Stranger Things Season 2: Three New Major Characters Detailed


>"Casting is already under way for Stranger Things Season 2, and details about three big new characters have been revealed as the search for actors begins."

>"According to TV Line, Matt and Ross Duffer are introducing Max, a "tough and confident" 12-14 year old skateboarding female, whose "appearance, behavior and pursuits seem more typical of boys than of girls in this era."

>"Max's older brother Billy will also be introduced, with the character described as driving a Camaro and being "very muscular and hyper-confident." The third character is Roman, a "thirtysomething gender neutral role" who "suffered a great loss at an early age and has been seeking revenge ever since."

>"Matt Duffer previously said there would be "four newcomers" in the show's second season. A less certain factor is whether Eleven will be making a return, with Ross Duffer saying "we leave that up in the air." The second season takes place about a year after the first season ends."

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Just cuck my show up

Billy's the Missing Brother I guess what's got Billy so spooked?

And wassamatter OP, you don't like tomboys?

Stranger Things 2: Barb returns and rides my dick in the park underneath her dress


So they're replacing El then.

>The third character is Roman, a "thirtysomething gender neutral role"
Jesus Christ, did this shit actually happen during theach 80s?

I liked the show but since they're going full Tumblr with this I'm dropping it.

>The third character is Roman, a "thirtysomething gender neutral role" who "suffered a great loss at an early age and has been seeking revenge ever since."
>"thirtysomething gender neutral role"
>gender neutral role
>gender neutral

>Max, a "tough and confident" 12-14 year old skateboarding female, whose "appearance, behavior and pursuits seem more typical of boys than of girls in this era."

So Mike is really building his harem

That just means they haven't decided on what gender to cast the character as yet you fucking mongoloid, it doesn't mean the character has a neutral gender.

>A less certain factor is whether Eleven will be making a return, with Ross Duffer saying "we leave that up in the air."
Better fucking not.

the show has far fetched shit like demogorgons and the upside down, is it really that inconceivable that they decided to go for a "gender neutral" role, even if to appease SJW?

I think it might could be interesting if done well, why not?

So it's like the cast of Alien, basically.

All it means is the character could be played by a male or female actor, depending on how auditions go and future deliberations. In otherwords, it's not set in stone. I'm more worried about the edgy skateboarding tomboy.

What the fuck does gender neutral even mean?

>I think it might could be interesting if done well

I wonder it it'll have any bearing on the bonus situation

Gender neutral doesn't mean the character has a neutral gender you mouth breathing cocksucker, it means they're letting females and males read for the role and will cast the best actor, regardless of gender, because the gender of the character isn't important to the story they're trying to tell.

>illiterate alt-righters

It might also mean they are keeping the gender of the character a secret for plot reasons.

At first I thought the "Transgen Rights" poster was just a paranoid faggot who stumbled onto a few coincidences.

Now I'm pretty sure he's from the future.

This board calls themselves patricians, yet they love this show which is generic and cliched as fuck

0.01 USD has been credited to your account, please continue to Correct The Record!

it's literally a meme show favored by reddit

Another connection to Alien. Ripley was the same deal.


Guess El is gone then.

pretty much

Nothing about it is generic. Please learn what is generic and what isn't. For instance, your post is generic. Don't talk to me again until you get it right.

You are more wrong than the guy you replied to

Steve and Jonathan about to get cucked.

>a "tough and confident" 12-14 year old skateboarding female
>a "thirtysomething gender neutral role"

it'd be nice if any of the stormfags had an IQ above 60

Who? I only know the names Hopper, Will, and Eleven. The show didn't really bother making me learn anyone else's.

Your reading comprehension is terrible

that's one of the new characters

I can't tell anymore which of you trigger-happy chucklefucks are actually bothered about the "gender neutral role" and which of you are dankly memeing.

So the series is a rotating door of trannies. Whatever, just make it scary this time.

There's this gigantic thing on the internet where people scoff at patterns they notice in fiction now even if it's not something inherently shitty. Pretty gay desu.

neither type have any worth

What if it's a vampire? Would you like a gender neutral vampire?

Replace El with Eli

you guys are retarded.

>The third character is Roman, a "thirtysomething gender neutral role" who "suffered a great loss at an early age and has been seeking revenge ever since."
>gender neutral
He better get constantly shit on like people in small towns did with freaks back then.

Gender neutral as in the actor they hire can be either female or male because they didn't write the character with any specific gender traits.

Not that the character itself is gender neutral, you reactionary fuckwit.

I'll believe that when i see it. It's cuckflix after all.

Second Season Niggeritis - def. notice how, after a great initial season and buzz about a new show catches the mainstream eye, a show's second season seems beset by cast changes and additions: more blacks, more gays, more feminist characters. In every single case, the quality of the show has gone down and never up.

what the fuck is gender neutral

Get ready, it's gonna blow ass and everyone will be arguing about whether or not that's a "contrarian" opinion for a year after S2 comes out

Give ONE example of Netflix being cucks aside from OITNB

As long as Froggo is in it, it will be fine


Seems more like a 70's thing

they already had sprinkles of SJW bullshit like fuck the nuclear family crap and the woman is a better shot. Now it's full blown aids up the ass hole. get fucked Netflix.

Ya got me
I'm a fuckwit
Here's to (you)

this move is too spooky for me

>"According to TV Line, Matt and Ross Duffer are introducing Max, a "tough and confident" 12-14 year old skateboarding female, whose "appearance, behavior and pursuits seem more typical of boys than of girls in this era."

*ollies behind you with slingshot in back pocket and baseball cap tipped sideways while my oversized flannel shirt dangles at my sides covering my STAR WARS tshirt*
*oneshot kills the demigorgon*
"Woah who is this guy??"
"Silly boys..." *i take off my cap to reveal that I am actually a hot girl who doesnt play by the rules*

>like fuck the nuclear family crap
But the main character lives in a perfectly stable nuclear family that isn't vilified in the slightest. Meanwhile at Winona Ryder's house...

>Max, a "tough and confident" 12-14 year old skateboarding female, whose "appearance, behavior and pursuits seem more typical of boys than of girls in this era."
Whatever, I don't mind tomboy characters.
>"Max's older brother Billy will also be introduced, with the character described as driving a Camaro and being "very muscular and hyper-confident."
On the surface, he sounds like a cliche 80s macho asshole but Steve seemed that way and at the end of season 1 he redeemed himself and became a more complex character.
>The third character is Roman, a "thirtysomething gender neutral role" who "suffered a great loss at an early age and has been seeking revenge ever since."
That just means they'll give the role to either a man or a woman.