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Can we have a link please. I want to believe

Your attempt at false flag faggotry sucks. I wouldn't be listing this on my resume if I were you.

It's fake news

Because Trump said so

You clench your asscheeks in preparation for the impending impeachment Drumpfshit? LOCK HIM UP!!!!!



daddy trump says so guys.

this retard is posting this shit in multiple boards like a good little paid faggot.

How many rubles did Drumpfputin deposit in your account for this post Drumpfkin?

He is fucked though. This shit is hilarious. A fucking email, of all things, is what is starting the boulder down the hill. Jesus.

Did you know that Donald Trump is...RICH? Yeah, I wasn't sure it was true, but I did some digging and it totally checks out. That's reason enough not to trust him, amiright guys?

Suck my dick Donald

If this was 2006 Sup Forums it would of been. It's obvious he's a con man that used Daddy's money to get where he is. I thought we hated mother fuckers like that. Not these days it seems.

so? I dont see what is wrong about russians helping a campaing? if you look up who supported shillary, oh boy:fbi,cia, rockerfellers, federal reserve. boi gtfo


Grammar Nazi strikes again

So your argument is it's ok if he does something wrong because she's worse? Not everyone who criticises trump is a hillary supporter. In fact most aren't.

its illegal to solicit information to tramper in an election from a foreign source.

There could be a video where trump says he collided with Russia and he still won't be impeached. He'd deny it was him, his supporters would deny it'a him and congress republicans would say it's regrettable he chose to say those words in that particular order but it's still not proof of collusion.

so shillary should also be punished, that middle-east is looking kinda better with trump on that seat. hillary would have started ww3 in the first day of office, implementing that "no-fly zone" over syria, aggressing russia

That's why he's the least favorite son.

Russia isn't gonna start wwiii because if a no fly zone. That's actually retarded.

>orange man plays "poor white people's greatest hits for a year"
>a whole country falls for it
>everyone suddenly getting dicked worse than bush era

syria is in military alliance with russia, usa would have used FORCE to create the no-fly zone, causing a clash with russia, which would escalate FASTer than usas national debt.

Yes, leddit hates Trump. Go home.


Puty wanted trump cuz he is a bitch. He didn't want shillary cuz she would have brought the weight of the world on his sorry ass. You argument is so fucking stupid and I'll informed that is should be as physically painful for you to say as it is mentally painful for anyone with even an I. Q. of 70 to read. You are a special kind of stupid and deserve nothing short of death as well as your entire bloodline.


you don't get to tell anyone where to go, friendo. What's wrong, eh? Can't deal with the fact that the god-emperor has no clothes? Fucking snowflake.

No tax returns to prove your faggotry. Get back to your bag of dicks before they get cold.

>I'm so triggered, I have to respond to everything.
Return your Obama phone


Trump Jr. basically copped to this already. He said himself he only accepted the meeting because he was promised dirt on Clinton. It doesn't make any difference if he got an email stating what was already patently obvious to him.

He pissed daddy's money away and u. S. Banks wouldn't lent to him. Russian oligarchy leveraged his sorry ass and they own Cheeto Benito lock, stock, and barrel.


lol. wtf is an obama phone? you're obviously sitting at home shitting yourself and typing gibberish. So, basically just another monday for your average trump supporter

Holy fuck you're stupid. If he pissed it away, where did his billions come from


"Oh shit he got me, I better front ignorance"

No fly zones have been in effect over portions of Syria since Obama. Stupid cuck.

It makes my dick then when you throw your tantrums.



What billions? You see a tax return? Its all ink on paper. His defaults, bankruptcies, and his name coming off of buildings should be a fucking clue.

If english is your first language, please learn it before trying to communicate.
I dare say you don't even speak more than 2 languages.
Also, if my viewpoint differs from yours and the first thing your puny mind comes up with is
basicly "kys, I am right and you are wrong", I can see why usa citizens are as stupid as they seem.
>Usa should be removed, they only bring chaos and destruction, they are the cancer of this earth who should be purged.

Running casinos into bankruptcy after moving investors money offshore and then fucking everyone over including small time contractors. He's a sleazy conman.

>It makes my dick
weak sauce, kid. Very weak.

Kys reetard, not only is Obama phone one of the biggest memes that's been but it's also relatively recent. U should be banned for underage. Obama phone is subsidized cell phone for niggers and white trash meth addicts. Go titty fuck your buttcheeks homo

>but shillary would have used force to make syria fully a no-fly zone thus creating a clash with russia


I'm interested in reason pics like this. I love Trump but sexual edits of him make me hot af
Like that shooped pic of him sucking Putin's cock, or getting pissed on by Kellyann Conway

I'll be back tomorrow to see about the nothing coming of this; just like the rest.


That looks like Kellyann's big fat slimy cock in the pic.

4 languages, cucklord. Stupidity is a cancer worldwide, yet America chose to wear theirs as a fucking tophat. I didn't say KYS, I said you should be removed from existence. I'm more than willing to facilitate this. Can't wait for Civil War.

Any libtard rejoicing at alleged Russian interference in US elections should be ashamed that 17 “intelligence” agencies allowed it to (allegedly) happen without being able to do anything about it.
Where is the “intelligence” in “intelligence agencies”? US intelligence agencies are the laughingstock of the world.

Look up "Whataboutism" and then take a look at your post

you made bro?






Reagan started that free phone shit dumbfuck.








Yes I got it made, faggot.

You've been saying that since September. Cuck


putin was still pissed when hiliary called the 2012 russian election a sham

as president she would have imposed more sanctions on Russia, something Trump had removed from the republican platform during the convention
















Oh and how many land lines did your shitty family get?




Being informed isn't the same as soliciting.


He would have been blasted out of the fucking sky in minutes and brought to heel. Now puty get to keep assad and Ukraine.
