Post your favorite movie. No wrong answers

Post your favorite movie. No wrong answers

Other urls found in this thread:


Lawrence of Arabia.


You must not have watched many films.



>criticises other posters
>doesn't post his favourite movie

oh, you

meme font for a meme movie



Alternatively, he has not watched many good films.

Patrician coming through

>still avoiding committing to the question

Sup Forums is full of you faggots too. Whya re you so scared of other people's (typed out) words, user?


Favorite to rewatch, not the one I think is the best:

Bring It On


Favourite war movie, anyway



Goodfellas and runaway train



He's a causal pay him no mind



get this mook outta here

fuck whitey

fight me

>high school
>tell friends about a good movie
>"whats it called"
>"princess bridge"
>they just laugh and make fun of it/me based on the name

Greatest fucking movie, fuck you assholes


Quality taste

You can't deny that it's a pretty fucking gay name user.

And a movie's title is crucial in selling the film to people.

did he get in a fight with a paint can?

Are they referring to her butthole? I had a butt smelling fetish in like middle school

like avatar right?

everyone wants to go see incarnations of vishnu by that logic


Only autists actually know what an Avatar is.

If anything thay think it's a scifi term for a special vessel for something special.

I hope you get feline AIDS.

>No Country for Old Men

Sorry I can't pick one



Glad I’m not alone.

What movie did you watch?

that is the wrong answer.

Problem Child 2 was better

At least they kept RZA off the soundtrack