Should I pull my pants down or no

Should I pull my pants down or no

sure, its your life


nop while youre at it delete this shit thread nigger

do it


You should take the tag off your computer chair. Then post pics.

Pls do

You racist wop kike cocksucker.

Show penis

>are you a dude?
>are you a girl?

lemme fix that for you

>are you a dude?
>are you a girl?


cool now bend over and arch that back, boi

is that a fucking cheerio on your butthole or are you just physically handicapped?

thanks a lot

Turn around


lets see the length of this thing

You own a lot of penguin plush toys


I do, I like penguins

Do you let them sleep in your bed?

Well I sleep with a few, I have a main one that I have slept with since I was a kid

Do you point them all towards the bed before having sex?

lol I think it just happens like that sometimes, I leave them on the bed usually

and I usually hold one when I have sex yeah, make fun of me idc

you can cook?

I love to cook

what can you make?

You are freaking gorgeous :)

spaghetti, lasagna, risotto, fried rice, a lot of stuff (those were things I made over the past two weeks)


do you post these anywhere else?
if so, links?

hmm, well i have a reddit account (arcticreality) but I don't post anywhere else, have any ideas?

I'm really glad you pulled your pants down.

U would gain Market share with larger resolution size pic.

Seems the model is nice & popular.

tfw ywn fuck qt boi

haha i'm glad :p

thanks! and I use a galaxy s4 so it's kinda outdated

Why? I'm not that cute, you can find a lot cuter people

>i'm not that cute
you blind or something?

doubtful but also im just pretty sure thats something i'll never get to do


well, Grindr exists for a reason haha

Git an clean cho room fool

yeah, but its kinda hard when you live in the middle of nowhere and dont got a car


where do you live?

Washington state

oh I live in Virginia, but I have family near Spokane if you know where that is

>middle of nowhere
Yeah sure bud

lmao there are less then 1,000 people in my town we got a gas station and local shop, pretty much no where

i do know where that is but its a long ass drive :/


can you stop laughing? its really mean.

just let me know when you are in Washington :3

Fuck yes

you late

sure thing! haha


you use anything like discord? or telegram

you really don't like taking those tags off your chair, huh?


I named them, they are my friends

what are their names?

Jimmy and Mary

Spokompton, lots of tweekers over there. Im in Seattle :P

oh dang D: That's sad

im not the other person you were talking to, but i too want tyou to post more.plz ;)
