Any MedicalFags here?

Any MedicalFags here?

Was just sitting around and surfing the net and my heart started racing unusually fast, quickly led up with shortness of breath. I am also jittering and shaking atm, it has been roughly 10 min since it happened.

I am 17, 5'7, and 240lbs if that helps.
Don't think its diabetes or pre-diabetes since I was tested for that and was way in the clear.

You...might want to lose some weight

Panic attack maybe. Get a doctor to check for cholesterol levels, sounds like you're just fat. Diabetes, at least Type 1, has jack shit to do with shortness of breath/racing heart.

Quick, you may not have much time. Clutch your chest and fall down, then close your eyes and leave your mouth open. Then stay there.

Yeah. Probably gonna die at 18 due to my crippling obesity.

>I am 17, 5'7, and 240lbs

Goddamn dude, I'm 5'7" and "only" 200lbs at 53 and I'm a fat fuck. I can't imagine adding on another 40lbs.

And lay off the sugar and caffeine. Trust me.

MD here. sounds like a panic attack. and lose some weight you fat fuck

Sounds like an anxiety attack.


Panic attack. Smoke some weed


Go to a doctor.

Get checked out.

sounds like an anxiety / panic attack.

go for a walk

Underage B&

start cetogenic diet, cut carbs, go to doc

I am 31, 5foot 11inches and weigh 389lbs. My heart does that all the time too.

Sounds like you should drink a Red Bull asap.

>240 lb
Get your shit together and lose some fucking weight goddamn
either that or go for the record

>I am 31, 5foot 11inches and weigh 389lbs. My heart does that all the time too.
Yours is probably because you're fat tho

Listen kid im been serios. get 911 and get to the er asap you sound like a blood cot in your lung. the symptoms mean its moving. it gets in your heart an you will die FAST. no shit. call 911. wecan only pray from here.

Panic attack. I get them randomly. Treated with antidepressants. I got better after treatment. I know it seems like you will die, but you won't, it's just your brain thinking it needs to fly or flight. Best of luck. If you get prescribed Xanax, don't take it daily. You will get addicted, and withdrawal is terrible

So you're smart enough to go to a doctor for a diabeetus test, but not smart enough to go for this?
How does that work?

it's just a cheeseburger passing through your left ventricle

yes this is good advice. i also recommend 5 to 7 hotpockets

Panic attack?

I had some recently and honestley thought it was a heart attack.

Never been so happy in my life and then it just quit...

that means hes got the cheeseburger blood type. EAT MORE OP! Get your cheesburger levels up before its too late.

Well, 90% chance hes depressed and suicidal like the rest of us so may as well just wait it out

it could be adrenaline OP which can be kidney related

do u drink any sugary drinks or caffeine before it hapened?

havea glass of water to re hydrate ur bloodstream

Drink water.
Take motrin.
Change your socks pussy.

>source: medfag here

go for a fucking walk dude fuck

Could be slight anaphylactic shock due to being allergic to something that you just ingested. Is there any redness or swelling anywhere? Are you allergic to peanuts, shell fish such as shrimp? Also lay off those energy drinks. They can cause heart palpitations. Take your pulse and measure over a period of 30 seconds then x2 or measure for 1 minute. Post the results. Peace out.

Are you drinking high caffeinated and sugary beverages? Most likely between that and your weight is your problem.

these are normal symptoms for american manlets

Having the same shit. Palpitation, shortness of breath, tremors. Found out it was just panic attacks. Next time you have it, try to talk yourself down.

Senior Harvard Neurosurgeon reporting in

Perfect timing. Should I invest in a start up that seems to have a lot of potential?

Dean of cardiovascular surgery at John's Hopkins here. It's too late now, you should probably just give up. You had a good run. Have some milk duds. They're delicious.