Sup Forumsros we need to come up with a definitive way to beat the stick once and for all

Sup Forumsros we need to come up with a definitive way to beat the stick once and for all

bigger stick

Tell Hillary it has dirt on her.

hydrochloric acid

now we have two stick

but then you have the stick meld with acid and you get acid stick , stick win

what if stick is thrown into the sun?

then stick become microscopic space sticks then they will attack earth and win

perhaps something cold?



the stick would just burn up, it would vaporize, it be nothing, stick lose

i beat the stick almost every night

Tell the stick that black lives don't actually matter.

Call its mom

then stick is cold stick. stick wins

now we have two stick. stick win

Launch it into the sun, easy.

But the stick cums back every morning...harder the night before

Ram up ass.

Liquid nitrogen and solid ground. now stick loses.

Burn it.

now we have multiple stick atoms. stick wins

multiple stick particles. we cannot defeat stick

bring about the heat death of the universe
problem solved

how about we make evil clone of stick on our side? a metal stick?

then stick burn people, stick win

perhaps we can reason with it?

chuck it into the sun

>stickfag not knowing what the heat death of the universe is

Then there 2 stick, stick win

now universe is cold and stick cannot be burned. stick still wins

See, the problem is identifying when the stick is no longer a stick. When it is just a bunch of atoms or particles it isn't a stick, it's just what it is. Sure those atoms and particles can make a stick, but they can also make up ice cream.

It's as simple as burning it, it's fucking wood after all

Let the great council of krypton sentence the Stick to an eternity in the phantom zone and launch the stick along with general zod into space trapped in the phantom zone.

if atoms can make a stick the stick wins

stick still exists in the phantom zone

Perhaps we could try cellular recompisition, then there would be not atoms left from stick, people win


And? It's in the fucking phantom zone...kneeling before zod

we are atoms
we are stick?
stick wins.

no. OP thinks it gives the stick superpowers

but stick still exists



beat yo meat

The next rule of the Internet shall be "ye stick will always win" because this retarded site can't figure it out.

a pure vacuum means there is no atoms, there can be nothing in a pure vacuum, the phantom zone


it does.
stick alway win.

I think user found the answer

burn stick


yet it is still real

Your thread sucks. You burn the stick then it is no longer a stick.

Retard here but how do we make one?

Could a pure vacuum work


but if we have to put the stick in the pure vacuum then it is no longer a vacuum

Your lies have been debunked, read the thread.

turn the stick into a small piece of paper so it is no longer stick

Define reality, time and space in the phantom zone

We need something powerful enough to suck everything out of a single area
Like a black hole, you can make those with a particle accelerator GUYS WE FOUND THE ANSWER WE BEAT THE STICK

paper is now made of stick essence

A pure vacuum will pull the stick out of existence like a black hole but smaller

but its not a stick so stick loses


Whoh, whoh guys. you're going about this all wrong. you cannot defeat the stick. But you can BURY IT!

but matter cannot be destroyed


explain the phantom zone i dont read comics

wait a minute
stick cannot do anything
therefore there is no need for defeating stick
because if it can't do anything it also can't win

Same problem as my phantom zone still exists

You're right, but what happens to matter that enters a black hole (pure vacuum)
We dont know but it's never seen again

Throw it in a black hole

the black hole turns the matter into hawking radiation


maybe stick will be sent to the past and establish a new wood order
stick win every time

>Stick atoms
Fucking kek
Just throw it into a black hole or send it into another dimension. A dimension full of sticks

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. The stick is still out there.. waiting.

How about anti-matter? will OP claim photons still made from stick?

But Hawking radiation is like sound waves and radio waves, they are no longer anything like stick, PEOPLE WIN

OP here, anti matter seems to be the only solution but how do we get anti matter

God I like to see people being smart on Sup Forums

Phantom zone is not our universe. Stick cannot win if no contact can be made unless the sticks purpose is to not make contact. Brainwash the stick into fighting against the stick even if it wins it will lose because it's purpose is now to lose so if it wins it loses so it wins which mean it loses in the end

Stick is beat

We already beat the stick

Yeas, but it is contained. It cannot use any of its evil stick powers.

after much thought, stick wins.

>but how do we make one
Any small enough limited space can be a pure vacuum. Like the space between atoms. The smaller it is the easier it is for it to be one.

Wikia: DC Fan App
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in: DC Database
Phantom Zone
Official Name
The Phantom Zone
Ghost Zone, Limbo, Hyperspace, Underworld, The Land of No Return
Location Details
Earth-One · New Earth · Prime Earth · Donnerverse · Smallville (TV Series) · Man of Steel (Movie)
First appearance
Adventure Comics #283
(April, 1961)

Table of Contents
The Phantom Zone is an interdimensional realm outside the normal space/time continuum. It is a barren and insubstantial null area absent of any physical material. There is only one native denizen to the Phantom Zone, the enigmatic and powerful entity known as the Aethyr.

The Phantom Zone is an interdimensional realm outside the normal space/time continuum. It is a barren and insubstantial null area absent of any physical material. There is only one native denizen to the Phantom Zone, the enigmatic and powerful entity known as the Aethyr. All cause and effect that occurs within the zone does so at Aethyr's capricious whim. People who travel into the negative zone are no longer corporeal and exist only as psychic phantasms of their true selves. Though their minds and personalities remain intact, they can no longer physically interact with any other being. This includes direct physical contact as well as the power of speech. Communication within the Phantom Zone is done so by telepathy. As the Phantom Zone exists outside of space/time, those within it are no longer subject to the rigors of age or illness, rendering them effectively immortal – and they also require no sleep, food or air.

So we would have to cut the stick down to unimaginabley small sizes for it to work

But is impossible to make a vacuum like that.

I think we have done one that leaves 100 molecules per centimeter

Actually it can. That law of reality is more of a guideline than an absolute

Fuck it then fuck the stick,
Put that shit in a magicians hat and it's gone
People win

even better - make the stick unimaginably small, smaller than atoms, maybe sub-particle size
and since the stick is made of atoms, if it's gonna be smaller than atoms, then it won't be a stick anymore because it couldn't be made of atoms no more
>drops the stick

Go to parallel universe
Retrieve anti-matter stick
Introduce to Stick
Watch the annihilation.

and how can we compress all that matter into a space smaller than an atom,?

so like make a stick out of electrons and then say its not a stick anymore?