Okay Sup Forums a scammer hit me up on Google Hangouts

Okay Sup Forums a scammer hit me up on Google Hangouts
Dubs decides what is say
I want to lead the scum on
I'm posing as 19 year old Nina From Liverpool


Please Sup Forums let's fuck this sandnigger up

Say you will give money if you get sex

Send me a picture of your dick and I will do it.

She's not asking for money, she's trying to "give" me money


Forgot to add picture

That guy is offering you money and you refuse it?
Are you fucking retarded?

And you are who scammers target
This was a Gmail account created to attract scammers, i just created it then signed up for a bunch of guest books

If he asks for account information, don't accept

Tell him to western union you the money


Fucken 2 in a row

Make a large Amazon wish list that us anons can add shit to and have the scammer buy shit off of it. Or better yet, send them an IP grabber and say that it's a video of you playing with yourself.

Kek I didn't realize. Those were both mine



She hasn't responded, what say?

please respond

Ask her what's wrong with western union




Send him this


>the money is much

Indian detected





Double win


roll for boipussy


Tell me your address and I will deliver THIS package to you; *


what did he mean by this

why don't your deposit your cheque in my cute sphincter

Deposit one feminine penis into my boipussy, scammer daddy

This is fake faggots the word "Active" is partially cut off.

Display setting, I've got it so text like that is outlined, unfortunately it cuts it off, I'll figure out how to turn it off

Where do I find a scammer and how do I get in contact with him on hangouts?

Fuck you

Look up scam-baiting

places like 419 eater have mentors that can help you get started

Let's get her back, should i spam her?

On a side note you wouldn't know how to remove large amount of blood stains from a carpet would you? I mean REALLY large


Dogs, hogs, and bleach




Forgot to attach the picture

Send them this.

Look Pajeet, I'm already rich and white. I don't need your fake money. Go shit in the street you filthy turdskin. Also send me some nudes.

Send some poo in loo pics

OP is kill

OP is not kill, I'm here

send this

Roll dubs and provide some and I will

fucking user you're so lame. Like 5 messages and you already chased him away. Fucking dumbasses

No response from your last msg?


Send this and say: "What if I personally go and get the money and we have a little fun?"






of course the king of the JEWS would forbid scamming

Wasted trips