Well, asslord we caught you and your son violating campaign finance laws...

Well, asslord we caught you and your son violating campaign finance laws. You're not going to be in the White House much longer. Well done, asslord. Well done. Now go away forever and don't fuck with my country every again faggot.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dump this Traitor



What's the pay rate at ctr these days?



haha you're silly. I bet you are just salivating over this. I hate to say it but unless this is some other fake news story i am not aware of, he didnt break any law.




we start the public executions. Would you like to go first?

Sorry you fail again stupid liberal democrat. Even alan dershowitz says no law was broken.

all the democrats after they learn yet again, that trump did nothing wrong. hahahahahahaha

Is that what fox is telling you?

Mm.. you fancy ass republicans seem to think that majority of democrats are that upset because of what will happen to us?

Let me tell you something. Everyone I know has a great job with great benefits. We are all wealthy. We all have wealthy parents. We are all democrats because we're not stupid. Once the hammer drops and your health insurance goes through the roof? Mine won't. Your kids are going to have a horrible education? Mine won't. They won't have a chance in hell of going to a decent college? Ah yes, mine will.

I'm so tired of being called a snowflake because I'm upset to see this country go to shit. I can quite easily sit back and stop fighting it because, unlike you, these tax breaks that will happen once it all goes through will make my bank accounts grow, not cause me to go broke.

We're all fighting for your dumb asses, and getting called morons for it. It's pretty special

so scary, a bunch of genderless queers


>6 months later Trump is still president when the next fake scandal breaks out that will totally impeach him this time!

No laws were violated. Sorry butthurt cucklords, go cry about it.


why willy wonka though

democrats are very ignorant.
You can be any gender you want.
Let as many muslims into our country as possible.
Open borders
America is evil.
All white people are racist.

>itt minimum wage neckbeards with a microscopic economic and political footprint arguing about shit that is about a million miles over their head.

All you dumb fucks need to pay attention to this guy:

Cause that's about exactly where I stand. A bunch of retards happy to see their shit catch fire and laugh at the ones that are not actually going to be worse off


Whatever, you worthless piece of white fucking trash


>the country is going to shit because the media told me trump is mean

Country is doing just fine asshole. We have a president who doesn't take shit from everyone, and his alphaness just makes you uncomfortable. fuck off.


Hey there asshat. How bout next time get to the fucking point instead of assuming anyone wants to read all that shit.

Y'all niggas dense.

Trump jr didn't do anything wrong and certainly didn't break any laws.

Sorry whitetrashbro, forgot you can't read

Did that hurt your feeling? Dawww, go have a cookie.

I hope they both get gang raped by Mexicans in prison tbh.

Why do people want Mike Pence as president so bad?

of course you do because you lost the election and dont know how to handle it. your party and beliefs are on the decline. You will actually have to be tolerant now as opposed to expecting everyone else to be tolerant of you.

Oh is it now? Let's see..

Education? Down the drain
Healthcare? On its way
Net neutrality? Pretty much gone
Racism? About as high as it's been in half a decade
Hate crime rate? Through the roof

Oh but right. That's not something you care about.

Guns! Doing great there
Military! Yay more money
Coal!!! Oh fuck that didn't work out, oh well those guys were all fucked anyway

>muh tolerance
I'm not tolerant at all. I'm just intolerant of different shit from what rightists are intolerant of.




yeah trump is fixing those things that obama had run into the ground the last eight years.

hysteria. Education has gone down the drain? In what way, because it's a cool thing to say?

education has gone done because of all the liberal teachers and sjw's and blm on campus running things.

a lot of teachers are democrats and into molesting kids these days.

Racism was a problem cause you had a racebaiting president the past 8 years. Also it is being encouraged to make up stories of racism recently. Your countries education was always fucked, you blaming Trump is indicative of that. Net neutrality also literally nothing to do with him. Your healthcare was a fucking joke. And you find me some substantiated hate crimes that haven't been proven to be hoaxes and Ill eat a dick.

love how all the trumpcucks overlook the deal with net neutrality, really funny
Well hey when all the ISP's stop providing service to this site, at least they'll have to off themselves or go outside and exercise, we might just solve this obesity crises

Hello Russia.

>Foundations of Geopolitics, a textbook for the Russian politburo teaches: "Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."


No dont you get it, even though Trump according to everyone has literally done nothing since he became president managed to ruin every facet of your country, by doing nothing.

It is just a matter of time before trump is jailed for treason, along with the conservative fascists who backed his illegal regime, and our Madam President Clinton will be restored to her rightful Position in the White House. God Bless America, the strongest and most liberal of nations!

Trump could have met with the russians, got evidence against hillary from them, used it in the election to win and still no law would have been broken. you are dumb.

Friendly reminder that Ted Kennedy had direct correspondence with the Kremlin and tried to ruin Reagan's presidency.... But its ok when the libs do it

You can call us whatever the fuck you want, but at the end of the day, you are still just a filthy nigger.

he cut his white house staff down from what obama had, saving 5 million over the next 4 years. Thats something right there. Got other countries to start paying for their share in nato. finally doing something about north korea. etc etc etc.

I missed the part where Ted Kennedy became president.


but but he didnt do anything about gender neutral bathrooms like obama was doing.

i missed the part where that doesnt change what he did

You do realize that Mike "Zap The Gay Away" Pence is the next person in line, right?

i missed the part where trump jr is our president.

But... but muh democrats have more c..college degrees!

>Millions of people who get certifications or specializations for their high skill jobs out of high school and make 70k+ a year with without MUH COLLEGE DEGREE


>Millions of 70k+ debt art/social degrees with no jobs, or real life experience making minimum wage if they work at all mad they don't get free money cause they are so much smarter than those damn no college degree having dumbpublicans! We're the smart ones!

Cringe thread, screencapping for the lulz later.

I missed the part where Trump jr became president

(citation needed)

Did someone say racism?

HAHAHAHAH ruined your little thread OP

Ted Kennedy asked the Ruskies to fix the 1984 election.

Why do liberals like Russia so much?

Sorry to burst that bubble of yours... BUT
Trump Jr is NOT and never has been part of his fathers campaign team or administration... he is 1000000% legal to talk to ANYONE at ANYTIME for WHATEVER reason.

oooops did ur special cnn tell u that m-maybe you guys got Trump??


yeah these democrats are fucking funny when they think they have found something on trump then it turns out to be a big nothing and they cry

At least you learned to change your filenames from


And how much has he spent on living in NYC and always going to his hotel for the weekend? Secret service costs alone have been way higher than what he saved by cutting staff

Oh is it now? Let's see..

Education? Down the drain- you can thank the Democratic party for standardizing school and acting against any and all forms of school choice as to continue to take in mass amounts of money through teacher's unions
Healthcare? On its way- Under Obama care 24million Americans lost access to their formerly premium healthcare plans and the bill was developed behind closed doors, I haven't a clue of what you're complaining about.
Net neutrality? Pretty much gone- I don't think you have an understanding of what 'Net-neutrality' is, cuck.
Racism? About as high as it's been in a decade- Yes, but that pervades the black population, but that's only due to poor public and race relations.
Hate crime rate? Through the roof- cite that statistic go to, 'cause no-one' s buying your bullshittery without solid conclusive evidence of the occurrence of a hate crime.

Oh but right. That's not something you care about. - I care about it greatly, goyim

Guns! Doing great there- Yep.
Military! Yay more money - It's only through a strong militaristic nationalist force that we can survive as a country, a culture and a people.
Coal!!! Oh fuck that didn't work out, oh well those guys were all fucked anyway- Are you speaking of the pipe dream of bringing back far more coal jobs within the next 4-years, for automation has already assumed most positions?

How underage are you?

fuck you. hes the president. you cant tell him where he can and cant live fucker.

Because he's inconsequential. He has hope for a re-election and won't risk doing anything too stupid until second term. Trump knows he's fucked and is cashing out.

that moment when you think the country is in the shit yet its the best its been in your 15yo life, kid.
Grow the fuck up, no one believes you are wealthy with a big wallet... your fat fuck ass is sitting on Sup Forums... u r not successful you're just like every other person here. Stop trying to be something you're not and get over yourself.

Why do liberals fail at literally every damn thing they do?

Good luck raising a family on that 70k anywhere where anyone actually wants to live. You're not wrong about the bunches of morons that get degrees in bullshit, but that's actually more a republican thing to do than democrat and stems from idiot parents forcing an idiot child to go to college and idiot child picking a major that won't have any future but is easy to coast through school with.

underrated post.

Ironically back then the Republicans were the progressives, Teddy Roosevelt passed the Pure food and drug act, he was a "trust buster" regulating unfair business practices. While Woodrow Wilson screened "Birth of a nation" in the white house. Republicans were abolitionists, the GOP was a pretty respectable party until Reagan and his cunt wife fucked it up.

you are so triggered you are about to cry.. hahaha love it.

I always thought the shiny fucking White House is the spot they're supposed to live in. Is that the defense to that now?

yeah heard that bullshit before. Democrats and republicans used to be the opposite and then all of a sudden democrats became republicans..such made up bullshit.

The republicans are progressive now... the left want to turn the world into the middle east where u stone everyone for not following religion... how blind can libs be???

President Trump isn't going anywhere. Get use to it, losers.

you thought by law that the president had to live in the white house or what happens? They throw him in jail? lol

No defense. As expected. Just a worthless piece of shit trying to drag everyone to your level. It's going to get funny when trumpcare is passed and your parents need to get medicine and that's going to be that. Say goodbye to mommy and daddy, they gonna be dead cause of your dumbass


LOL fuck yeah. Liberals and Democrats need to grow the hell up already.

I wouldn't say they want it as much as they won't stop it, because that would be islamophobic

that basically happened to my mom under obamacare but because hes black you guys really love it

Who said by law?

Saying he cut staff and is saving money to praise him but then defending his choice of not staying in the bought and paid for White House while dumping a whole lot money down the drain by living in different places and taking every weekend off? That's some hypocrisy right there

Gee whiz user did that comment make you feel better about the fact your life is going nowhere and you try desperately to prove that at least you're part of a race that has had successful individuals at some point in history?

Can you believe were going to actually see 7 more years of threads on Sup Forums? you think the right wing fuckers are nuts? Just wait till you get a load of a libtard with OCD.

Just five minutes of any kind of research would prove you wrong but reading is hard and Fox News said it wasn't so

but but guys. seriously, this time we have him caught. I know this is like the 20th time we have said that but this time its true. Seriously.

I'm an independent, but tbh I think the whole "you hate white men" and "any gender you want" shit is cherry picking. The majority of democrats don't actually believe in that shit. Seems to me like an easy way for people on the right to strawman the people on the left to make attacking them easier. It's fucking childish. How about you attack the bills that are being proposed by democrats instead of the people that support the democratic party?

Let's be real, the reason you're probably so passionate about politics isn't because you love having an active role in government, but instead because you love arguing with people and trying to prove people wrong. Nowadays, politics has turn into such a fucking set of theatrics. No one gives a shit about their candidate anymore, now people say they love politics because essentially they love arguing with people.

Now everyone that disagrees is a cuck, and anyone that stands with Trump is a nazi. How about we put the retarded fucking labels away for two seconds and focus on the shit that actually matters you colossal faggots

Most of those are either:
Objectively bad.
Completely untrue.
Or good things that were inherited from the last president

Sorry, chap, but unemployment was already at historic lows and that happened under Obama, so Trump isn't getting any credit for it because he didn't do anything.

Quite literally more than half of that list is not true at all.

Example: abortion was tax payer funded.

Yeah no. Planned parenthood performed abortions but they were not funded by taxes. Tax payer money went to everything else like maternity care and checkups.

I'm not going to go through the rest of that list but I truly hope that you didn't just get a TrumpBoner(tm) from reading it because it's mostly horseshit.

Also, memes are not facts

They were two very different parties back then, just look at the achievements of republican presidencies after the civil war and you can see that they were making reforms that the GOP wouldn't do now (curtailing big business by busting up trusts/cartels/monopolies, adding new regulations for food and drug safety/efficacy, sponsoring public works and setting aside land for national parks, etc) shit the GOP wouldn't do today

I say you ead by example. GTFO off Sup Forums because nothing that you're putting forward has any meaning on here. Nothing of any worth will get done on Sup Forums.

See you later.