Distance in km

>distance in km

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What kind of a cuckhold are you? Baiting for some (OP)? Admit kilometers are superior.

I'm way too familiar with miles and feet/inches to change. Fucking Americans

The superior system is metric for work and United States customary units for pleasure.


Distance: km
Speed: km
Weight: pounds
Height: feet and inches
Temperature: celcius

imperial scum

>he doesn't use kilofeet and milliinches

>he doesn't use degrees Kelvin

>degrees kelvin

Kelvin is an absolute scale you utter DRUMPF

>distance isnt in angstroms

I will not defend the imperial system except for temperature.

Fahrenheit is the perfect measurement for daily temperature. Fuck Celsius and Kalvin.

>dick size isn't measured using the French pica

Pounds are awful for weight. Otherwise I agree with the leaf. The only thing Imperial is good for nowadays is height and small scale measurement.

Celsius is more logical than Fahrenheit because at standard conditions water freezes at 0 degrees C and boils at 100 degrees C.

>when people erroneously refer to United States customary units as "imperial"

>using anything other than nautical miles

I don't have the meme image for it, but

>0 Fahrenheit: cold
>100 Fahrenheit: hot
>0 Celsius: cold
>100 Celsius: dead

it's literally just celsius with an additive offset of 273.15 (well celsius derives from it but yeah)

benis and subway sandwiches in imperial
everything else in metric

prove me wrong

>he doesn't uses BPM (burgers per minute)

>wanting to impress the Big Strong Americans this hard

>triggering the Australian

please watch our sports

This is a Sup Forums thread now

>not measuring distance in light years

cumon reddit step it up

>watching sports alone at your computer
get fukt

This, it's the only objective measurement system and we should all switch to using it, as well as kelvins for temperature and lunar cycles for time

>choosing to masturbate to pony porn instead

why don't americans celebrate anzac day?

It sounds like you think measuring in meters takes more effort, but it's 100% the opposite, trust me.

well, while the speed of light is objective, does the second actually represent anything other than fraction of one year

Because nobody loves you

turks love us

But what does the year represent?

distance which light travels in a year.

My point is that while speed of light(in vacum) is a good objective constant our unit of time(second) is defined in nature as ""the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom", pretty weird eh?

also sorry i read that as light year not just year

>mohammed in name

maybe on your cold planet

t. T*rkish diaspora

HEEMING for a howling



>0 celsius


what. 0 celsius is a bit nippy depending on the wind

Fuck off, you imperial cuck

>not measuring time in light years

Is this bait ?

to be honest the way anglos pronounce kilometers is kind of cringeworthy

>kailou meetor

the same with europe

in anglo phonetic alphabet the correct pronounciation would be written something like:

I use kg to weigh myself now because stone is useless desu

The yanks use pounds for everything, Euros use kg for everything yet we use some bastardised mix of all three.

>anybody ever using stone outside of comedy skits

>outside of comedy skits


You heard me.

Yeah but I don't understand mate, what comedy skits mention stone?

I was watching Would I Lie to You? the other day, and they used miles instead of kilometers.

Why does this happen so? I was watching France24 this morning, and even they used miles. I didn't even know they had a french word for miles.

Distance: km
Speed: km/h
Weight: kg
Height: m
temperature: Celsius (C°)
1kg=1000g=1 000 000mg
talk about perfection


Op here, can't believe this shit thread is still going.


>0 degrees is really cold
>100 degrees is really hot

Why do Eurotards insist on using such an arbitrary system when Fahrenheit is superior in every way?

benis, Subway sandwiches, elevation on an airplane, bust-waist-hips measurements, and cooking measurements in imperial
Everything else in metric

>8 ounces to a cup, 2 cups to a pint, 2 pints to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon

Why can't Eurotards into simple math???

>16 ounces to a pound, 2,000 pounds to a ton

It's not that hard

Why do americans feel the need to defend their retarded measurement system? If it's so great surely it'll hold up on its own merits?

Why do Finns feel the need to live

Why are americans so fat and uneducated?

Why are Finns so wrong?


Something about metric for fine measurement, imperial for distance or some retarded shit.

It's amazing how such a highly educated people can still be so stupid and ignorant. It's almost an achievement on its own.

It is pronounced more like keelo metre

>5'12 becomes 6
What the fuck
>the abreviation for pound is lb
>feet is based on some man thats not you
literally cuckolding

I don't really defend it, it's just hard to visualize certain measurements in metric after being accustomed to the system for your whole life. I don't even know how america would go about switching to metric at this point.

Every other country had a system before metric.
It should be easier, in fact today, rather than in the past.

>Not measuring time in parsecs