So what based Mel was trying to tell us was that we were right in destroying that shitty "civilization"?

So what based Mel was trying to tell us was that we were right in destroying that shitty "civilization"?

You're Spanish?

I am

Yes. Christianity prevailed in the end of the film. He was telling us that christian proselytization is the right thing to do.

That's not what I got out of it, but art is open to interpretation.

I think it was the age old message

>in any society normal people exist who just want to survive
>there's also crazy dick shitters
>the government is generally shit and wants to fuck you in the ass

I thought it was supposed to be cyclic.

you forgot
>and then someone else comes along and BTFOs you and everyone you know

no you fucking moron

Mel was trying to say the jews eventually caused the genocide of the indiginous Americans

jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, Columbus discovers America in 1492. coincidence?

>if you hide your wife in a hole beware the rain

That's my favorite.

its more like

>there are other forces in this world, in your world view that can fuck you up more

theres always a bigger fish.

how wuuuude]spoiler]

Based Mel was saying decadent and decaying societies are fucked up. Mel Gibson is the Jaguar Paw of Hollywood.

i think this was the movie that sparked my love for film. we need to unite our voices to get mel directing again

Mel never stopped directing. His new movie comes out soon.

>the government is generally shit and wants to fuck you in the ass

Libertarians pls go.

Hacksaw Ridge, famalamadingdong

i'm ignorant, thanks

I think it's just sort of a fact. I'm not a libertarian but people are generally shit and moreso when you get them together.

apocalyptico is saying if the aztec empire wasn't already 90% dead, they would've repelled the conquistadors without issue. It was already eating itself, spain just happened to see it all happen.

>ywn see Mel's Viking movie epic

why even breathe bros?

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

I like his post-Hollywood stuff.

don't bully mel please :(

>old man is balding
What is this image supposed to prove?

I didn't understand Apocalypto
Where were the Jews?

the europeans showing up had a dark feel to them.

spend the whole movie showing how powerful and destructive the aztecs where, destroyed his tribe and as they took over the jungle, destoryed nature and took slaves

after all of that, run to freedom - see european ship - harbinger of something even worse

it was the apocalypto

>it was the apocalypto
Really? Jesus Christ Mel

The ship at the end should have had 'APOCALYPTO' on the side in huge letters.

The Native Americans weren't exactly these peace loving people. They were savages that did horrific things like any other civilization. I thought that was one of the messages.

that is one way of claiming how events went. a completely false way but still