have to take while driving a car is highly frequented by pigs.

working fine for me since 2010