Huffing paint and drinking hard.

Having clandestine fuck sessions with his mom

Building a skate park.

>bam will never be attractive again

Being an earth rocker.

he died

Not hanging out with Ryan Dunn

RIP. no sticky


>muh best friend forever we even had matching tattoos and heart bracelets.

he would have hated this ultra-bitch version of bam and been friends with someone else.


the only reason this ultra-bitch version of him exists is because of the fact he died

earth rocking

nigga he was always an ultra-bitch


i am become phil, eater of worlds

Aging is a horrible thing. I hope immortality and massive body repair happens soon.


Eating and drinking whatever the fuck he wants

not with that liver


Don't worry it won't.

>ywn go back in time, collect all the videos they sent Jeff Tremaine and throw them in the garbage so he could have found funnier people

CKY and that entire group was a fucking mistake.

>Ryan Dunn never died
>been an elaborate prank all these years
>jackass crew gets together
>brings Bam to a field with a familiar figure standing across the grass
>Steve-O tells Bam to go to him
>Bam slowly goes up in shock, realizing it's Ryan
>starts crying tears of joy that his best friend is alive
>Ryan puts out his arms to hug Bam
>sudden eruption of giggles coming from the rest of the crew
>Right before Bam reaches Ryan the grass beneath him gives way
>falls into snake pit




Brandon DiCamillo was literally the only one of these faggots that was funny and they stopped giving a shit about him 20 years ago.

Nikki and her black guy had too big a mouth

He had his moments. A lot of the prank calls were pretty hilarious. But when he was off, it was so terrible it made him just as bad as the others.

their early shit wasn't even funny, it was just retarded.

like throwing that fake body out infront of cars.

He's wasted and wounded

He's cultivating mass


he is turning into his dad holy shit

So do I. It's terrifying.

morphing into Don Vito

He needs to start harvesting.

>Bam's plan since Dunn died

probably breathing heavily

He's in Finland, drinking with bums.

What about Rake Yahn?

>le afraid of mustard and screams a lot man
The rest of them felt bad because he's a garbage person and just threw him into things. Which makes no sense because he's a botanist or something.


It fucking sucked how dico just disappeared. I also wonder what happened between raab and bam.

On the radio show they spoke of an awkward reunion between the two that happened when raab was at a cky band practice that bam dropped in on.

disappointing, what was the point of the therapy show then..

>whatever the fuck I want

I live in reykjavik and I'm still waiting for that skatepark

Rake was obviously way too fucking smart for the show and kind of just got caught up in it through Brandon, I think.

Seems like he played it right, cashed some MTV cheques and now he can settle down into relative obscurity and carry on his career as a scientist with his wife etc.

He cant get on TV in any other way.


He's a chemist actually and the only one in CKY doing well. Raab became a paranoid neet who smokes pot and plays vidya all day.

Chit chattin with fucking nobodies

Yeah, I remember he was crazy smart and had an actual job. Good for him, they treated him like shit to the point where it wasn't funny, but he played along because he didn't want to be alone it looked like.

He's doing whatever the fuck he wants.

In a drunk tank in Shithole, Scandinavia.

>implying he's not getting a grassroots blowjob

Wow Steve-o is looking rough these days

Last I heard he was in Finland making a documentary called Earthrocker about Andy McCoy.

Lol I thought this was Johathan Frakes in OP's image.

I swear to god Bam will kermit suicide when Phil dies.

he looked better when he was younger

>talking shit about based Dico

Those pics..

Eating eggs in his free time


>fake a southern accent
>talk quickly
>talk about nothing while you talk quickly
He was retarded and you are too for liking him.

the fuck's up with you?

He's for real in Finland at the moment, drinking with the homeless bums in the parks. Read from the News that he was thrown in jail for the night by the cops for being too shitfaced and causing problems.

He looks so much like Phil
