Continuation of thread: GF fucked 8 guys before me including nigger...

Continuation of thread: GF fucked 8 guys before me including nigger. Cheated on ex with nigger and made out with old AF turk multiple times.
What do /b?

Admit you're a cuck and kys

Are you stupid? You already know how that's gonna go. Dont do this to yourself. Cheating bitches don't stop cheating cuz oops i feel like that was bad. Find yourself a good gf, you got time and there's billions of choices. Get away from her before you get hurt

is that her?


but what if the relationship is fine?

Has she cheated on you as far as you know?

OP, I have heard many stories like you own where the guy had something against the gal's past but said nothing, thinking it would just go away in time. It never went away. Instead it was exasperated after the I DOs.
I think you should start thinking of looking for a new relationship. I know you said that you are happy but I suspect you might just be blocking what you inner heart is saying.

Forget the past and think about your relationship now.

Before my girlfriend was mine. I watched the girl I was in love with sleep with a friend of mines in front of my own eyes.

This is the second time I've seen this thread.... Today.

oh it's you.
Tell us what it was like after. Your relationship with her, I mean. Did it ever come up again?

Not as far as i know

I dont have that much of a problem with it as long as shes loyal now. Just really wanted an opinion from /b about her slut past behaviour

Do you wanna be serious with her? Ask yourself about that.

Take me for example. I have a girl now which i dont really care much. If she gonna cheat on me break up or other shit i would probably not care too much. So even if she was a portnostar i would be ok with her past.

If you really love this girl and this shit is killing u from the inside, talk to her about it and at the first suspect of her being a bitch, run away.

I should add she's also fucked at least three guys bare before me, and they were all flings.

it's a continuation you fuck. we reached reply limit

Okay. I am prurient so I want some details about witnessing you girl fucked before your very eyes.
Was it under covers? In a dark room.
C'mon, I need particulars.

that's not mine. that's some other user.

still interesting doe. Wtinessing a cuck is always inspiring kek

Yeah, i've had some fantasies myself. GF not into it, and some things are better to stay fantasies mean 16? That's excessive.

why'd she lie about it?

>Being this retarded.

Maybe stay with her. Quality women need quality men. Hoes need betacucks like you.

How to make her into less of a hoe then

ask God for a miracle

Well, we've been together for five years now so it's going pretty well.

Occasionally it'll come up as a joke or when we're reminiscencing about our past. It doesn't bother me too much anymore since it's all in the past now.

If the nigger couldn't keep her, I'm afraid that you can't either.

>Rent her out to niggers.

Jezusfuckingchrist you moron.
Just decide for yourself whether you´re self-confident enough to know that your girlfriend is not a saint just like yourself.
I´ve fucked negresses before and dont feel bad, so why would she?

If she stays with you it´s because she likes you.
No one will stay with you if they don´t like you for some reason or the other, no matter how many people they fucked.

but she's all like: OP i only want your dick.

I guess you've never heard of settling.
Not every one can marry the person they want so they settle for someone they can tolerate.

>Cheated on ex

this is in your future, OP

People fuck. Even girls.
Sometimes people cheat. Would it be really different if she first broke up with the bloke and then fucked someone else? Have you never cheated or felt like doing it?

Yo sometimes the obvious thing to do is just that... obvious

Hoes don't change like that. Maybe one day she'll realize what she's been doing and change herself but you can't sit around and let her walk all over you again (and she will, getting caught doesn't change people it just makes them better at hiding). Seems like you depend on her being your gf. That's not healthy. Dump the hoe, go out for some drinks, and before you get back in the dating scene maybe think about who you are as a person, how you can better yourself and achieve and recieve the things you know you deserve. You should be happy with yourself first, you should be able to lose people and think little of it because if you don't, you're in for a life of misery.

>What do /b?
Post more of whoever that chick in the picture is.

How is that related to what I said?

I have

You said no one will stay with someone they don't like.
That is categorically untrue.
People settle.
Example: A girl likes a guy. Thinks he is the most amazing person in the world and there is no one she would rather be with. However, the feeling is not mutual. He thinks she is dowdy and doesn't want her. So he gets with a fat hairy guy who at leats has a stable job. She is not really in love with him, definitely not as much as the first guy but she doesn't want to be a spinster, still single at 40. So she has the nearest sucker wife up up.
She like this happens all the time, friend.

Then why would that possibility in someone else deter you from dating them?

It makes sense. I'm not worried that she'll cheat though. I wanted /b's opinion on her slut behaviour.

>1st off where in the fuck do you live where it's niggas & turks?!?!!??
> 2nd she's a whore drop her fast
>3rd move nigga, niggas & turks can't be pleasant & I'm a nigga myself

kill yourself for being a beta cuck

does it matter its a dirty slut, and hes already a cuck

has she every had a threesome? whats the sluttiest thing she's ever done?

John Bettendorf must have the day off, this is like the 12th thread he's made today.

fucking cuck you are trash and have no right to the title of male

the sluttiest thing is probably fucking on the bathroom floor in a spa

she´s no more a slut than you are.
What is a slut? Someone who has had more than... 3 partners in life? Nowadays that´s just ridiculous.
We have contraceptives, so there´s no need to confine the number of partners you´ve had.

shes not loyal now, women are all on the verge of cheating, and once they do they break the barrier and are forever cheating sluts that should be executed



mega cuck

> no one else will stay with you if they don't like you for some reason

This op is a fucking moron
>beat cuck

How many of alphas like me stayed with a girl they completely didn't like just for the smashing and cheating with other girls on that said girl that they don't like your logic is so beta go keep living in your lie that girls and guys don't stick around cuz they don't want to be alone and just for that reason so that they can have their possession lol and an occasional fuck

I think the slut part is making out with a guy 20 older than her and having guys dump their loads into her, not long term boyfriends but flings.

ultra cuck

Be her cuck and tell her to invite her dark boyfriend to fuck her while you watch

lord cuck

Cuck detected lol

godly cuck

Alpha and omega cuck

get out jew

beat her. beat her then go find the nigger and turk and hang them both.
the turk should be gassed or given a scaphism or worse death, though. turks are literally worse than niggers or jews.

your filth, and should drink cyanide for protecting the abhorrent destruction of ones oath for loyalty, your a dirty traitor and should be executed as such

I'm guessing you are a slut yourself trying to defend you kind. Promiscuity is the result of a character flaw no matter what you fake progressives try to spin it as

misguided, delusional cuck

yknow cause cheating isnt slutty right?...fucking cuck

sir cuck of the cukery order

Keeping dating her but tell her one thing. If she ever cheats on you or ever feels the urge to, to be honest and break up with you. And if she doesn't like that, then break up with her on the spot cuz it's ain't worth it. It lets her know not to waste your time. If you've been dating for a while over a year, then id say get over it she loves your dick the most. Just be honest with each other. But honestly. If you are feeling this way and it makes you love her less. Just break up. Get bumble and enjoy other girls. She ain't the only one.

she must be executed by will of the state cuck beating wont save her, only god may have mercy on her soul

well ive made it to the end of this cuck thread goodbye faggots


Not all of us have the moral fibre that you do, Adolf. You must be like a double-plus alpha male. Woohoo!


What's with the Turk?

she fell in love with an ugly 40 yo turk. full blown

Get over it

sauce on the pic? might know the girl

Your sarcasm fell flat, hussy, like your moral fibre.
Having shortcomings and promoting shortcomings are two different things.
Admit you fucked around and it was morally deplorable. Don't starting spreading your doctrine that everyone else should.
Is the reason you are yelping with mirth the sight of another cock for you to devour?

Walk away and never go near a female again. It's clear you can't handle it when she has more experience than you.

An hero just to be on the safe side.

bitter slutty female detected

if a girl has cheated on a bf before thats a major red flag