Hey Sup Forums, I'm 19 and I do body modification, piercings and tattoos for a living. AMA

Hey Sup Forums, I'm 19 and I do body modification, piercings and tattoos for a living. AMA

>pic related is me

shameless self-bump with more pics of me for those interested.

What happens if you get in a fight? Genuine question. I'd drag you by the nose ring.
I get runny noses all the time, couldn't imagine blowing my nose with a ring in it

Congratulations, you can stick sharp metal objects into your face. While you're at it, how about you stick a large metal bullet right inside of your brain?

When you go to sleep at night how long does it take to remove all that shit


I mean, can we see some dick or wut?

No one cares fag.
Go back to college or something.

where's your dot in the political compass?
lemme guess it's pretty much pic related amirite?

How much money do you make?

Why do you do that to yourself?

Why are you not responding to your thread that you've self bumped, you big faggot?

I bet the first thing you had pierced, was your asshole, by your boyfriend.


When I reverse image search it it comes up for "girl"

Ever see any nice tits or vagoo? Ever tatted someones asshole?

not OP but this is mine

no one is interested


Got any genital piercings?
I have an apadravya.

>implying there is an issue with the libertarian social left
>implying that the Trump-adoring authoritarian right aren't all newfags and normies that flooded Sup Forums post-2012


>implying I'm an alt-right cuck

It feels like everyone and their mom is getting nipple piercings lately. Have you done any? Are they getting increasingly popular, and do you enjoy getting to touch some nice tittays?

>implying that the Trump-adoring authoritarian right aren't all newfags and normies that flooded Sup Forums post-2012
How can you be this fucking summer. Real talk. There's no way you aren't trolling or a legal potato.

And stop being a butthurt libcuck; it's why she cheats on you.

>No timestamp

Nice bait.

you look retarded breh