What album did you lose your virginity to?

what album did you lose your virginity to?

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Darude - Sandstorm


is this music or just mr K?

i've lost it to a girl you Sup Forumstant faggot


actually the movie. shit was okay.

Found the Canadian.

the abc song

good times

I lost my virginity to 1-877-Kars4Kids

no music playing or tv

One of these songs on repeat although I can't remember which one.



that female supporting actress always made me fucking diamonds. I like the movie too,

Part 1. Strangely enough, I am American, not a Eurofag.

Part 2. The guy had conflicts; he would put Christian rock on when we did stuff.

dude holy shit wtf is this?

This is incredible! I had the song "graduate" on repeat. It must've played nearly three times.

I lost it to an episode of Seinfeld. Summer of George, oddly enough.

How old are you?

Falco (Rock Me Amadeus, 80s hit) started calling himself T>>MA in the mid-90s and doing more techno-ish music. One of those tracks is "Mutter, der Mann mit dem Koks ist da" (Mother, the man with the coke is here.) It's nominally about not being able to afford coal/coke to cook with, but it's actually about cocaine. That record is an EP of the original mix and some remixes of that song.

the genre is "happy hardcore electronic". Can you akin that to it lol

Yeah Graduate is awesome. I like Burning Man, Motorcycle driveby, and god of wine. THe whole thing is perfection.

My dad and I fucked for the first time to this

I was born under the sign of Richard Milhouse Nixon. (Yes, I'm old.)