Tfw you lived long enough to see the Youtube bubble burst

>tfw you lived long enough to see the Youtube bubble burst

thank fucking god these talentless hacks are losing out on money they don't deserve. Boogie2988 sewer side fucking WHEN?

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you made me worried a bit there, based Jay-kun is ok...

Do they even make money off of YouTube? I've never seen an advertisement before one of their videos.

I absolutely fucking detest that editing style.

They're youtube partners, most people use adblock ofc but you can't block ads on the mobile app.

Ilove watching on as everything crashes and burns.

totes innaprotes

You do realize they have their own website right? YouTube could yank their channel and they would be fine.

>censorship is okay when the person is annoying

Kill yourself senpai.

>users of a private service being treated "unfairly"
>"muh censorship"


Advertising was a mistake.

Are you talking about Red Letter Media? All the videos on their website are youtube embeds, dumbass.

>earning $50k a year recording yourself talking into a camera

Don't they have videos you can only see if you're a member of their website?

And you don't think they know how to upload videos to their site directly should YT ever pull the plug? What do you think people did before YT was a thing?

No. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Sure but they're not going to be making the ad revenue they make on youtube. Ad revenue is what keeps youtube channels running.

Seems like bullshit. Google will survive but what motivation is there to suddenly become prude about profanity and "controversial" content?

It'll either turn out to be overblown or they'll backtrack. Nobody was calling for this to happen and I doubt anyone is celebrating it apart from some small demographic of WASP housewives.

I remember when Google used to have "don't be evil" as a motto. Oh well.

They have Patreon only videos, don't know where they are hosted though.

this is fucking bullshit.
Anything could be labeled as a sensitive content.

so you do it then

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. That parasitic fucker has spent his entire YouTube career trend hopping and attention whoring.


Big channels like RLM would have no problem finding their own sponsor if this were to happen. They'd probably make more money too.

The difficulty of the task doesn't really matter. If the demand for the videos weren't there then they wouldn't make money. If you have a problem with that then you have a problem with capitalism.

I wouldn't jump all over this shit desu senpai.

Why do you think they made that Stranger Things review? RLM are paid shills.

I'm sure that's a coordinated politically effort with all the other social medi a plataforms. Facebook has been censoring conservative or liberal mockery for ages, and there's the laughbox that is Twitter.

its so they can hide all their mistakes

They paid Mike to say it was merely okay? They paid RLM to give a so-so review to a series that had already been out and become a huge success weeks earlier?


there is demand for people like him, you don't get to decide what the market deems is worth value.

>most people use adblock

Most people do not.

Yes, and yes.

>Douge wll live on

def worth it then :^)

T-that's photoshopped, r-right?

So they have to get a real job now?

>being clever enough to make a living being creative and creating your own material isn't a "real job"
Enjoy your boring life working at Taco Bell to get through college so you can get a job in a shitty office until you die.

for certain channels sure, but vlog and make up normie channels that get millions of views per vid, most of those people don't

>they make a patreon instead


I dont understand they shutting him down?

Or he just wont get money because he swears? I stopped after 4 mons because he so shit at explaining whats happened

>people like to see black guys fucking white blonde women
What did he mean by this?

>>being clever enough to make a living being creative and creating your own material isn't a "real job"
There's nothing clever about simple, non-linear editing. They're not even creating their own material, they're all AVGN rip offs with the same format, the same jokes and the same timing.

I get that the need for autistic content like comic book review shows is the cornerstone of capitalism, but that hardly has anything to do with effort or creativity. It's a hold that's been filled to the brim and the bubble is about to blow.

>le you're just jealous
You're right, who wouldn't be jealous of Linkara?

Did you even see the video. He will survive as do most "big" youtubers on god awful merchandising.

>youtube bubble burst

You are one bitter and jealous wageslave.

>american "women"

Sure I am, Linkara.

>philip defranco

wait, is he actually still popular? thought this guy fell off after 2008

yea it totally had nothing to do with all of their fans relentlessly asking them to talk about it

>what is patreon
Stupid morons pay for their "content" regardless.

What's a bigger cancer?

"Let's play" youtubers


"Reaction videos to fucking everything" youtubers

I honestly can't decide

It didn't.

Definitely reaction videos. Not a hard a decision.

>still replies
>not upset by the truth


Reaction videos, by far. You can just not watch lets plays, but having a bunch of pictures of faggots show up on the sidebar with HUGELY EXAGGERATED SUPRISED EXPRESSIONS WITH THEIR MOUTHS WIDE OPEN any time I watch a new movie or game trailer is fucking obnoxious. I absolutely despise how common this is now.

I'm going to upload a reaction video to your comment :^)

It took you 16 minutes to come up with that? If I wasn't upset I am now.

Reaction videos. At least LPers have to have some level of skill to play a game and it involves a lot more time and effort.

Reaction people load up a video, record themselves being stupid, and them bam, done. It's the definition of minimal effort.

Didn't youtube do this because he said mean shit about SJWs or something? I don't give a fuck about this guy at all but it's retarded that youtube is taking sides in internet drama.

He looks like Doc Venture.

>YouTube brings in new rules
>The untalented hacks who hopped on board the YouTube train will no longer make any money
>Literally all of the big YouTubers besides our guy Reviewbrah swear constantly
>Doug Walker, already having trouble with copywriter stuff, will now also have to stop swearing and making sexual jokes
>Idiots like Phil DeFranco and Tyler Oakley will have to radically alter content or lose a lot of money
>LeafyIsHere will probably kill himself because the alternative is getting a real job
>Almost all YouTube videos will not be made for the purpose of making money
>They will be made for the fun and joy of creating art
>We will enter a new era of YouTube Kino
>The heights of which we haven't experienced since "Unforgivable" and "David Blaine Street Magic"
>YouTube Poop will experience a resurgence
Today is a good day.

>Every other kind of women
Literally turned me gay.

What the fuck is "advertiser friendly" content anyway? And all the guidelines that constitute it seems pretty silly. I don't know why they'd put offensive language like swearing and all that into the guidelines considering all the biggest youtubers out there swear like sailors anyway.

Trying to keep profanity away from art is shitty. It neuters it right out of the gate.

how is this going to kill youtube? the only thing I see these rules stopping are twitch sluts who just show tits for $$$

This nigger built his "career" on misleading thumbnails for years.

Preying on innocent children who just wanted to be bountiful breasted bitches and explore their own sexual gratification.

Imagine their disgust when they were greeted with this ugly mongoloid's noggin?

Absolutely disgusting.

Swearing will still be on the website. They just won't make money anymore.

All those twitch sluts are known for speaking out on controversial topics, aren't they?

They can swear all they want, they just can't make money off it.

If it was all really art wouldn't they starve for it? ;^)

since day I hated it
>hey guys||Whats up tyler here||DID you ever notice how||people are just weird??||LIKE


Happy with that, with the amount of filth on that website maybe kids will no longer be exposed to the pure unadulterated shit of the world.

Sorry I dont wait in a thread for replies like an absolute fucking loser. Heres another You you needy fuck.

Sorry, men are still guilty of feeding those sluts.

Oh that's fine then. Get ready for the rise of uninspired makeup tutorials usurping everything though.

I wonder if this rule will apply to John Oliver and his le epic Trump rants that are always laced with profanity?

This is some fucking Hayes code level censorship. We're officially back in the 1950s.

I'm so happy.

Is that why you keep responding? Next time just call me a cuck, evacuate the thread and save me the second hand embarrassment.

this is exactly correct

this is a loose policy with unknown parameters than could be used to demonetize anything they want. it will be used to "guide the community" by removing the incentives to post controversial videos.

this is plain old censorship in hopes of getting that sjw dollar that had been driven out of youtube in recent years

I'm a lowly pleb on YouTube with about 6k subs, I made about 80 dollars off a video that got 120k views just from adsense.

So I think you could very much make a living from the site with consistent uploads with high view counts.

>agree to a private company's TOS
>get mad when you violate the TOS and the company exercises its legal rights

Now that I think about it this aspect really rubs me the wrong way. The YouTube model killed flash animation as a thing and now it's mutated form might kill comedy channels.

About time this faggot gets shut down

This. Get fucking youtube piss babies

Libertarians need to be catapulted over the wall.

john oliver's primary platform isn't youtube and i doubt he makes any money personally from material of his that gets posted to youtube because HBO has the rights to his show
he gets paid a fixed amount by HBO which doesn't have advertising so why would he care about ad revenue, which he doesn't get, on youtube, which he doesn't post to?

kek kek kek
lol lol lol
youtube fucked em
youtube fucked emmm all


No more for you needy.

I'm okay with that. Some of those makeup and clothing girls are hot.

The only thing that annoys me about Youtube is that it doesn't have real competition.

Every time some BS happens I wait and hope someone who's not a fuck-up idiot will come along and launch a DECENT video hosting site that will kill the monopoly.

They have every right to run their company however the fuck they want, and without any competition they can fuck over everyone and get away with it.

It's not their fault every other video hosting site is a fucking joke.

>They just won't make money anymore.
It appears Philip De Franco still will, just not from YoUTube. He diversified his "business" in other ways i.e. selling apparel, advertising revenue from 3rd parties

Surely he makes more than that? I don't know how their funding system works, but $50,000 for a guy with that many subscribers seems somewhat low.

So you'll be totally cool with it when Hiro sells your info to the highest bidder right?

Or if google decides your gmail contents should just be public information?

John Oliver is just a mouthpiece, it's HBO who profits. And I guarantee that nothing of theirs will ever be demonetized.

This is just an excuse to shut down the incentive to be an independent voice on fucking ANYTHING important. For fuck's sake: Sexual humor, profanity, controversial content? Even prime time network tv doesn't have restrictions like this. Youtube is effectively just giving themselves a broad enough brush to shut down any opinions they don't like.

PornHub has stated that you're allowed to post any videos you weren't allowed to post on YouTube.
Making PornHub effectively the second best video hosting site.

Fuck they should just create a brother site called vidhub or something and try push into another market. If jewtube actually pushes this new shit hard it could be a perfect time to start as well. Really depends on what these new rules mean and how strict they enforce them. Then again the normie cucks probably won't care and nothing will change except jewtube can fuck anyone they want under 'sensitive topics' rule

>nobody has made an alternative to YouTube yet

Sorry, but given the fact that more and more of the western world is welcoming in Muslims, women showing that much skin is pretty controversial, and thus falls outside of the content that is acceptable for monetization policy.