Wait, no trap thread? Let's go!

Wait, no trap thread? Let's go!

Other urls found in this thread:




Yeah lets go!

Stop posting this gay shit 24/7 you fucking faggots

Kill yourselves faggots.

Are you from auschwitz

I'm a bit on the skeletal side, but nope, no Auschwitz here



I'm going to need to see that boy pussy.

you could be even more skinny and still hot

whos this homo?


Google Lovebird94, nigger

okay, sure thing user!
yeah I'm mostly just skinny at my ribs and stuff


Nice, id eat your ass

I never understood why people buy used panties, until i saw lovebird94. would literally buy her shit


glad you like

you're fine & hot: the right amount of bones & flesh, barely skinny imho

more trap pics is needed tho

This is a message to all newfags and cancer currently killing Sup Forums: What the fuck do you think this is, some place where you can just waltz in unannounced and be received with arms wide open? WELL FUCK THAT! This is motherfucking Sup Forums, bitch. WE call the shots. WE ALWAYS get shotgun. WE don't give a fuck who you are, because WE are infinitely more important than you. WE are always first in line. WE rob banks, charities, and ANYONE else who fucking pisses us off. This place is more than just a place, faggot, it is an IDEOLOGY. And this ideology says you need to GET THE FUCK OUT. No one here will ever like you. WE have already established cliques, slop-worthy-hoes, and prop-worthy-bros, GOT IT? WE are the ideology of elitism, exploitation, and lulz. This isn't a fucking game, kid, so don't try to tag along. You're talking to people who have been around the block AND THEN SOME. WE pioneered class. WE made 'cool' cool. And you? What have you done? Jerked off in the shower? WE INVENTED JERKING OFF IN THE SHOWER, you stupid bitch. There is a clear-cut, defined, infinitely thick WALL between you and us. WE built the wall that keeps you fags OUT. So don't try to act like you know what the fuck is going on, because you don't. You just do NOT. But you really think you can compete with Sup Forums? LOL WOW Don't make me start flaming you. Are you forgetting who we are? WE are the ones who film people like you getting fucking destroyed by us. WE will rip your ASSHOLE out of your fucking rectum, STITCH IT on top of your pitiful dick hole, and then fuck you in the VAGINA we just made for you. SO WE MAKE YOU INTO A BITCH. Do you get it now? This site isn't a game, it isn't a place to 'chill' with your fags, and it isn't some fucking haven where people like you can get acceptance from people like US. IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. JUST GTFO.

>killing Sup Forums
Sup Forums was born dead

are you from 2009?!


thanks, I do need a bit of work here and there, but things are overall okay



thx, that's cute
tight lace panties would be better ;)

what do u mean by work? you're working out or you need more trap accessories (jewelry, fem clothes, etc) ?

Kik: Jaglak

Work as in perfecting all the trap stuff and getting more femstuff and toys

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

pretty smooth legs


would bang repeatedly/10


ooh, would let you/10

who dis sexyness

moar like please
great ass btw ;)

Goddamnit stop LARPing with these fat neckbeards reposting trap pics. It's sharpie in the pooper with timestamp or it's not him/her. They ain't special because they have cocks. You wanna act like a bitch? You get the Sup Forums bitch treatment

Some quick tips:
- better angles & positions, not just lying on a bed (use a big mirror, it helps a lot)
- a wig will allow less zoomed-in view
- find a better camera or add more light

you already have smooth thick legs & a yummy ass

>Sup Forums bitch

Daily reminder, the fat virgin neckbeard you are talking to is not the trap in the picture without a fucking timestamp. Goddamn you fucking newfags. LARP somewhere else

thank you thank you
thanks for the advice, I have thought about these things but I'm pretty limited in what I can do right now, I'll keep it in mind though

cute cock!!


I go by Luna~

>love is all we need
cum is all you need ;)

Sharpie in pooper with timestamp or it isn't you

I wish I could go a day without looking at cute boys. Its genuinely making me question my sexuality


>everyday looking at cute boys
>question sexuality

Hahahaha what the fuck is that you fat neckbeard?!

I'm glad I'm on your mind, hope you reach a conclusion on your sexuality soon user

Femenine butthole

You shopped a fucking TS on the picture? Are you retarded?

Your hair looks better there

Lets see you then.

I never claimed to be a fucking trap you moron kekekekek you failed at even proving that you're a faggot, thus proving you are a faggot

too shy to show your face?

Don't feed the troll you mong

At first I just told myself I was faping to traps and femboys Ironically,
but its getting harder to use that excuse the more I do it

that's a sexy girly ass right there

You delusional fucks actually think that fat virgin is a trap? You're all fucking retarded and you ARE the cancer that's killing Sup Forums

it's there to please


You haven't shown yours you fat virgin! You showed a pic of someone you found on a fucking trap thread and shopped (poorly) a timestamp ON TOP of the pic.

moar plz


Stay delusional kek

I want to spread those plump asscheeks & eat your butt so bad

>fat virgin triggered

I don't really use kik, sorry
Mm, sounds fun!

my bad, forgot image

>caged with your ass stretched by a big fat dildo
good slut

Sound better than those hot pockets your mom is microwaving for you fat virgin?


>having cyber sex with other fat guy LARPing as a faggot








>YFW you meet this "trap" on blind date


not yet, still have to convert the footage and junk
I don't eat hot pockets, they're kind of gross, hope you enjoy yours though user

Cute hemorrhoid on asshole

needs more ass

>managing to fit it entirely in your boipussy
time to move on a bigger dildo, slut

ahh! It's upside down, I did bad

That's some hot cystic acne on "your" ass Sup Forumsro

▲ ▲

>managing to fit all 4.3 inches of needle dick into another mans ass

Why is your ass shaped like that? Also why are you Asian now?


Those are some hot shit stains on your asshole dude.

I like your public exposure all dressed fem
