Anyone here ever try to get high off of nutmeg? Stories?

Anyone here ever try to get high off of nutmeg? Stories?

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Yes and the high is as enjoyable as a nightmarish fever dream. The only cool thing i had was a short out of body experience where i could observe myself and my surroundings from.. above i guess? I also got lots of nasty physical effects like insane sensitivity to light, itching, nausea, vasoconstriction and cramps. It's an experience for sure, but not fun in any way.


No, because i'm not stupid.

I was introduced to nutmeg in jail. It helped so much with my withdrawals. The fellow con who turned me on to it, was a member of the Nation Of Islam. He introduced me to the teachings of Elijah Mohammed, which changed everything for me.

nah if you're thinking of fucking with that shit, stick with ibuprofen instead.

Yes and it was the most horrible high i ever had!
please dont try it

How can you possibly get high off ibuprofen

Yes, but nothing happened. Didn't get high. Mouth got a bit dry, that's all.

That shit gets you high for like 10 mins then you feel like the WORST hangover that you've never experienced

If you do it correctly, it can be enjoyable.

Do it OP. These fuckers are just weak. I bet you'll love it. Make sure to record it and post it.

DON'T DO IT. I did it when i was like 16 becuase i had access to nothing else, basically what happen is that i grinded down like 2-3 nuts and ate them. The next thing i remembered is waking up and feeling like shit, looking at the clock and thinking, oh shit i must have past out for a couple of hours. But this was not the case i had slept for more then 24 hours and it was the next day.


i vaguely recall a few threads on it, not a fun trip either.

When I was 15. Wasn't very fun because it gave me major paranoia. I remember being out in the shed and something outside was trying to get in. I thought it was one of those pigmy things.

Tried to parachute it with a paper towel and choked and almost died. High sucked. Taste was awful. Terrible dry mouth and uncoordinated. Like a DIRTY mix of bad weed and cheap cheap booze feeling. Fuckin sucked op, I'd steer clear

I was 19 at the time, i ony just started smoking cigs daily a few months prior , still a newby to weed only on ocasions.
read about it online, about the affects doseages etc .
>i figured i enjoyed weed very much and i didnt know any dealer that would give me something hallucinogenic like acid or shrooms so i decided the next best thing was this.
>i waited for a full weekend of work and boutgh a small pack of powdered nutmeg on a fryday
> about 9 pm after dinner i decide its the best time to do it ready for about 2 days high
> i take 3 tablespoons of it with water. it was horrible to swallow tasted terrible and made me puke . really tastes like vomit.
>i cug it down and go watch some tv and ate some chocolate to get rid of the taste.
>i didnt feel anything for along time 40 mins passed and i searched how long i took to hit online, and it was about 2 hours.
>waited a little longer, and after 3 hours i tought maybe i didnt take enought. so i chug down another tablespoon. go watch more tv
>4 and a half hours in i start getting a buzz like weed
>happy neat interesting everything was cool , mouth started to get dry but drinking water helped.
>at about 6 hours its intense the high is very present and your very interested imaginative and gets blurry and water keeps getting drier you need allot more watere
> at about 8 hours it hits the peak visual hallucinations i saw colors moving , walls melting , i saw dragons and shit whilst laying on the couch, my dry mouthg was horrible and mater how much water i drink my mouth kept dry like hell and your eyes hurt from redness.
>i tought that was too much and i need to go to sleep but wouldent you know it , it doesent go away with sleep like weed.
>i wake up saturday morning still high,mouth so dry ,eyes hurt, color is so bright, and sound was so spiritual high
> 12:00 my ex gf came unexpected to get some old things i was high as hell. half naked.
started hitting on her

Bullshit. The high can last for days

it was good for me, but all my other firends were having bad times
i was high for 48 hours and had wierd feeling for 24 more hours
we grinded down the nuts and conumed it with cacao, you kinda have to drink warm tea all they way to enjoy it

>started hitting on her
Thats the spirit man

wait im too stoned to remember correctly

its BENADRYL you can trip off of

Ibuprofen isn't psychoactive

what kind of idiot tries to get high off nutmeg?


What the fuck do I do now??

Benadryl fuckin sucks too. Took 600mg one night and saw shadow people, heard voices, clothes crawling around in my closet. Thought someone was breaking in. Dry mouth was bad and I puked a lot. Very bad feeling in the head and chest but maybe from anxiety as I was scared as shit. Vasoconstriction was a bitch. Numbess tingly head and fingers and toes. Knees felt like shittier than shit.
Shadow people would walk up to my bed and look at me in the face 1 by 1 and walk away. Made for a bad night.

you mean to get high off benadryl?


>try to kiss her
>she slaps me
>she goes away, still hight ,cotton mouth horrible no matter how much water i drik im ful of water at this point.
>about 3pm i cant get confortable with the high
im sick of it i want it to end ! ,start feeling depressed, thinking about bad choices why im doing this shit, family etc... feeling like shit, almost suicidal.
>try and calm down and just lay on couch very imaginative.
>9pm i get up and eat something all of my self talking is very spiritual and visual.
i go to sleep
>wake up monday morning 9 am still high cant get confortable , but not as bad tolerable at the moment mouth still dry and just feels like being on weed until the end of the day .
try at your own risk

yeah haha i've heard people see spiders and shit
but thats some nightmare tier shit

i actuallyu tried the take her used gum from her mouth by kissing her, and she teased me

The 3-4 day "afterglows" get very fucking old

Does no one OD on motion sickness pills anymore? Or did they can the chemical that got you wacked out?

Yeah, diphenhydramine, it's a deliriant.

For anybody who doesn't know, deliriants are a class of drug that product "true" hallucinations, as in you will actually see people (among other things) that aren't there and have full conversations with them and fully believe they are real.

Until they suddenly disappear that is, and then you're left in a state of disturbed confusion at what you just saw. At this point is when you begin to see the spiders. Crawling out from every corner, crevice, and hole. But again you've forgotten all about your fake conversation and once again believe everything you are seeing is real.

It is never ending sequence of delusional hallucinated scenes followed by sudden realizations of your insanity before slowly slipping back into the next delusion. By the end of it you're so disoriented and mentally fucked you can't be sure what was real of imagined, everything feels like a dream.

Nearly everybody has profoundly negative and horrific experiences with deliriants, but there are those who dare to plunge into the dark hell that they offer.

Dramamine and shit is all behind the counter now i believe

No I just took 20 advils.

You're gonna die man
See yuh

Nutmeg is cool but a few cinnamon sticks are way better

I took 100mg of diphenhydramine and I nothing happened for a half hour or an hour, then I feel a sleep and woke up 12 hours later, no dreams. What gives?

well atleast this will be your last headache

Thats the dose for sleeping as it's used as an otc sleeping aid. Boost it up to 300-500mg

That should be their next commercial.
Advil: the final headache.


You took double the therapeutic dose and expected to trip? Do you really think such a drug would ever be allowed to be sold on the market?

You need at least 300mg (but probably more) to begin to enter the shadow realm. 100mg is just gonna put you to sleep

Thanks user. Didn't know that, I knew it was for sleep but thought the dose for that was 25mg to 50mg lol

>are you tired of migraines?
>are you tired of living?
>Advil 2000mg 12gauge slug, this will be your last headache, guaranteed!

I bought a bottle the other day, I think I'll try your suggestion tonight. Will post results if anything wicked happens.

This one time in band camp! I stuck a trumpet in my ass, just to see if I could blow it, then my friend NutMeg ground her face in a grater and snorted it herself , and ....aliens !

Bear in mind it won't be a fun experience, and definitely don't do it if you have to act sober in any way because you can easily think you're doing or saying something that makes perfect sense but in reality you'll come off as batshit crazy



how much nutmeg is needed to get a small high?

Id suggest taking only about 350mg your first time. Also a trip sitter incase you freak out. Remember you wont die but a sitter can keep you grounded if you start to freak. Goodluck man

going off of stories ive seen

two to three tablespoons

Honestly ive done 500mg before. DO. NOT. DO. THIS. I will literally never take another antihistimine even at low doses for as long as i live.

what was it like?

Anyone got any good stories from this?

I'm kinda used to weed but never did anything like shrooms, what should I expect? and how?

You should be fine, and if anything you'll have a bad yak.

wayyyyy more than 300. and you can't just take some and then take more later. once you do it your tolerance will absolutely skyrocket so its not like you can try 300 then try 600 the next day or two.

probably some shit similar if not exactly like this

Expect the dirtiest feeling "high" of your life. Eztreme dry mouth and nausea, red eyes, dry skin, sensitivity to light and sound, a better appreciation to music, an okay tingly feeling, slurred speech, trouble puting your thoughts into words, vasoconstriction, hating nutmeg forever 'the smell makes me gag tbh', and feeling horny while unable to get chubbed.

This is just my experience after 2 tries. Goodluck man

The only good thing is that orgasms are incredible, i recommend doing 200mg, waiting 2.5 hours and jerking off. What i experienced was relatively mild, i saw my body rapidly lose weight till i could see my whole skeleton wrapped in skin, i reached to feel it and it felt exactly how it looked, threw up several times and saw faces in the toilet water, and woke up having extreme panic attacks and a bad ''hangover'' so to speak all day.

>definitely don't do it if you have to act sober in any way

you won't be able to walk right, and you will probably just be pissing every 10 minutes.

Also if there's a chance that there might be people around, you will probably start talking to yourself. only take it if you know you won't be bothered because then you can just safely ignore everyone who comes and starts talking to you.

Thank you anons, I have nothing to do for two or three days, so hoping things work out

Yikes... What happened user??

>but not fun in any way.

this is true. if it were possible to get any kind of fun high off nutmeg it would be illegal.

We've been looking for you Brother Malcolm. Please wait right where you are.

>>i tought that was too much and i need to go to sleep but wouldent you know it , it doesent go away with sleep like weed.

kek... it's like it just gets put on pause until you wake up