19y/o never been on a date, had sex once

> 19y/o never been on a date, had sex once
> going on first date this week get a choice of where to go like either a film at theirs, cinema out for dinner etc

where should i take her.
Any tips/ dos and don'ts

help me

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Take her on a walk through a cemetery.

You would look better if you fuck off witcho high elf lookin headass

Golden Corral is the best bang for your buck, great selection, endless rolls, skip the move all together go to the nearest wal-mart and walk around an hour or so...see what happens

Do not take a first date to a movie. First dates should be spent getting to know the person by talking. You can't do that in a movie. You can save the movie for another date; then you'll have even more to talk about after the movie. Don't brood too much. Ask questions about her, try to not twist everything into something about you, unless asked to.


go put put golfing and buy a case of silly string so you can have a silly string fight then buy her or him donuts

good advice thank you

Invite her to polish your forehead or take her to a barbershop

dont try to fuck her or something on the first date
just talk to her about stuff

You look like Max Headrooms illegitimate son.

drinks or meal, then you can actually talk, have a cinema idea planned if its going well and if you both don't want to end night be prepared to blow atleast £80 in all. do ask questions listen and learn all you can about them avoid talking politics, but get them to do bulk of talking and try not to sound creepy, don't mention ex s etc. mostly have fun and try to be a normie

this is the worst advice imaginable dont talk to her do fun shit instead talking is for when youre laying in bed with them but that doesnt mean having sex yet until they trust you and if youre in bed youve gotten far enough on the trust ladder so itll come naturally

Not the worst advice imaginable. First dates are for feeling someone out in terms of personality. You can do that during fun things too but a movie is more or a distraction. You have a really weird perception of how many women like to engage in conversation. If a woman doesn't know you well many times she's not going to lie in bed with you just to "talk". Get real.

they talk to people constantly treat them like the children they are and take them to things that involve fun

maybe i should note that she is fairly quiet i dont think she actually talks to overally many people

I'm not sure if you're baiting or just seriously out of touch. Lesson to OP; don't talk like this guy. In general. Don't patronize your date like this guy is suggesting.

take her to a porno theater

Treat her like a princess, no bragging but proven confidence. Go out to eat, best place you can afford. Only give hints as to your sexual desire. Jerk off before the date to keep your cool. Do just one thing aggressive so she feels it . That is all for now.


Do just one thing aggressive so she feels it
i dont understand

take her to a strip club then comment on how much hotter all the strippers are than her

Take her to Culver's, duh.

LOL yea slap the shit out of her so she knows whos boss

This is best so far.

No cinema, no dinner. Both require you to be there for a prolonged period of time. 1st date shouldn't commit you or her to a prolonged situation if it isnt working out. Coffee shop, bar, or a walk in public. All can be ended as soon as either party says fuck this im not into him/her. Bookstores can also be easy, fairly revealing first dates.

go to movies and after that go to eat somewhere. you can talk about the movie while in restaurant and from there everything will unfold normally.

finish the night up just like this

What happened to the good ol Netflix n chill dates?

could do that possibly

Girls her age want a MAN, let her feel her world view of equality and all that feel good stuff, but at some point, point out that you don't like the way that waiter treated her or something like that

kick his ass sea bass!

Grow your hair out more
Don't be a hoe
Don't be a dick
Don't say random shit when the conversation dies, try to think of something relevant
Do compliment her without being creepy
Do pay (even if it means running to the bathroom to call a friend to beg them to send money to your paypal)
Do be polite to any service staff (waiters, movie theater attendants, etc etc)
A meal is recommended, dinner somewhere decently fancy or coffee at a nice joint is recommended, but no movie. Go for a walk or to the mall or something after, and if you do go somewhere with shops, buy her something.

Go for it, try to finger bang her as soon as possible. Then go for the face fuck. Just be the biggest creep possible. Chicks secretly love that.

be there or be rectangle

i probably should of said the pic is unrelated

listen to this guy

Dinner then a movie. Let her pick the movie. During dinner listen to her. Answer her questions.
Just be yourself and have a good time. If it doesn't work out, go on more dates. If your not into her move on to the next one. No big deal.

Also ask her questions. Do about 1/3 of the talking. People love to talk about themselves, trust me.

don't you fuckin tell on me

a hahaha same fucking face

take her down to the diner for a burger, fries and a malted, play her favorite song on the juke box, see if you can borrow your dads car and after dinner take her cruising around town with the top down...get her home around 6:30 and if she seemed to have enjoyed her self give her your class ring and ask her to be your steady.

Don't go to movies. That's the worst advice someone could give you. You'll lose time and wont interact with her.

Go to a bar or eat something outside but not a restaurant. Go to some place in your city where you can do something or admire a nice view.

First you've gotta talk, and more you than her. I'd say you've gotta do 2/3 of the time. It'll make her at ease. After sometime, maybe 30 min/1h, you can let her speak a lot more because she'll be more comfortable. And then you listen to her, and ask questions, she'll like you in an instant

man you sound like you must never leave the house

Actually I don't, because girls line up on my front door to fuck me, and I don't have to, but thank you anyway

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


But you're an old man....

beat off onto her dog and then tell her you beat off onto her dog

thats just sick man beat off onto her brother instead op


Sorry, gramps, it's not the 50's anymore

Class never goes out of style punk

That's not class tho, it is cringy

That was the best advice of the bread kiddo

no it wasnt in no way do people enjoy nice views in the city even if they have mountains or oceans its so normal that it doesnt even register as being a nice view

Whatever you do, don't be rude towards anyone around her/him. It will give off an impression that you get easily hung up on unimportant things. Even if someone is extremely rude towards you, keep your cool.

I have to really wonder, do you think you're contributing to the joke, or are you that stupid that you think he was being serious?

If you go to dinner, don't order what you'd most like, order what you're least likely to spill or get stuck in your teeth.

good point

a nice view means whatever view you've got, mountains, oceans or a city. You do with what you have.

Says the autistic virgin

Doesn't matter, you aren't going to score. You look like a college shooter, and you will become one once you realize you are too fucking beta to have sex and women only will use you. Look at your face man. LOOK AT IT. Don't you think there is a reason why you never had a date? I bet the only time you had sex was because of pity. Fucking. BETA.

that sounds like poverty normal people do things in a social setting that usually require spending money

You come to fucking Sup Forums asking for relationship advice? Faggot. I hope this girl date you, be your girlfriend and cuck you with all your friends and niggers around, and give you aids

Well, I'm not a virgin and neither are you because you sound like you've lost your virginity in 1943

This. A cemetery is the most convenient place for a murder-suicide

she likes to be rammed by nigs

it says it right in her name

You have to read the original post again then you autistic fag

Once you fuck her the first time she will realize your lack of experience, and then you are doomed. She must have put so much cock up her vagina, normally they are little sluts at the age of 14/15. So much bigger dicks than yours, and guys who will fuck her right. You will just turn an inside joke to her friends and her.

what do u come here for? the traps

Sup Forums can sometimes give some decent advice otherwise its just people like you who hide behind a computer screen

Clean the pipes.

Yeah dumbass guess what? Everyone is a fucking asshole behind a screen. I come to Sup Forums to troll people, to make them feel insecure, that's my hobby.

But the traps are cute too

Wisconsin Fag Detected


Be polite, engage in conversation (dont just talk, initiate 2-way conversation). Let her talk, don't be afraid of silent spots, just look (and be) content. Avoid sports, trucks, guns, politics in conversation. Find a mutual interests. Compliment things like clothing, rings, shoes, purses. Do not single out physical features, it makes women uncomfortable, stick to complimenting things she has control of regarding her physical appearance. Do not invite her over, do not take her up on an invite. Tell her you are content with what you are doing now. Its an investment, but garunteed blowjob next date. All you b fags can suck a dick, this actually has fucking worked countless times for me.

That and eating cheesy poofs you fat fuck

Yeah, it's hard to be thin living in my mom's basement faggot

Take her to a bar, buy her shots, drink water shots, wait her to pass out and abuse every hole. Cum in her mouth and when she wake up say: wow i'm so hungover, can't remember last night, do you remember what we did?

what a fucking badass

Such irony wow
Kys faggot

thats really amazing words

Shut up faggot. I bet you love poetry.

Your mom loves poetry

My mother is a drugged skank.
Probably sucking some dick for H or crack right now. Only poetry she likes is cum poetry

>had sex
Why are you asking Sup Forumstards for advice?