
what's the most valueable life lesson you have learned so far ?

OP is a faggot

No good deed goes unpunished

Don't jerk off in a public shower


Being proud of, loving, and respecting yourself, are the most important things leading to a happy, fulfilling life.

Also, meditation actually works. You just have to force yourself to be alone in silence for a few hours at a time

9/10 suk balz, but the 1/10 that are great somehow make it worth sifting thru shit to find the gold

"the more people I meet, the more I love my dog"

There's no such thing as free shrimp

Fuck as many chicks as you can. Do not fall in love. Do not get married. Save at least 20% of what you make ever paycheck. Buy a new fucking car. Fuck alcohol. Work on a hobby as much as possible. Don't listen to anything you hear on the TV. Everything you were taught in History class was a fucking lie. Don't ever trust a dude in a suit.

>Say what you mean.
>Do what you say.
>Don't cause unnecessary pain or misery.
>Don't be afraid.

I'm gonna go ahead and do the opposite of this cracker trash's advice

bitches ain't shit but hos an tricks

Don't cook bacon without a shirt on.

Don't trust anyone. They WILL fuck you over the first time it benefits them. Also it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Except rape don't do that

Everyone read Ever Deeper Honesty

its a big shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite, especially you

Wear sunscreen.

Everyone has their own shit going on right? There's no reason to fuck with anyone else's shit everyone just wants to be happy and do the thing they like. Point being as long as you aren't harming anything/anyone do whatever the fuck you want and allow those around you the same.

There is no god, only the universe. We rot in the ground but our energy carries on into other life forms around our corpse.

You come first, family comes second and friends can go fuck themselves.

Don't let yourself be bullied. Sometimes it is necessary to use force. Get laid with a lot of females and don't give a fuck about religion and its moral chains.

no matter who it is, aint nobody ever loved you.

"The only absolute is the indefinite"

Only ever rely on yourself.

Morning coffee and a cig before a hard days work can be its own form of heaven.
Little bits of happiness make up the tolerance to live in a cruel world.

Niggers, natives and mudslimes are the scum of the earth. Trust them the least out of all people.

Woman are cunts they will fuck your friends. Always wear a condom.

Stay away from drugs and shady people
They will ruin your life.

Never rely on anyone except yourself

One night in New Orleans I got wasted and ended up going up to every bum I found on the street and asked them a similar question.

Most of the responses were that they wish they would've fucked more people when they were younger

Terrible advice. Never EVER fuck a chick unless you don't mind taking a chance to end your happiness.


High five. Same as mine.

People will always mess with you. Never let that ruin your life. That was all in the past now

It's all fun and games until you get herpes

dont skimp on good paint

Its true my friend. You'll end up getting ass fucked

In this same vein, you can't expect anything from anyone other than what they habitually do. It is very unlikely that they'll change. You have to change or change to a different relationship if you want a different outcome. This includes family. That's my 2017 life lesson

Die young

1. Cutting out television is the best for personal development and awareness.

2. Don't fucking cheat on your s/o

3. Live and let live. Stop giving a shit what everyone else is doing and do your own things. Which leads me to my next lesson..

4. Social media is actually cancer for you mind and soul. Its developed to hook and herd you. You'd be better off chain smoking cigarettes instead. Better yet, harden up and just stop it.

ET porn is the best

I know it man. Been solo for like 7 years now. Doing well.

perform with precision. dont go too fast and lose control, dont go too slow and lose focus

you're number one goal in life should be to be happy, but you cannot be happy by being selfish. you have to make choices good for yourself and those you care about.

if you dont like who you are, acknowledge that. look at yourself and find what you dont like and fix it. always work to better yourself and always form habits to be the best person you want to be.

people will make you angry and upset, but you have to learn to be better than them. you experience every emotion for a reason. nobody can not get pissed off, but you can see the anger in yourself and find out why its there and work to make things better.

make art.

do good in school, make your own money, get a degree, AND then get married.
also dont trust someone once theyve fucked up once

Oh yeah, also; in the realm of hobbies you're working, do it more than you talk about it.

I lold

You're brain dead

Wear a rubber

Shut Up, Cletus.

Agreed. You're in the early immature stages of Barnabus Stinson. You'll get lonely and grow up.

Don't work more than you have to. You won't get appreciation and people will expect more from you than everyone else.

Don't stick your Dick in crazy


I see it differently. Sing "lean on me" with your best friends and you may feel something else.

Be smart
Be cool
Be smooth
In bed, treat a queen like a hoe and a hoe like a queen.

Never trust a woman, not a single one.

nice fucking digits super Satan

Underrated post.

War has no rules

Depression == apathy == indifference. Life sucks if you don't care about anything. Sometimes it's hard to give a shit, but the more you force yourself to care about things the more natural it becomes and you can enjoy more parts of your life. Yes it makes you more vulnerable but nothing risked is nothing gained.

All solid advice. Tied it up at the end with my favorite. I always forget that.
I think everyone has the ability to create art, but it manifests in different ways. Pessimists don't like to acknowledge dig for their artistic ability.

Don't let your happiness depend on someone else other than yourself.

Siiiiick. Do i win?

Sometimes, there are no right choices. Choosing one thing often means giving up another, if they both happen to be important to you, then that's a real predicament. It's okay to choose the lesser evil, it's much better than never making a choice and losing both. Once you make your choice, know that you've done the right thing and do not let regret and guilt plague you. The last bit is the hardest part.

I've learned that no matter what relationship you may have with your friends, they will always give up that friendship to pursue a love interest.

AVOID Sup Forums
it's full of crappy kids, fat nerds,bullies and pervs. It only will made you think that fuck with traps ang laugh with deads is ok.
Think on the wonderful things you've could do with that time instead.

Fucking in the bed of your pickup truck can be great fun, but some sort of padding is a wise investment, as seen in this gif.

Its a stupid fucking Bhraz Lamon song. Look it up "Sunscreen Song"

This is true.

>implying we didnt know this

Never rely on others

Aw did I hurt a shitty persons feelings lol

thank u that took a while to type :)

Happpines does not truly exists, and everyone is alone, forever.

Dubs of truth


>World is not as good as it seems to be

Momentum is more important than direction


If you want meaning in your life.

1. Do whats best for your immediate family and once you do.
2. Do whats best for your community and once you do.
3. Do whats best for the world and once you do.
4. Do it all in such a way that the future will have a chance.

2nd cousins are ok

user, can I just point out, "has a chance" is easily the strongest in those lines. Chance being the focal point, because we all know as this world stands, future won't get a chance at anything but misery.

the only good post.

All these retards saying : your number one goal is to be happy. If u do this you will be happy. Don't do that because then you won't be happy.

None of them get it yet.

The end is inevitable and you should not fight it.

We are all insignificant and we will all die.

So will society and the world in general sooner or later.

Living in this way is the best way to live with a sense of meaning in your life, which is the question i was responding to.

I assume you're young and facing an immense struggle while you find your place in the world.

dont fall in love. cheat if a better woman comes along.

That first you need to get is money, then use that to get the power.

Only then do you pick a woman. and keep them around til they expire.

When they hit menopause, then you use the money or power to order a hit to take her out.

don't drink and drive.

That's a good one

Don't let anyone you havent met tell you what to do.

Sauce on OP's gif.Now.

i dont know why these other faggots are bashing you, what you posted seems fairy reasonable

Death isn't like in the movies. There is no dramatic climax where the sad orchestra swells. There is some crying but not much. Mostly it's just quieter. They are just gone. And the grief burns slow.

Also: money doesn't mean shit.

That nothing really matters. Not to be edgy, thats just what i learned. Fail a class? take it again. Don't have the money? find a job. Nothing really working out? Kill yourself. Knowing that i can kill myself should all else fail just makes life easier to live

Never tell the truth to a woman.
Tell her either what she wants to hear or what she already believes.
Keep those other opinions to yourself.

That OP needs to stop being a fucking faggot and provide suace on its .gifs NOW

You sound incredibly normal

Not to compare myself to other people

>do good in school, make your own money, get a degree, AND then don't fuck it all up by getting married.

Normie alert?

Around blacks never relax

This hits me hard bro

Steer clear of racists. They are dangerously fucked in the head.