People you instantly disrespect. I'll start:

People you instantly disrespect. I'll start:
Anyone who likes anime.


Trump supporters

ppl who donĀ“t like lolis

People who aren't me

Liberals/ Democrats.


non trump supporters

Anyone who showed a shred of support for Hillary

unnaturally dyed hair
antifa and hardcore lefties

reality tv stars and watchers
ppl who like conor mgreggor

Anyone who would rice their car out if they could afford too.

Or car enthusiasts who do not even want to educate themselves before talking to others in a "I know best" attitude.


Anyone on tumblr who doesn't draw/post good porn (none of that furry shit)

Liberals in the American sense
People with many piercings/tattoos

train spotters

Anyone who cares about cars.


People who include ITT in their threads

kill yourself

People who more than one emoji in a post.
Bonus points if it's the same one


Everyone born after 95'

I do second this

that's not a republican meme, it's a baby eating atheist liberal meme

Noone, why would i disrespect someone without knowing him ?

Anyone too staunch to listen to people they don't respect

I suppose it would be hard to be a car enthusiasts if you can't afford to be one :-/ my bad user. Pic related, one of my toys.

I hope u find what makes u happy one day!

Anyone who's obviously from pol...

Libertarians. If you don't like government, go live in Somalia

anyone that has a strong opinion about anything

People who vote based on money or gender/race.

All niggers

It's a woman.

I hate the government but love america so fuck off.

Anyone who brags about their wealth and mocks less fortunate people.

Anyone who is self motivated enough can go from jobless in their parents house to making 100k/yr. In 5 to 6 years. I would happily tell you how if you would really like to make it happen ^.^

Please tell us

Yeah u trips bastard TELL US

Generic answer but sjws

1. Anyone who says we can't have an immigration policy because of the Statue of Liberty or a shitty poem later attached to its base. "See we used to control immigration til someone gave us a statue and we put a poem on it."--- fuckwits.

2. People who blame Jews for everything from every war to poor cell reception.

3. Preppers / survivalists / martial artists who weigh 400 lbs. If they were serious about protecting their lives they'd eat right and exercise.

4. Mormons. Gawd chose a convicted conman to reveal his word and most of the word was for his humble servant to fuck a bunch of teenage girls?

5. People who blame Ronald Reagan for AIDS. The AIDS epidemic was gay men killing gay men in the pursuit of a quicker orgasm.


very nice!!
i bought a stingray last year and have loved it!


Step one: go to The nearest college (preferably community college) that offers an ATC major (air traffic controller)

Step two: finish the 2 year degree program and get certified (easily done in two years)

Step three: spend the 3rd year preparing to move to or work at any airport (part time tower or international airport)

Step four: start working your was off

Step five: after 2-3 years, you could be breaking into the six figure area. The AVG income is about $123k/yr. That will come soon after.

There, now you know how u can make over 100k/yr in 5-6 years spending less than 10k on school (community colleges price if you get nothing from FASFA)

Hope your life gets better user!

Lil pump

>Anyone who is self motivated enough can go from jobless in their parents house to making 100k/yr
>Step one: go to The nearest college (preferably community college) that offers an ATC major (air traffic controller)
Kek, not even that user, but I want to see one jobless person without money being able to visit college.

Hands down the most exciting and engaging vehicle I have ever driven. I never take it out of sport because I LOVE the sound of that cold start sport exhaust.

Capitalists, statists, communists, socialists, liberals, conservatives, democrats, social anarchists, kids who think they're edgy because they're supposedly neo-nazis...

Basically everyone except individualist or post-left anarchists

There are TONS of poor people in college now. Many desperately rely on the FASFA, military, or hefty student loans to go... but it is very possible. Just have to be driven enough to make it happen. :-)

Nice dubs m8 :-)

I hope your life works out for the best! I am always out to help my fellow anons!

girls who call shit-tier pop punk and nu metal "death metal"

Gotta agree user
Those shitheads would probably shit in their pants if they listened to real death metal

As said, I am not that user, I freelance for my university already.
But those loans fall apart, if you take longer or miss specific gradings.

Fat people

I'm OK with fat people as long as they are trying to do something about it

I hate anyone to their core who uses these words or phrases when they speak:

- Actually
- Obviously
- Totally
- That being said
- How are you


Anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers.
Also anyone else that puts further endangers the human race because of ignorance

vocal feminists
Fat people who seriously pretend it's ok to be fat

Anyone whose age is on the clock

Those are anarchists, friendo

>comes to Sup Forums
>hates anime

pick one.

You're a pretty cool dude and that's some good advice. Thanks Sup Forumsro

Your on an anime based image board. Welcome to Sup Forums.

Hey, Nigger. How are you? You are obviously a fagggot. Actually, Not just a faggot. But totally a super faggot. That being said, You are a niggerfaggot.

Atheists that are over zealous about it
Christians that try to convert Athiests

I enjoy anime. What's your deal ?


No problem :-) I hate seeing great people get held down because they were unaware of things that they had control of all along.

Everyone can fly, they just need to be shown how and be willing to take that first jump!

I'm an engineer. I make decent money. It doesn't mean shit. I think about killing myself every day. I would definitely do it if I was an air traffic controller.

>Implying you wouldn't hate them if they put even one emoji


People who use their religion/race/sex to act a certain way or to gain something.

Also dislike party girls (idk why), although I dated 2 of them before (They changed thank god)

And overly independent women.

Please do! Fuck these other fags giving you shit.

Thats an awesome idea.



>people who call heroin addicts train spotters


Like 90% of people who are on this cancerous site. And also probably 70% of the World's population.

Sup Forums

Step 1: pay attention

Fat people (like morbidly obese >275 lbs)

Anyone with a southern(US) accent.

Jews and nonaryans

Anyone who can tell one Kardashian from another, or knows who the rest of the losers are that hang around them or fuck them.

People without empathy. Empathy does not mean the same thing as sympathy. You don't have to feel for others, but if you can't at least try to see things from a perspective other than your own, your brain is worthless.

Anyone who thinks the Harry Potter books are well written or original, not just fun.

I am happy u could clear up that I used that photo twice before hahaha I'll happily time stamp ^.^

i distrust the british and i hate niggers. newborn babies i dont respect either because the havent done anything

Fat people that get angry at their kids for being kids
