What movies should i watch during the last few hours of my life tonight?

what movies should i watch during the last few hours of my life tonight?

The Day After Tomorrow

>people take male hurricanes more seriously
What the fuck man

>People take 'male' hurricanes more seriously, study says

they just can't fucking drop it for one single second can they


nothing of a value was lost

Weird, since hurricanes named after women have made the most damage worldwide.

this is so fucking sexist, everyone knows males are the most violent, evil race in humanity.

what are you worried about, florida is literally the country's hurricane shield

Gosh darn those sjws!

Enter the void

St. Petersburg, FL reporting in

It's been nice knowing you lads ;_;



Do you even know what SJW means?

The Perfect Storm

Um, I live in Florida.

So yeah, you're right.

so did he really die or was it just all a DMT trip?

Still much better than GA, MS, LS and AL.

>live where ever growing hurricanes destroy everything once every couple years
>rebuild in the same god damn spot

Almost as retarded as the hicks living in Tornado Alley.


It's like Oklahoma getting worried about tornadoes.

It happens every fucking year, yet people continue living there.

Fucking people living inside a live volcano flip their shit when it erupts. retards.

>Not even American
>Know Florida is a fucking shithole

>tfw no power/water/internet for 3 days because of towns 3rd world infrastructure


I'm from florida and I agree. But fuck you.

Driving to Tallahassee tomorrow from NC and then Orlando on Monday for the FSU game. How fucked am I, lads?

>every year
>hasn't happened in like a dozen years


Hardly everything is destroyed.

>tfw general contractor

god is trying to get rid of niggers so trump can win florida

The worst of the storm is going over north Florida around the panhandle. You might be fucked, bro.

friendly reminder gators will be swimming down your street tomorrow

That is very problematic user. It really triggers me just like everything did in the 90s

>tfw it aims at the west coast of Florida instead of South Florida

Hope that shitty state is finally removed from the U.S

bunch of niggs, old kikes, and rednecks .. fuck em

Say it aint so

Fucking Florida and Louisiana get to have all the fun?

where is the joke


What the fuck? I'm in Estero right now and it's just cloudy with slight breeze. I thought this was just supposed to be a tropical storm.

Blah blah blah. Tornadoes are far scarier. Hurricanes give you all the chance in the world to walk away.

Hurricane Hugh Mungus when?

i'm sure it's just a prank bro. nothing to worry about.

My waifu lives in Florida :^(

>be american

It's heading north, it'll barely touch you.

I'm in St. Pete and the rains/winds just started hitting like 20 minutes ago. We're only getting the edge of the storm though, apparently the eye is well over the gulf right now.

>Category I



>be human

Cool. I was planning on going fishing in the Keys this weekend and thought this would ruin it.

>mfw this hit the west coast of Florida instead of south Florida as initially projected

>Naples never gets hit by anything
>96% white population
>mfw I'm a high paid slave for the jews of Marco Island

harry potter marathon

>living in florida

I hope it wipes out Miami but leaves the rest intact

jesus even the drawing is annoying


naples? you mean that city built between two volcanoes?

watch the Downfall
prepare your own bunker and then prepare for the end. hire a few bodyguards to take care of you and your body.

o user

>live in palm beach
>haven't had a real hurricane in 11 years


Gone with the Wind

The Day After Tomorrow is kino. IIRC they use everything but hurricanes, so there's no time wasted on shit you're gonna get killed by in person.

Are the misfit maniacs in the hot zone?

This. I'm in Cape Coral, just been a rainy shitty day, no storm.

yuropoor here. what are hurricanes like? do you hide in a bunker n shit like in the movies?

before you die

do you have pictures with forearm hair?

>live in New Jersey all life
>go unnaground
>move to fucking florida

you put corrugated sheets over your windows and put your perishable food in coolers, then you just chill. afterwards you get to laugh at all the ghetto houses and trailers that got fucked up and florida gets just a tiny bit whiter.

the northerners had it hard with sandy because their houses and infrastructure weren't built to handle it.

Waterworld. It's educational

>life threatining hurricane
Wouldn't all hurricanes be life threatening?

>tfw sofl and somehow still missed the one hurricane to happen in 11 years

honestly im disappointed af ohana all these alarmist faggots talking about state of emergency and shit, anything sub cat 3 is ezmode for floridians, or at least it used to be. There was a period of time maybe 8 years back where we got hit by 3 in a month, now these pussies by sandbags because the wind hits 15mph

>be american
>wake up
>go outside
>get sucked into vortex

>be american
>get impaled by a signpost flying at 150mph

Key Largo

don't forget the beers and brauts during the eye of the storm where all the neighbors check on each other and party

>worship Jesus
>still get earthquakes and hurricanes

when will Jesus be held accountable for his crimes? His death count is worse than hitler.

Nah, category 1 hurricanes are pussy shit

I would only give a shit if it was Katrina-tier 2bh

It's time to stop

>be american
>get told to stop

>be american
>overdose on cheeseburgers
>get airlifted to the hospital because i'm too fat
>can't fit through the hospital doors
>earthquake collapses hospital

The Water Boy

>saving thumbnails

>category 1

Fuck off


underrated posts

>be american
>local school is the emergency shelter
>teenager shoots the place up
>get shot
>$50,000 hospital bill
>hurricane passes
>go home
>house is destroyed
>looters stole all my stuff
>police says "don't worry brah we are looking into it"
>insurance company says "sir we are well aware you have hurricane insurance but our investigators think a tornado destroyed your home"
>have to sleep in the cuck shed since it is the only thing left standing

underrated post

i bet u wish u had an aquatic waifu now dont u nerd

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

We ran out of names for the things.

We should just call all of them hurricane "FUCK" and start giving them numbers.

every time i see her posted i get urged to watch interracial porn


>Living in Florida

Rest easy knowing that your shitty life will be over soon

OP is overreacting, its only a Category 1 ffs. Florida has survived much worse.

That fucking picture is from CNN, the most reactionary news channel of all time.

who is this memegirl

Yeah but leave it to Australia to make a big thing out of nothing.

fucking delete these lewd posts wtf

>cat 1
>anything worth worrying about

>storms getting worse
>clients getting wealthier
>tfw sell building materials on commision

>tfw you meme people to death

She's not a meme, she is a respected multi gold medalist world record holder athlete and all around pure autistic virgin waifu

6.5/10 would read again