Star Trek: Discovery

>five months until the debut
>no cast announced
>13 episodes to filming
>still has 10 scripts to write
>the filming even started
>that bad CGI-Spaceship teaser
>still has all the post-production process - effects, editing, music, etc

Guys, this is gonna flop so hard...

Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't know what the word flop means!

Is it still going to be exclusive to some shitty streaming service nobody uses?

If it were a movie, those would be things to be concerned about, but it's a TV show. TV is produced rapidly, shooting for a new season usually only begins 2-3 months before it begins to air (shooting for this fall's shows had just begun around the time of SDCC back in July, for instance). Since this isn't a Netflix show, they won't be filming the whole season ahead of premiere, but will continue writing and shooting well into the airing period.

In the US, yes. In Canada it's on some sort of Canadian Netflix copycat. Literally everywhere else on the planet, it will be on Netflix.

It's coming to netflix along with all the other star trek series.

- The main character will be called Number One and her real name will be a mystery.

- Tobin Dax and Amanda Grayson will be recurring characters.

- The series revolves around the Battle of Axanar.

- Jeffrey Combs will play a Korby android.

- Number One will be a woman of color.

Are we gonna get Star Trek style insane plots? or is all that too silly for JJ fans?

I want another "John-Luke leads a class action lawsuit against Satan" type episode.

>- The main character will be called Number One
This is the only true statement in your post.

>and her real name will be a mystery.
>- Tobin Dax and Amanda Grayson will be recurring characters.
They mentioned appearances as possibilities, not as sure things.
>- The series revolves around the Battle of Axanar.
>- Jeffrey Combs will play a Korby android.
You made this up to excite Sup Forums.
>- Number One will be a woman of color.
You made this up to anger Sup Forums.

what if
Number One is green
bad jokes aside I don't even know what that term is supposed to mean anymore

In America, yes. In most other places it'll be on netflix.

This is going to be complete shit.

I was hyped into oblivion but the more I know the more I'm actually scared. Why did they even choose this fucking time period?
It actually makes no fucking sense. I mean the fucked up nice premises like Voyager and Enterprise. Now they don't even have a good premise.
I'm actually worried

Another daily reminder Enterprise was the best Star Trek series ever produced and that Discovery will have nothing on it.

I'm starting to get sick of this bajorin shit and I only just started season 2. Will it tone down later?

Future seasons have fewer Bajorans, more Cardassians, and a new group introduced at the end of season 2.

>Another daily reminder Enterprise was the best Star Trek series ever produced
stop trolling

This is good to hear. I don't mind Kira but the whole Bajoran culture is just shit. There hasn't been enough Cardassians at this point and the few I have seen have been far more interesting.

I couldn't believe how bad the CGI teaser was. And the only way that ship design and music would make sense is if it was set in an alternative universe where the Klingon Empire and the Federation combined.


you won't be disappointed with based Damar and General Martok

I hear a lot about Dukat doing nothing wrong but I have seen very little of him. Will he become a much bigger thing later?

You could say that, yeah.

in the last season they turn him a bit into a comic villain, but he's still pretty awesome and yes he plays quite a big role at times

I'll look forward to it then. His actor is quite good.

Curses, foiled again by the #2 Star Trek expert on Sup Forums

because it is easy.
they have a starting and ending reference point.
where is if they went after DS9/Voy in time line the would have to deal with continity issues.

>borg are all but ded
>Dominion is beaten
>Klingons are our butt buddies
>everyone in the area got their asses handed to them in the dominion war
it is too much work.
with this time frame they can keep on with forcing fan service in to there like in the first 2 seasons of ent.

Dukat does everything wrong.

You've already seen him do things wrong, like when Odo called him on Skype and reminisced about the time they played Cardassian Checkers and Odo caught Dukat cheating.

keep with it.
Bajorians will always be there.
thou their MUH BAJOR SEEK THE PROPHETS! shit takes a back seat once they settle on the story path they are taking. like s3 on.
but there are some great bajorian characters.

How is it trolling user?

Its the fucking truth.

Damn, I loved that show.

They could've just used the JewJewverse it honestly wouldn't be that hard to come up with conflict.

Same user, same.

...They do seem to be cutting it rather close, don't they?

I believe there's a CBS/Paramount ownership issue that prevents them from setting it in the "Kelvin Timeline".

>Why did they even choose this fucking time period?

Fuller feels there's an important, yet largely unexplored event in that era. At any rate, if you stay in the Prime timeline beyond the ending of Voyager, you've got to deal with the whole Fall of the Romulan Empire fiasco JJ cooked up for Trek 09, and I don't think anyone wants to touch that.

>watching the JJ Abrams movies
>30 whole seconds dedicated to production studio logos
The music keeps having to repeat the same note
I remember it being especially bad in Beyond which has like 5 more studios

So can we all agree she is Space Hillary?

What could that important event that hasn't been covered before even be? Will it be based on a line of writing seen on a screen in the background like Hoshis death or will they just do an asspull that we shouldn't question its continuity like the Xindi?

Mah niggas!

He had better be in std.

Discovery is about 60 years after the last episode of STE, assuming Andorians have a similar life spans to humans. Shran would be about100 years old? So maybe, just maybe. . . .pinkskin.


I meant Jeffrey Combs should be in std in some capacity.

star trek as a story is pretty much a spent force and everyone knows it

we know how humanity got warp drive, we saw the first starship, we know what happens between then and TOS, we know what happens between then and TNG-era and we know the federation btfo everyone else because enterprise showed us the 26th century. there's literally nothing left to cover

They will probably do a mirror universe and a time police one before they finally call it a day.

I'm waiting for an entire one from the little guys perspective, Lower decks as a full run, maybe as an advanced scout that always goes in first to explore dangerous environments before the captain beams down, plants a flag and gets all the glory.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

That's quite possibly what STD will be. The main character is a Lieutenant-Commander instead of a Captain.

Jeffrey Combs on the bridge or we riot


I'm unsure of this, Trek has never had a singular main character before, it has always been the bridge crew. It just seems like they will have to bulk it out with personal drama crap if she is the focus.

What's it like being an idiot?

Idk your weirdo internal politics mean nothing to me, shes more like one of the popes maybe benidict

Read your own article?

It says that he's interested in a woman of color, not that he's cast one yet.


>"You made this up to anger Sup Forums"
- some faggot, 2016

you forgot ">SJWs in space" cuz you know it's coming.

if the captain isn't already a black woman, you know they're going to at least go out of their way to "reference" issues of the day and show that in the distant utopian future the lefty way worked out great and now all humans is holding hands and singing kumbaya!

btw i'm gussing a black lesbian womyn is captain, not that i inherently have anything against all 3 of those things, it's just that you KNOW the way it's presented to us will be >MUH TOKEN DIVERSITY

Dukat literally extends the olive branch to Sisko and the ds9 crew countless times only to be rejected. He deserved his own show

>if the captain isn't already a black woman
Fuller's dream cast is Captain Angela Bassett and First Officer Rosario Dawson

This series is dead on arrival. I haven't seen anything with "CANCELED" stamped on it so strongly since...

This show, three months ago

oh yeah and i bet the highest ranking straight white guy is either an ensign or the lieutenant JG or whatever. cuz you know, in the future the white man has grown to love being ordered around by strong independent POC/womyn/etc cuz hey it's less responsibility for him, and honestly humanity wouldn't have made it that far if pigheaded male chauvinists still called the shots.

again, not that i have any problem with these things on their own merits, but you know it's gonna be portrayed in such a way like "...AND GET USED TO IT WHITE BOY!!!!"

I admit that she _probably_ will be a woman of color, but until it actually happens, we cannot say for certain.

So, yes, user is pulling it out of their ass along with "Tobin Dax and Amanda Grayson will be recurring characters" and "The series revolves around the Battle of Axanar."

Or do you happen to have a source that Jeffrey Combs will play a Korby android?
>Nothing in STD with come close to topping this scene

It's amazing how unforced Sisko and Janeway seem compared to the shitheap media we have today.

yeah you know that'd be swell if you knew it wasn't going to be used in such a way to browbeat today's "white male" like "YOUR TIME IS OVER MWAHAHAHAH!!!!"

i feel bad enough seeing a "black woman captain" instead of just a "captain" but the irony of today's identity politics/movements/etc is that they force you to see things in that way

If the MC is suppose to be Majel we riot

You know the word "autist" gets thrown around a lot here but the shoe fucking fits in your case. Your posts are annoying as shit, shut the fuck up.

He hates Garak so Dukat is probably homophobic.

Post your source that Combs is a Korby android.

Post it now or fuck off.

>>- The series revolves around the Battle of Axanar.

lol did they see prelude to axanar and decide that it was such a good idea they should do it themselves?

what about based gary graham (star of ROBOT JOX) ??? are they gonna forget about him cuz he was fucking with the fan-made BS?

lel we just had the show where the captain is a mysterious woman of color known only as Two

That'd be you buddy

I'm not even the one who made the original claims, you're just that fucking insufferable. I went and dug up Fuller's POC interview and you were like "conjecture and rumor dude lol"

Go fuck yourself :)

They wouldn't, would they?

>consulting with the first black woman in space about who should play the captain in the new star trek movie

that's like consulting with the first person who ever took a shit to figure out who should be the co-star in the next adam sandler movie.

It *is* conjecture and rumor. We still don't know who is playing the lead.

>I'm not even the one who made the original claims,
But you agree that those claims are bullshit, right? Or do you really believe that Combs will be a Korbydroid?

If you agree, then why does it upset you to see that bullshit called out?

Yeah it's in trouble.

Yet people forget that every track series is basically a stumbling retard fest for the first season until they fire some of the writers, do a little recasting and get rid of all the procrastinating idiots they hire to give them a chance.

What really worries me is that they decided to use this as a flagship vehicle for the CBS streaming service. What an absolutely horrible idea. It's too late in the game to compete with netflix, hulu and amazon. It's like when apple released the pippin game console thinking they could compete with the current market.

>we have marathon and.....oh

It was retarded to have the characters be recognized as numbers. When you try to discuss it it's like "wait who the fuck two again? Oh right the captain or something." They should have just put their last names on the fucking pods but these niggas can't write.

yeap. and even tho at the time they were probably technically checking off token/diverity boxes, at least it didn't feel part of some overt social/cultural thing where THEY HAD TO BE [BLACK/FEMALE] OTHERWISE [horrible fate worse than death]

plus you know that given the climate of today's media/culture there's going to be countless interviews/soundbites/quotes about how important and progressive [black womyn] are in STD (nice acronym guys =) --- if we really moved past all the stuff that these ppl claim they're helping us do, then you don't have to go out of your way to mention it and shove it down ppl's throads cuz instead of seeing a black woman you just see a captain, you know, like we did in the 90s.

*was two

my best guess is that it'll come out in time for the proper 17-18 TV season starting in the fall. no way will it be out in january unless they start a lot of CGI/post-production work while they're technically filming later episodes.... after the show starts airing.

Meh by like ep 3 u should know which number is for which, unless your just incredibly dense

Watching the show I ended up learning their names faster than the numbers they call each other even though the numbers are used for 90% of the dialogue. So mentally it's like "Jace Corso, Portia, Marcus, Ryu, Waifu, Black Guy, Kryten"

Sorry but I was too bored to keep track. The pilot is awesome and then the writers apparently lost track of where the show was going by the end of the first season.

Yea for me its Jace, Two, Marcus, Asian, waifu, black guy, robot

If they want to catch the viewing audience it would be best to release it in the winter. They're behind schedule but every trek series has had a rocky start. The worst thing they could do is release it next summer but I'm pretty sure they're going to do just that. I'm very pessimistic about their progress because any trek has enormous production cost. Building the interior of a ship is an extremely difficult thing.

I've talked to carpenters who work on the sets for shows and movies. The producers don't give a fuck how hard it's going to be but then again, these guys are fucking incredible at their ability to put sets together.

so hey i heard this new series is going to be an anthology, like S1 will be 10yrs b4 TOS (maybe axanar?) and it'll do it's thing and tell its story, but then S2 will be.... something else? somewhere else? different time?

with what you point out about trek series = expensive overhead to build all the sets, i can't see them just building up all the sets and shooting ~13 episodes, then either storing them or destroying them as they build new sets for a new ship/cast/crew that takes place at a whole different time.....

so is it possible that "discovery" will end up being semi-anthology in that it's going to spend 1 season telling this story at this time, then maybe season 2 = 5-25 years later where the ship has been upgraded/changed/etc and the crew has some turnover and then it's the same ship/sets but a whole different ballgame?

personally i could get behind the anthology setup where each season you get a whole new ship/crew/story/time-n-place but again, like you said, star trek ain't cheap unless you're doing a fan film (and even then what you don't spend in $$$ is often made up for in time+effort)

>so hey i heard this new series is going to be an anthology, like S1 will be 10yrs b4 TOS (maybe axanar?) and it'll do it's thing and tell its story, but then S2 will be.... something else? somewhere else? different time?
Just a rumor. Might happen, might not.

Fuller actually said at one point that it's not an anthology, but we don't know if he was referring to an episodic anthology (which the series definitely won't be) or a seasonal anthology (which the series might be).

I'm worried because every other trek maintained the same ship. Which means unless they want to hire a constant carpentry team they're going to have to use CGI a lot.

What people love about Trek post TOS is the set pieces. Since TNG it had this really comfortable aesthetic to it and somebody had to build that and put it together. Season anthologies are contrary to that idea when you have to have a new ship every season.

Or else they're going to do something really stupid like refitting that eyesore they call a ship over and over. The last thing they'll do is listen to the fans.

I think the whole anthology thing is a ploy, if s1 sucks they can just move on and say it was the plan all along, if it does well they'll just say 'we like these characters too much!' And keep it going. It's a built in copout basically

This guy sounds like a moron

I agree.

It's their escape plan if people hate the thing so that CBS won't drop the idea entirely.

it's a fucking prequel

right, obviously i'm talking about the seasonal anthology (cuz an episodic anthology seems like a bit much, even beyond production costs.... unless you're telling some epic story that needs some kind of 3-4 episode background/buildup to introduce people/events that will factor in huge to the ~10 episode story after the anthology episodes)

i just think that, example, you do season 1 with the stuff we know... then maybe season 2 happens sometime around TNG/DS9/etc and then season 3 jumps back to pre-archer times and introduces something that comes into play a couple hundred years later in season 4, where it's after TNG/DS9/VOY/movies [which, desu, is where we all want new series to happen.... but now of course since romulus blowing up is canon in the "prime timeline" idk if they'll touch that with a 10 foot pole)

other than romulus being ded (thanks JJ!) is there any other reason why everyone wants to do prequels now as opposed to doing stuff set after the 90s series+movies where, you know, they'd have a blank slate (romulus notwithstanding) to do whatever the fuck they want?

The thing is, we've always said "what if Star Trek was done again but with our current level of CGI?"

People forget the hard things. Makeup still has to be done for aliens, sets still have to be put together by carpenters. It's a big undertaking and if it's delayed then well....that's perfectly understandable. You have to wish that some of the people who used to do it had understudies.

I thought you guys said the head guy was based, he's just some tumblr pandering cuck.

>other than romulus being ded (thanks JJ!) is there any other reason why everyone wants to do prequels now as opposed to doing stuff set after the 90s series+movies where, you know, they'd have a blank slate (romulus notwithstanding) to do whatever the fuck they want?
Fucking stupidass Voyager ending with Starfleet in possession of superarmor, superweapons and superwarp.

He wrote some episodes of Star Trek DS9 and VOY, and some of his episodes were based.

No, some idiots were saying it mostly because people have learned to despise Berman and Braga and their infamous ability to hamstring the writing team with their shitty ideas.

The fans are going to eventually give them (the discovery production crew) feedback that eventually, they'll listen to. Until then season 1 is probably going to be awful which is why they're covering their asses with the whole anthology thing. The "please don't fire me" ploy because they usually don't have good ideas of their own.

Probly gonna delay it. Cuckold antiwhite and antimale casting is a sign of a huge flop, so the kikes will want to be more subtle for the next year or two

I actually think it is because their videogame property for Star Trek Online is doing so well, and it is set thirty years after Voyager. I play and I really like it. I really wish they were doing a TV show set in that time period, but there is some serious shit going on and it wouldn't mesh with a show very well.

The stupid thing about that is that none of the ships in TNG were even CGI.

Which means as awkward as their battle scenes can look, they will NEVER be as dated as the glorious 640x480 unshaded Amiga renderings from Babylon 5.