U mad white boi? u mad i be getting them white teens while yall fags still 20 year old virgins lmao

u mad white boi? u mad i be getting them white teens while yall fags still 20 year old virgins lmao

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At least I'm not a nigger

haha umad white boi


should bring back slavery you cotton picking nigger

We all know where you are going.

u mad lmao im more muscilar than u whitey

let me guess you listen to future you braindead nigger



the fuck u tryna say craker?! futures the best and if u dont listen to him u aint shit

How can white boiz compete?

get out!

maybe Hitler was burning the wrong race

well statistically women views blacks as the most unattractive race overall

tf u gay nigga if u think im gay u dumb as fuck boi

It's a super awesome tradition for the homeowners to allow staff to join them for a formal dinner once a year.

Ha! Yeah, right! Niggers can't afford computers and internet. They'd have to steal so many watermelons...

this is why i hate white ppl mann yall niggas racist #blacklivesmatter



yall niggas cant even be on the same level as me and my niggas

But in all realness, I've been thinking cause everybody's having a good time being racist, (I'm not racist) but, black Americans only use the the you mad white boi? It triggers people, and makes me laugh, but if you're black come up with more please.


You're white, we all know it. You desire to be cuckolded by a black man. Therefore you try to create a false reality for yourself, under the guise of "hurr durr u mad whiet boi". The only thing that could be positive to your existence is either impregnate a white woman and give the kid foster parents, because you're clearly fucked in the head, or end your life immediately.

must be so hard to dress like a faggot and point at nothing.

lmao u dumb as fuck u mad


>implying all these threads aren't made by white people

Stop looking for attention you fucking faggot, as a minority you're making us look bad, stop being a queer

Hahaha gay niggers

shut up nigger


they both look incredibly unhappy

we ain't even leavin the whitebois for you, whiteboi


Lol just show yourself nigger, you probably white pretending to be black.

Haha niggers fucking white guy haha they are still gay haha

this me nigga u dumb as hell

ya but u still use Sup Forums u goof ass horse lookin ass nigga

Hahaha with that look you think people will envy you?

i have 2 thousand followers on instagram u aint shit


Looks like hobo to me.


Lmfao did you get stung by a bee faggot? Get your stinky ass outta here


You probably are gay. Liking traps is gay btw

Kek, well more and more white girl going for black cock but also more and more black guys going for cock.

Really!? Let us see nigger XD

u aint belive me heres ur proof

Y'all dumb fuckers lol calling someone the n word cuz of color

Haha he(or let us call him ) she likes it so much.

Not even close

I'm not even mad. Nice catch. Hope the best for you an success in life.

a lot of these white people in these comments or hating on him but he can please her better that's for sure. He's probably fucked her already a white woman can't resist BBC.

Hahaha gaaaayyyy! Kys XD how dumb niggers really are? If i said you cant jump on top of the bridge will you do it anyways? XD

Thanks for taking the white trash midgets off our hands

You can have white girls, they're retarded whores. I'll be sitting over here with my Asian girls


>Asian girls
>Not Anime Waifus


Good luck making it to 20 nigger also stop posting this shit everyday

>fronts as big achievement having 2000 followers
>follows 5000 most of which are f4f
Niggers are so fucking stupid, implying others are just as blind and mentally incapable as them.
Why hasn't your race exterminated itself yet?
Oh wait, they're trying in Africa but you westernized dipshits are kinda stopping the progress.

she ugly

up late tonight Cuckendorf?

more white women

21 year old!

Sorry for you bro, at least you didn't get an std from a white girl humping black guys, I'm just sayin I'm not fucking racist, I'm just saying that, the whole fuck the whitey cracker thing, it's funny when people are just kidding but when you spread that poison, it's ridiculous.