What does Sup Forums smoke?

What does Sup Forums smoke?


Dick mostly

niggers in the street with my 9mm

No idea.
My country has banned the packet designs


305's and occasionally Edgefields. My smoker friends usually gawk at my choices but I don't really give a shit. Cancer is cancer.

Pall Mall red 100s

Seriously, roll your own. I use to smoke camels. They hiked up taxes here so a pack is like 8 bucks now. Bought a machine for like 35, and get 2 lbs of tobacco for like 30. I remember it coming out to like 3 cents a cig. If Im gonna get cancer, Im doing it economically. Its a little bit different, but you get use to it for sure.

I've tried a lot. I'd have to say that Pall Mall reds are my go to.

I don't, I'm not a degenerate.

Marlboro whites, or anything random else.

Also Snus.

If those are out turkish royals

Can I get that in South Africa?

Sherm and wet, I love it both, nothing like a good old mind wave to give you water mouth

Only angry fucking hillbillies smoke pall malls. Fucking rude ass customers where always pallmall or marblro silver smokers

Cigars, mostly the smoker friendly castoff naturals. Sometimes cigarillos but thats rare. Smoked a swisher sweet for the second time in my life earlier today. Wasn't good, wasn't terrible.

Nothing, I'm not gay, thank you.

>marblro silver

Marlboro Silvers: when you want to look like you're smoking

>Nigger detected

Stuyvesant Red.

Winston 100s

OP smokes dick tho

yeah baby!

Cowboy killers

golden vagina
all the packs in UK are brown tho so a picture would be an anti climax.

I hand roll my own cigarettes, and I've been doing so for close to fourteen years now. I used to buy packs of cigarettes when I first started, but after numerous tax hikes on cigarette packs, I couldn't justify spending that kind of cash on them, so I started learning to roll my own. It's definitely a lot cheaper. You can even buy filter ends for like $1.00 for 100, I don't bother but they are available for those that want them. I can get over 250 cigarettes for about $20 instead of $70+ for a carton that will be gone way faster than the bag of tobacco.

>tfw when I'm OP and you're colourblind. My fingers aren't brown, are they?

I used to machine roll my own, but I only smoke about 6-7 a day these days; I can't keep the tobacco fresh enough to last all month.


What brand snus? What do you think of the American snus like camel vs european like copenhagan?

>Not a nigger
Didn't know that was possible

>American detected

Found the 'murican educated poster

You're doing better than me, I smoke about 25 a day roughly. Have you ever tried putting a small piece of orange peel or tortilla in your bag and sealing it? The dry tobacco will absorb the moisture from the tortilla or orange peel, freshening it. Once the tortilla or orange peel loses its moisture you just throw it away.

>Newfags triggered over a little racism
>Hur durr has to be a 'murican
Go back to 9gag

I used to smoke L&M Turkish blends and American Spirits when sober, however i always kept a carton of Marlboro reds around for when i drink. Haven't had a cig in 2 months now. Honestly quitting smoking was one of the hardest/smartest things i've done


When I rolled my own I was smoking about 15-20 a day. I just can't get over the hump on these last few.

Fucking cuck

Hurr durr, Ima driving my pickup truck with mai shotgun and a budweiser in a red solo cup.

Not an 'murican but i still don't live somewhere i have to fight for food

cool story, bro


American Spirits (light blue)

>implying I have to fight for food
>American education for you

Canadian classics reds

Pall mall are nigger smokes

John Players Standard, Blue, Regular


Winfield blue 20's

Edit: i actually dont smoke them on there own i chop them with weed

Pic related, or Turkish Jade if I'm feeling a little minty

Not OP you replied to, and I don't know if you're trolling, but Copenhagen is American made. Some good Swedish brands are Jakobsson's or General.

pretty much Newports

Newbs on the be ball court




tranny pole.

smokers should kill themselves, no offense

Tiedemanns rod 3.
Rolling my own for the past 10 years or so.

user is woke

we're working on it.

A pipe.
Get on my level faggots.

what color fedora do you rock with your shitty meerschaum?



Camel Crush. I love releasing that burst of menthol midway through the cig.

i'll bet it reeks of captain black ya filthy tryhard

Get outta' here sunshine. We don't allow summerfaggots here.

965, actually


mostly rolling tabacco
fleur du pays is my favorite but i just got myself a pack of camel

I don't

American spirit black pack. I'm trying to quit though, gonna buy a vape soon.


Lucky Strike

These because they taste heavenly

newport soft pack

Anything full flavor preferrably name brand not a fan of the cheaper cigs

Just quit smoking but I loved Marlboro 27s

Why watches at 0 $?

Alot of weed.

>im not an american
>must be the american educational system

Again? Damn dude do you just hit every thread you see?

I'm a homo

Marlboro 83s or Newport non menthol reds

best day ever

Parliament 100's


Oregonfag here, marlboro black 100s you can pick em up for $5 a pack here, nice throat hit, decent taste, smooth drag, i also pipe smoke tobacco as well.

>inafter "roll your own" fags got here

Just smoke out of a pipe if you're going for cheaper. Hobo smoking faggots.

Waddup from joburg. Also I smoke camel filters.

Opium usualy
