I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you

>I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you.

What did he mean by this?

>instead of killing harry potter right then and there he left

this triggered me

In the final film he didnt fuck around. He goes for the kill every chance he gets. Why are villains always so retarded and egocentric?

well if you literally just revived and the one person you're after is all by themselves in front of you.. wouldn't you try have some fun with it?

Why not just shoot him in the head?

What was Voldemort's end game anyway? Be evil and kill as many people as possible?

He was the wizard hitler.
Kill all the muggles, more lebensraum for spellcasters!

Cleanse the wizard race by dominating/killing mudbloods and muggles.

But he showed absolutely no regard for wizards, and was more than happy to slaughter them en-masse. Obviously he disliked non-magical people but he wasn't exactly big on magical people either, he just liked them less.

Grindelwald was wizard hitler. Voldemort's goal was to live forever.

He always avoided spilling pure blood if it was possible, see Neville Longbottom.

But yeah he was a psycho only interested in himself and his legacy.

If you weren't retarded and egocentric you would just get a job like a normal person.

>He always avoided spilling pure blood if it was possible, see Neville Longbottom.
He was toying with him.

No, he genuinely offered him (and the Hogwarts students) to join up, seeing as they "had no chance" against him.
Did you read the books? The rebellious students outright say the deatheater-teachers didn't like punishing purebloods.

The death eaters are only tangentially related to Voldemort. They probably really do love purebloods.

They act on their orders. Orders were to keep pureblood collateral as low as possible during the takeover.
Voldemort was egotistical but he did care about cleansing the bloodline since it was what his precious ancestors would've wanted.

Of course he thought generally everybody was beneath him but mudbloods were definitely lowest ranked on his list.

I thought he never really cared about blood purity. I mean the dude was half-blood himself and wanted Lily to join him. He just pretended to care because he needed rich pureblood families to back him but all he really cared about was power.

He was obsessed with his heritage, taking pride in being Slytherin's heir and so forth. Also hated muggles because of his deadbeat father, first thing he did once he was capable was kill his entire muggle-branch of the family for revenge and, more importantly, erase the filth from his bloodline symbolically.

He was a charismatic and powerful kid, he didn't need to pretend anything, people were naturally drawn to following him no matter the agenda. He easily could've had a career in the ministry and become minister if he had set his mind to it.

Doesn't change the fact that he never really cared. He hated
muggles because of his dad and because they were weak but he never angsted about his heritage

Was Voldemort Jewish?

He was having some fun m8 give him a go

The ministry a shit beforehand and orwellian as fuck voldemort did nothing wrong

He didn't angst, he focused on the "good" part, the Gaunts and Salazar Slytherin.
I don't even know what you're trying to say, why would he raise a personal army and make it his life's work to erase all mudbloods and subject the muggles if he didn't care? What else was he gonna do with his life after reaching immortality?
He thought the wizard race was entitled to rule over all others and genuinely wanted to make that happen personally.
Maybe not so much about "helping" the wizarding world ascend but about shaping the world exactly as he personally saw fit and ruling it. Still he could've used any ideology and he chose to go with Slytherin's. Not sure what you're arguing here.

> wanted Lily to join him
Lel what? He was willing to spare her because she was Snape's waifu, he didn't care about her in the least and disposed of her quickly when it came appearant she wouldn't move out of the way.

He never focused on anything except gaining power

He asked Potters to join him three times

He hated to gaunts to.He framed his pureblood gaunt uncle for murder. He only cared about himself. He was a wizard, not a muggle so he needed to believe that wizards were superior to support his own support his complex.