Sup Forums confessions thread

Sup Forums confessions thread.

I have never watched a directors cut of any movie in my life.

Other urls found in this thread:

Never watched a single Tarkovsky, or Godfather movie.

Also I think Robin Williams and early Woody Allen aren't funny.

I hardly ever go to theatres now.

Never watched one episode of GoT.

I read the Wikipedia articles for movies and TV shows I haven't seen so I can talk about them on Sup Forums.

Never watched a Harry Potter movie (or read any of the books) and if all goes ideally I never will.

havent watched any of the bourne movies in there entirety

same for the godfather, in fact i probably know more about the godfather from parodies than the actual films

I invented big hand shitposting

I legitimately thought the opening scene of TDKR was really impressive until I found this board a few years ago

>there are literally people who don't watch television or films who only come here to shitpost

I've never seen Titanic, Avatar or an episode of Game of Thrones.

I don't get the hype that surrounds Dazed and Confused and Almost Famous. Everyone seems to love those movies but I would give both of them a 6/10.

I've shitposted about movies/TV shows I haven't seen.

The only movie I've ever seen in its entirety is Addams Family Values.

I'm with you on Almost Famous. That movie is nothing special and stuffed with horrible unlikeable characters.
>inb4 you can enjoy a film with unlikeable characters

It is though. I genuinely enjoyed it first time I saw it. Edge of seat stuff.

What's your point?

i watch the avengers dawn of justice every day

I only come here for the cunny threads.

Ive never seen a directors/movie commentary
Feels bad man, I hear Arnie's are great

The only instance I can think of where a "director's cut" improved the quality of a film immensely, is Blade Runner. In 1992 Ridley Scott released the definitive version which, while the original 1982 film was still great, the director's cut blew it out of the water.

If you ever want to start, I heartily recommend that one.

I think I have shit taste for movies, and I don't give a fuck about what you all think.

Haven't seen a single capeshit movie since The Dark Knight but that doesn't stop me from complaining about how shit they are

I've never seen Bladerunner

I download movies and never watch them
And I pretty much only download shit I have already seen.

I almost like to hoard more than watch anything

Goodfellas is a shit movie.


I havent watched an episode of Game of Thrones, Lost, The Wire etc.

I havent seen The Dark Knight, Interstellar, Memento, Crash, Lord of the Rings trilogy (ive seen part 1), The Hobbit trilogy (ive seen 2 parts) etc.

The list goes on.

The books are pretty good, the later movies are pretty good.

I am from Sup Forums

I enjoy Survivor
The theme song is so good, it gets me pumped as fuck.

I hate Star Wars. The Original Trilogy had good enough ideas, but the movies (specifically ANH and ESB) drag on too long with a lot of boring bits.

Don't watch Blade Runner, it's complete garbage.

Titanic is actually pretty neat, the whole ship sinking is definitely worth watching.
It really makes you feel like you're struggling with the characters and facing certain death.

I rarely shitpost on this board

I enjoyed both MoS and BvS and I don't believe Snyder is a hack.

I watched the Thing commentary with Carpenter and Kurt Russel. Ultra comfy and Kurt cracks jokes the whole time.
Recommend it

>mfw he hasn't seen dawn of the dead unrated directors cut Snyder's masterpiece edition

He is hack. That hacked reality. And directed one of most feminist kino in cinema history which critics and plebs think about as one of most misogynistic flicks ever made by human beings.

I can relate to these.

Go watch the final cut. It's a 10/10 masterpiece.

Hi, here. I've also never watched a director's movie commentary. Although I plan on watching John Carpenter's/Kurt Russell's The Thing commentary as soon as Shout Factory release the 2 disc collector's edition blu-ray.

This one?

Nah, this one. Disc 1 is the movie, disc 2 is tons and tons of special features. It has every old featurette/documentary and a ton of brand new interviews.

Forgot to mention this scan of the movie was overseen by Dean Cundey and is higher quality than previous blu-ray releases although it's sadly 2k instead of 4k. Also, disc 2 has the network television cut of the movie.

The closest things to kîńő I've ever watched are:
>Being There
>Godfather I & II
>The Thomas Crown Affair

If anyone could make some recommendations based off of that I'd be much obliged

I haven't watched a movie beginning to end in three years. I haven't watched tv since the end of season 1 GOT. I spend most of my time playing video games and doing sports. This is my main board starting to become only board.

Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
Lawrence of Arabia
Once Upon a Time in America (either watch the European release cut or the director's cut. The US release cut is fucking terrible)
The Elephant Man
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
The Deer Hunter
The Thin Red Line

I love watching those shitty C-list two-star-rating movies they show late at night on HBO, cinemax, shotime, FLIX, etc. Anything with crime, gunplay, or science fiction and I'm sold.

Watched New Jersey Drive, Internal Affairs, and 187 over the last couple of nights, watching The Prophecy tonight

I got into GoT this year and somehow I'm regretting it for wasting my time

Sounds pretty mad, ill have to check it out

Blade Runner and Alien 1 and 2 is the only sci-fi movies I genuinely enjoyed

Yeah, I'm probably gonna preorder it. I'm hyped for the new interviews and the new Dean Cundey supervised scan of the movie.

I have never seen Field of Dreams or any Indiana Jones movie.

>>I download movies and never watch them
I do exactly the same thing. This also applies to DVDs and Blu-Rays.

I justify it by saying, "oh, well if I ever do want to watch them, they'll be there."

They aren't that good if you aren't wearing nostalgia glasses. The first two movies and books are literally entertainment for children.

The first is worth watching for the visuals and pure comfiness of it all. The rest aren't necessary.

Interstellar is a 5/5

Interstella is a 55/55.

I watched it again today and honestly enjoyed it way more than I had previously remembered.

I'll never not be mad at myself for not getting around to seeing it in IMAX when I had the chance.

My favourite director's commentaries are Evil Dead 2 (Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell. By far the best director's commentary I've ever heard) and Donnie Darko (Director and Gyllenhaal. Just very comfy.)
I'm struggling to think back now as my DVD collection is in another country.

I also like David Fincher's commentaries as he's pedantic as fuck and all the commentaries to the Simpsons and Futurama are great.

Just realised I have The Thing on Blu Ray and didn't yet get around to listening to the commentary.
That's my evening sorted. Cheers!

>Lost, The Wire
Both overrated
>The Dark Knight
Cronenburg's Crash is good -- one of my least favourites of his however. That other one with Matt Dillon was awful.
>Lord of the Rings trilogy (ive seen part 1)
Part 1 is the best. 2 drags and is so self-serious, but ok. 3 is dire.
>The Hobbit trilogy
Avoid. Awful stuff.

So do I. What's so special about them anyway?

In fairness, the scan I have is great. They're just trying to squeeze the fanbase for more money.

despite I often complain about capeshit and say we should talk more about Ozu and other Asian directors on Sup Forums I actually have never watched any movie from them

I bough a ticket to Movie 43

except memento is nolan's worst

Robocop, Solaris, Moon, The Thing, Videodrome, 2001, Minority Report, The Fly, Jurassic Park, Akira, The Matrix.

They're all sci-fi. Surely you like at least one more.

Have you rewatched The Dark Knight lately?
So cringey it is painful to watch. The dialogue is so clunky and I just hate Nolan's demure-Michael Bay style.

I'm shocked he made The Prestige, which is actually good. I hate everything else he did. Memento is just passable.

Interstellare, TDK, TDKR, Following etc. are laughable.

I haven't seen Gone With The Wind.

It's amazing. Get a good 1080p download of it. You won't believe how good it looks. It's like a painting, but with the new scans, it looks as fresh as the day it was premiered.

If you want to hear a good BAD commentary track check out the one for the first Resident Evil movie. Paul W.S. Anderson, Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez shoot the shit about topics only tangentially relevant to the movie for most of the runtime, with Jovovich noticeably growing progressively more drunk as the thing goes on.

It's an absolute trainwreck to listen to, and a perfect companion piece for that piece of shit movie.

This is gold if you like trainwreck directors' commentaries.

>"I've never seen no stars before in a broadsheet review"

Despite all the shit the Dc Extended Universe films get, I genuinely like them and don't geet why they get so much hate. I will acknowledge they have some problems, they're not perfect; but I don't think it's enough to warrant all the shit the movies get.
The memes are starting to get on my nerves. I am so sick of hearing the name Martha at the moment.

If you've seen Star Wars before than you absolutely have