Remember that time Seth Rogen almost started World War 3?

Remember that time Seth Rogen almost started World War 3?

Thank god he did, the Sony hacks were amazing

That was when the democrats controlled the media. Once november 8 hits things are going to change in a major way.

Keep saying that, maybe it will become true.

tfw the Sony hacks led to the Marvel-Sony deal leading to the craptastic diversity flick we're getting

Goddammit Seth! (Or was it Franco trying to sabotage Spider-Man?)

It was a fun flick about friends.

>le media is democrats xDDDD
The people who really control the media love it when you make claims like this. It distracts people from realizing who they are.

This is the end was so fucking great

Only good thing to come out of this is that man-faced bitch Pascal getting btfo

The interview is pure comedy Kino anyone who says otherwise has no place here

Oh thank god other people liked it, I didn't want to be bullied for liking a Seth Rogan movie

Remember when a bunch of people only watched it because it was free

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?


Remember when that was a publicity stunt?

Movie was pretty good though.

They hate us cuz they anus

A sad footnote of history of early 21st history.

I have some hope for Korea and Asia in general but seeing North Korea getting so worked up by a Sony movie disillusion me

I loved this film too

Best Korea is so easy to provocate that at this point literally everyone can start a crysis with them.
Like that tourist who stole a poster
It's not that hard to get into the country, just shoot some fireworks, and wave an american flag. You'll get shot, and they'll say they were attacked by an american spy or something

biggest piece of shit I've ever seen