Why haven't you done this yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you done this yet, Sup Forums?

There's nothing worth watching on it and they make gay commercials like this.


Other urls found in this thread:


I watch Lost and Star Trek on it.

I don't have TV any more.
So I don't see these gay commercials.
Only have Amazon and Netflix.

>that video

I'll take things that LITERALLY never happen for 400 alex

im leeching off of my moms netflix so i might as well have it.
their are a few good series on netflix

>literally Sup Forums's fantasy

Because It's 8 dollars and I'm not poor.

I watch Andy Griffith, Twilight Zone, Star Trek and MacGuyver on the reg.

Plus they have lots of documentaries ave some good series.

Also MST3k is coming.

I'd cancel it a year ago. Amazon Prime might be next but that's too early.

oh i cancelled this shit right after my free trial ended. i was shocked at the poor selection of movies in the catalog. i made a list of about 50 movies ive been wanting to see in the past 5 years, hoping netflix would have them. they had like 2. just fuck this garbage, i wouldnt pay 5 dollars a month for this horrible service.

>stop watching what I don't like

Mark the


Because Narcos comes out tomorrow and is the best show currently on tv.

>implying Sup Forums went to college

Millennials can't comprehend piracy or privacy.

>just pay for it bro
>mom will take care of it
>it's only a few shekels what ma i poor?
>b-but look at the marketing it must be good
>what's that? you want more money? no problem
>here's all my information so you can make better ads to sell me shit

>Nu-male HBO cuck detected.

Go back to watching Game of Plebs.

Netflix is the only one making good content.

It's pretty cheap and convenient for watching things with the girlfriend, or when I am in a hotel for work

Stopped reading there. If you were born in 1980+, then you are a Millennial whether you like it or not.

omg did they ne tflix and chill™ after ?!xDDD ™

Netflix has got me laid several times so I can't really complain about it. although I wish they wouldn't get rid of good movies and keep them on longer like Pulp Fiction which has been on netflix forever. why does pulp fiction get to stay but movies like Apocalypse Now and Taxi Driver get taken off after a month or two. Netflix is also a really good tool for dates if your a poorfag like me.

Because I don't pay for it, one of my coworkers let's me use his account

How can you hate it? It's the latest retarded buzzword. At least it beats the shill and cuck phase. What happened to nigger and retard?

Agreed its only good for poor folks and children.

If i wanted to watch my favorite TV shows two years after they air I wouldn't even be interested. Dont get started on the movies. It is literally worthless.

nope, born 1980. never played pokemon, never watched potter or twilight, my moblie is a CAT s3, never wore skinny jeans or put product in my hair, and i dont give a fuck who nicke manaj is


>being 30+ and on Sup Forums
holy shit please be b8

You will do the same thing, user.

>They should have never made the American version
Would it kill clappers to get used to subs?

I watch 70s, 80s and some 90s tv and try to forget that I'm living in the shittiest era of them all.

Whoa wtf?! Game of thrones is the only HBO show?!

I watch Trailer Park Boys and Columbo.
fuck off nigger

>being underage

youre here forever there is no escape

Good for you, grandpa

You sound like a 12 year old YouTube commenter. Oh wait do you know what YouTube is?

Mad Men
Peep Show
Arrested Development
It's Always Sunny
Bojack Horseman

I'm willing to bet you've never been laid by the tone of your posts.

youll never know the joy of puddi or operation re-nigger ... soz bout dat shitty millennial ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

what is this, Facebook?

Netflix is great, I only have two subscriptions, netflix and spotify, both are worth it.

>There's nothing worth watching on it

>thumbs up if you agree

Dank meme, but that's not what the word 'millennial' means.

>calling someone a virgin on the internet


You seem upset now. Maybe the internet isn't for you if insults effect you so much.

Even my 80 year old grandma knows what youtube is, you retarded faggot.

>Stranger things
>other shit i find just looking around
for $10 a month good quality and no commercials? shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Hol up, you actually have to watch commercials? You jest?

why not just tube+?

>you actually have to watch commercials
hell no. there are no commericals on netflix

>dem fives and eights

Netflix literally just increased my rate from 7.99, my "grandfathered" price to 9.99 and I aint even mad.

Why? First because its 2 fucking dollars and even the whole amount is a pittance.

Second, because there is literally nothing better at the moment. Their worst original series shows are better than the best things on network tv. Its beyond worth it.

>1/200,000,000,000th of a Bitcoin has been depositied into your account


netflix has better quality and if there is a show on netflix it'll play.
some of the streaming sites are a bitch to watch at times.

>all caps typing
You're not exactly helping your case.

>Their worst original series shows are better than the best things on network tv.

i thought that network tv would start copying netflix but they're putting out so many shit-tier shows its horrible.
even HBO, who used to put out some good shows, are now only putting out network-tier shows.

ahhh "thevideo.me" is hd and runs perfect, when that dies .. just darkweb the next one. save yourself 10 bucks?

>mfw i thought it would be more

still at the mercy of the websites.
they're mostly good and i use them for tv shows and movies not on netflix, but i don't mind supporting something that actually works.


>mfw poor people care what I do with MY money

lel fuck you for thinking your opinion matters, it's your fault the world is shit because you're terrible at life and we have to carry you trash, I'd genocide all of you in a second if I could and not miss a wink of sleep.

fair enough, does netflix do bbc / regional stuff? id highly recommend "humans" same guys did utopia a while back

You've got some terrible bait, user.

Also you can have other people on your plan, I pay nothing for netflix because I have a profile on my brothers account and so do other brother and my parents. I'm. Not even being a leech or breaking any rules.


you really have that poor of an understanding of market economics?
>if you overpay for shit it makes everything more expensive for everyone

yeah they've got human in the US.
and it was a good show.
i think it was actually on a cable channel over here too

Fuck off back to /reddit9k/ you embarrassing piece of shit.

Netflix tries to make interesting shows instead of safe, inoffensive lowest common denomintator slop that drugged up elederly people in nursing homes have on 24/7

What part of "I don't give a fuck how much it costs, I want it so I buy it" do you not understand you public school system piece of shit? I don't give a flying fuck what it does to the cost of things for anyone else. That's another thing too, Martin Shkreli is a goddamn national hero. Medicine should only be able to be afforded by the top 5% of the world. That would help cull your peasant numbers as you pop out fifty kids you can't afford and live off the government. Fuck you and die frozen in a gutter.

in reality that guy would never have anyone visit him and probably kill himself

>retard pays for his movies
>says we should die, not him

because netflix consistently put out good tv, uncensored, ad-free for the price of ONE cinema ticket.


It's $10/month you broke son of a bitch

I'm 33 nigger
Fight me

Plus you can watch Netflix by youself

Go be poor on another planet you fucking nigger. I don't care what color your skin is, you participate in niggardly things and therefore you are literally a nigger. By God's grace you will be murdered by a cop tonight.

>still trying to justify paying for netflix


now this douche is a true millennial
good luck when your idiot spawn murder you for their inheritance but are too retarded to plan it properly and get ass raped erry day in prison

i'm 31 fight me!

>Can't refute what I say yet still thinks he's somehow right because he's poor and his mother probably subsisted off a diet of government cheese, cum, vodka, and crack when he was in the womb


Thanks, I will. I just started up Netflix by the way. Gonna watch some stuff. Should be fun.

bitches, im actually from the 80's
bite me

Watching turbo kid now, also trek, scrubs, cheers, and frasier. Get fucked.

>still trying to justify it

tldr, but still rofl

Trips of truth. Burn in hell poorfags.

>Sup Forumseddit gif

Wow, didn't call that one or anything.

Who the actual fuck DEFENDS A SERVICE LIKE THIS ON FUCKING Sup Forums?

>still going

how's paying for your media feel, cuckstar


i like house of cards, that's about it.

Has all these cool girls actually coming over to watch movies and he can only think about the one that he doesn't even know besides that she's hot. Fucking beta


You pay for your internet, don't you?

Feels good. Feels good knowing it comes out of one of my accounts every month and I am not a poor piece of shit so I don't even notice it. Hulu, Amazon Prime, SeeSo, and HBO all come out too. Never even notice it. Meanwhile it's probably a week's pay at your McJob and it doesn't even register with me that it's gone. Not even going to lie, I would legitimately consider suicide if I was you.

Is Popcorn Time safe to use if I have it on a VPN? Are there any other good frontends for torrenting shows and movies?

I wanted to save my parents $120 a month on cable and Netflix by just building them an HTPC with a huge hard drive and installing something like Popcorn Time on it. The VPN service would only be $10 a month (or cheaper).

>born 1980
So you are a millenial.

No his mommy and daddy do that. Same as his video game machines and having the pus filled boils on his fat arse lanced.

no, i'm stealing it

>working a job
>not being rich from IM

you are one of the biggest plebs i've ever come across on Sup Forums

>paying for cuckflix
>not downloading and streaming movies for free


I guarantee you aren't. I have never been more sure of something in my entire life. Post proof or everyone from this moment on will know you're a lying poor piece of shit.

Your entire philosophy is that because you have the money, you should spend it? Stay poor, cuck.

>Not doing both

Lick my pucker frogqueer.